Minutes of Balliol’s General Meeting 5th Week Hilary Term 2022
1.First motion
The Treasurer, Matt, explained that finances had been in a pretty dire place in prior terms, and that is why Meg Hopkins introduced greater controls over GM spending. A simple majority used to be required, but now spending that runs for the whole year requires two votes.
The current financial situation is strong, but GM motions pass very easily. Especially, this is the case because motions involving spending often find near unanimous support in GMs. Thus, the Treasurer thinks greater controls are required.
Thus, this motion would amend the constitution, so that spending up to £200 would require a simple majority, any spending of £200.01 to £500 would require a 60% majority, and spending of over £500 would require a 75% majority.
This would not involve the bar.
The motion was passed.
However, it will need to be voted on again, as it is a constitutional amendment.
2. Second Motion
The Environment and Ethics Officers propose a motion to install bird boxes on Master’s Field. This is to encourage biodiversity. 250 pounds is needed for this purpose.
Qn: Why these particular bird boxes?
They were recommended by the building manager, and therefore they were chosen.
The motion was passed.
3. Third Motion
A motion was proposed to support more free range eggs at hall. Fran will write a paper and present it to Executive Committee.
Qn: Would it increase costs for Hall?
Yes, but only for the hall, not for students.
It will be emphasized to Fran that prices should not increase.
A comment was made that free range eggs are not more environmentally friendly as stated in the motion (although they can have many other good effects).
A friendly amendment was proposed to change the wording of the motion by scrapping, “and as environmentally friendly as possible”, as to emphasise that this initiative is being undertaken for ethical reasons, not environmental ones.
4. Fourth Motion
This motion is a financial motion to secure funding for Punting in Trinity term, so that Balliol students can punt from the Magdalen Bridge Boathouse for free.
The JCR will book a punt, and it will then be free to use that for JCR members.
Normally, this would be paid through an optional levy in Hilary, but due to good finances the JCR can pay for it through reserves.
Qn: How much does it normally cost? It normally costs 25 pounds/hour.
Qn: Are there any restrictions on how often it can be used? No, but it should obviously be a reasonable amount.
5. Fifth Motion
A motion was proposed to spend money on various items for the new common room in Block A. This common room will be for all JCR members, not just people who live in Block A.
Qn: When would would it close? It would not (as far as we know)
Qn: What If someone makes noise in the common room?
They are putting a permanent porter on that site.
Moreover, soundproofing is generally better in Master’s Field since it is newer.
The motion was passed.
6. Sixth Motion
The President proposed that a newsletter should be started since there is no place, currently, to receive standardised news about the JCR and what goes on.
Since all JCR committee members are already quite busy, a new role will have to be created for this newsletter. It could be handled by one person alone or by a pair running it. It would be good to liaise with the MCR about this as well.
Qn: Will it be bi-weekly?
There is potential for it to be weekly.
Qn: Will there be some executive committee member having control over it? The president would be happy to supervise it .
Qn: When would the role start?
It is unclear but probably from next term.
Qn: Is this a constitutional amendment (thus needing to be approved twice)? Yes
QN: Will it be online or on paper? This is not clear yet.
The motion was passed.