Minutes of Balliol JCR's General Meeting Week 4 Trinity

By Klemens, 23 October, 2022
Date of Meeting

1. First Motion

The motion proposed the banning of advertising fossil fuel jobs via the Careers Service (or the promotion of those jobs to alumni). It was noted that university rules already prohibit advertising jobs related to tobacco. The motion would get JCR to publicly support the campaign for this to happen.

It was stated that the university does not want to do it. However, this could express disapproval and possibly events involving fossil fuels could be boycotted.

Qn: Is the motion encouraging individuals to boycott university-wide careers events? We cannot control individuals, but we can encourage people to support it.

The motion was passed.

2. Second Motion

The VPs proposed a motion for there to be committee sweatshirts. It was noted that, normally, t-shirts are not really visible to freshers. Therefore, the committee should get sweatshirts instead this year. The cost is 9.29 pounds per sweatshirt.

The motion was passed.

3. Third Motion

The cost of t-shirts for incoming freshers has gone up to 5 pounds, but it was 3 pounds last year. The motion proposes to subsidise this additional cost.

The motion was passed.

4. Fourth Motion

The motion was proposed by Hannah, but she could not make it, so Matt read it out for her instead.

The motion noted that the bar does not have a karaoke machine. Normally, the Entz speaker is used along with a microphone found on the day. However, this is not really sustainbale, and it would be better to get this instead. The motion proposes to get an Ipad instead of using Hannah’s laptop. 60 quid on a couple of microphones could be used. They will be stored in a cupboard in the bar.

If bar gets refurbished over the summer, the microphone will be set up so it can be plugged into that system.

The reason the money is being requested from the JCR and not the bar is that the bar has a 20,000  balance with college, but weekly spending is 1200 per week and they are looking to refurbish over the summer. The bar has to be careful with its money, so that is why the JCR is being asked for the money.

Qn: How often will there be karaoke? Maybe once per week.

Qn: Have you asked other colleges if you could borrow their machine? No. Practically, it wouldn’t be feasible.

The motion was passed.