1.First Motion
Ollie presented a motion to support the “Little Shop of Horrors” play, which will take place at Queen’s College in the Fellows Garden. It needs a lot of money and grants from various places would be appreciated. 300 pounds is requested from the JCR to be donated to the Eglesfield Musical Society.
Queens College has already given around 6 times the amount of money that is being asked for here. The money is really needed.
The motion was passed.
2. Second Motion
The E & E Reps proposed a motion to support eco-trashing. They requested 330 pounds for this purpose.
The E & E Reps noted that eco-trashing is much more environmentally friendly and will thus be beneficial.
The E & E Reps said they would try to distribute the materials evenly. They will try to ensure this by doing it through a Google form or a similar format.
It should cover any freshers who want it.
Qn: How many people would it cover? It would roughly cover the trashing of 60 people.
The motion was passed.
3.Third motion
Helny proposed a motion to support the “Spilt Milk exhibition”, which is a university-wide exhibition that will take place at St Johns College.
The exhibition is free, so all funding comes from JCRs and MCRs. To be able to put on the exhibition, the exhibition needs as much money as possible. The amount being requested from the JCR is 300 pounds.
The motion was passed.
4.Fourth Motion
The motion proposed seeks to get the master to sign the pledge written by It Happens Here, so that the college is not allowed to use NDAs in cases of sexual assault. LMH has already signed the pledge.
It was stated that NDAs can be used for a lot of various purposes, and that they are really harmful. They are really only supposed to be used in cases of companies where trade secrets are involved. Layla Moran MP is sending a letter on Monday about this issue.
This motion is to put pressure on the master to sign the pledge. This pledge is not legally-binding. It is symbolic.
Point of Support: It is good to hear that there are people who write motions about this issue.
Qn: How do we mandate the master to do this? What can we do afterwards if she refuses?The motion is just to add more pressure.
Qn: Could it be possible for the JCR to mandate what the motion states? Not really. The JCR cannot mandate that.
Qn: Can we put our name on it if the master does not want to sign it? That question can be asked, and perhaps that could be amended in the motion.
A friendly amendment was suggested to the effect that the JCR should take action if the master says no to the demands of the motion.
The motion was passed.