Under section 22(4) of the Education Act 1994 the College has in force the following Code of Practice to ensure that the affairs of the JCR and MCR are properly conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Act and that junior members who do not wish to be members of the JCR or MCR have the opportunity to withdraw from membership without being unfairly deprived of services made available by the College to its junior members.
- The JCR is an association open to all junior members of the College. The MCR is a similar association open to all graduate students. Their main objects are to promote the interests and welfare of and social activities among their members and to represent the interests of students to the Governing body of the College.
- The JCR and MCR have written constitutions, elect officers and hold regular meetings. Membership of the JCR and MCR is automatically granted to all students who qualify for membership. Anyone who does not wish to take up membership should notify the Secretary of the JCR or MCR (as the case may be) not later than the end of 2nd week of Michaelmas Term.
- Membership involves the payment of compulsory levies for a number of purposes.
- The written constitutions of the JCR and MCR contain detailed arrangements for the conduct of elections, the conduct of officers, financial management and reporting, the funding of groups and clubs affiliation to external organisations (including OUSU), and the handling of complaints. The implementation of these arrangements is supervised on behalf of the Governing Body of the College by the Executive Committee.
- The College provides certain social, recreational and welfare facilities for all its junior members, including the use of common rooms and a bar. The services provided by the College are available to all undergraduates or graduate students (as the case may be) on equal terms whether or not they are members of their respective association.
- Complaints about the management of the JCR or MCR should in the first place be made to the President in question. If you are dissatisfied with the handling of any complaint it may be referred to the Dean.
- A copy of the constitution of the JCR and MCR may be inspected in the Dean's office.