Minutes of Balliol JCR's General Meeting Week 3 Michaelmas 2022

By Klemens, 31 October, 2022
Date of Meeting

1. Motion 1

Money was requested for a theatre production. Some of the money will also go towards investment in a Balliol-owned space. The money asks for quite a large amount since several people from Balliol are involved.

Q- How many people from balliol are involved? Several people. 

Q- Where is the rest of your funding coming from? Everyone from the crew is requesting money from various JCRs.

The motion was passed.

2. Motion 2

250 pounds is requested for the Isis Magazine, an Oxford student newspaper. The Isis always runs the risk of not publishing since funding is limited. The Isis magazine is quite important for Oxford's history, and several people from Balliol are involved. Historically, many people from Balliol have been involved.

Q-Have you got plans to try and make it more sustainable funding-wise? We are in touch with the parent company, but it is quite hard. We are looking to get more funding from colleges.

Q-Why do you run the risk of not printing? Not sure. It is beyond the control of the Editors-in-chief.

Friendly amendment - Amount is increased by 250 pounds. 

The motion was passed.

3. Motion 3

Funding is requested for a student production of a film called 'Breakwater'. Budget is 30,000 pounds. 750 pounds is requested from Balliol JCR's funds. 

Q- Can it say "Balliol JCR funded" in the credits? Yes.

Q- How did they fund the first production? By various means.

Q- How are you doing it for this little (30,000)? It is student-run, so that makes it cheaper.

The motion needs 75% to pass.

The motion was passed.

4. Motion 4

300 pounds is requested for a dramatisation of the poem "Wasteland" by T.S. Eliot. 

Q- What is your total budget? It will probably be around 1000 pounds.

Q- Who else are you asking money from? No one else so far.

Q-  What will you do if you raise more money than you need? The money will be given back to the Balliol JCR, proportionally to the amount given.

Friendly amendment - The amount is raised to 400 pounds, and any unspent money will be returned to the JCRs that have given money, proportionately. 

The motion was passed.

5. Motion 5 

Balliol Sports Day will be on the 19th of November. Money is requested for the coaches to go to Cambridge. 613 pounds is the cost for one coach. 1226 pounds is requested in total. St Johns will cover the cost of food. 

Q- How have you calculated that 70-100 people will go to St Johns? That is what previous captains have told the Sports Reps.

Q- Have you asked St Johns' master for money? No. 

Q- What if there is not enough space on the coaches? The captains are only allowed to bring a certain number of people, not everyone. There is a cap on number of attendees.

Q- Will rowers be attending? We are still waiting on confirmation on which sports will be there. 

Friendly amendment - 613 pounds is granted additionally if more coaches are needed.

The motion was passed.