2016 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 3rd week, Trinity 2016 (2016-05-11)Attendance
Present: Anne Williamson (President), Cealach McKeating (Vice-President (Administrative)), Steven Rose (Secretary), Hugo Monnery (Lindsay), Meg Peyton-Jones (Dr. WHO), James Letten (Dr. WHO), Frederick Potts (Foody), Joseph Lee (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alberto Andrade (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Daisy Cutts (Access and Admissions Officer), Emily Webb (Access and Admissions Officer), Sophie Conquest (Charities and RAG Officer), Rivka Shaw (Charities and RAG Officer), Samuel Gibb (Student Disabilities Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Indigo Wilde (Entz Officer), Matthew Fuller (Entz Officer), Aidan Balfe (Environment & Ethics Officer), Hubert Au (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Laura Bossino (International Students Officer), Nicholas Halterman (International Students Officer), Richard Ware (Housing Officer), Rory Meryon (LGBTQ Officer), Ele Saltmarsh (LGBTQ Officer), Andrew Truong (Website & Computing Officer), Daisy Cockrean (Women's Officer), Rachael Ince-Kitson (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Treasurer), Zachary Leather (Foody), Helen Davies (Sports Rep), Xavier Greenwood (Sports Rep), Saad Hamid (Affiliations Officer), Elliot Jones (Affiliations Officer), Lewis Scott (John de Balliol), Thitapa Haritaworn (Ethnic Minorities Officer)
Absent without explanation: Peter Sayer (Design & Maintenance Officer), Ruby Breward (Design & Maintenance Officer), Simon Kelly (John de Balliol), Chilla Knight (Environment & Ethics Officer)
1. Matters Arising
2. Eurovision [Freddy]
3. Drug testing kits [Richard]
4. JCR food [Molly]
5. Picnic rugs from the Garden Party [Meg]
6. Alternative prospectus funding [Daisy]
7. AOB
Annie welcomed the meeting. She encouraged Committee officers to encourage their partners to attend meetings to continue the good attendance of the previous term.
Freddy asked about the feasibility of screening Eurovision in the JCR, and how this event should be catered.
Daisy Cutts replied that this was done last year, and suggested involving the bar, Pantry, face painting, and a sweepstake.
Hugo asked what day it was; it's Saturday evening.
Annie asked if people had thoughts on foods. Daisy Cockrean very enthusiastically shouted hot dogs. Popcorn was also suggested. Molly suggested combining the screening with an international officers event. Cealach suggested using the event to encourage attendance to the Goat. It was noted that the scheduling of these events complemented each other quite well.
Annie encouraged officers to encourage friends to attend the Goat.
Hugo agreed to 'bring up some drinks and sell them.' Daisy Cutts agreed to facepainting; Molly offered materials for this.
Annie told officers who have other thoughts to chat to Freddy.
Richard told the Committee that he'd like the JCR to buy drug purity testing kits for students to use for the purpose of safety, particularly over summer. He noted that this is something that was discussed last year, but didn't take off due to ideological opposition regarding endorsing drug use within the JCR from some corners. He said that the kits were worth eight quid. He told the Committee that he feels it's unlikely the JCR could discourage use effectively, and this would reduce harm. He also noted that if the emergency services get involved in a case of drug abuse, it is helpful to be aware of what was in the drugs taken.
Molly agreed with Richard that this should be brought to a GM given how contentious this idea was previously. Molly noted that the kits were quite expensive, and people may not appreciate their contributions to the JCR being spent in this way.
Emily asked if the kits were one-use. Richard responded that there exist kits that can get approximately twenty uses from.
James agreed that this should go to a GM, and asked for an outline on the debate previously. Molly told James that it largely centred around whether that this would be condoning the use of drugs by the JCR.
Alberto noted that there exist ethical issues regarding the sources of drugs and hence was opposed to encouraging the use of drugs.
Meg asked how the kits would be distributed. Richard replied that welfare officers could plausibly provide kits anonymously.
Hubert reiterated Richard's point that the kits are important should emergency services be involved.
Molly offered that there would be logistical considerations if the kits were to be used over summer. She suggested that marketing of such a scheme be vetted by Welfare subcommittee. Richard replied that he'd like to work with college on this. Annie emphasised the importance of working closely with college should the JCR decide this is something it would like to do.
Meg asked if college were involved last year; Richard replied that the scheme didn't get off of the ground last year.
Daisy Cutts asked if there were places to access free drug testing kits currently, noting that a second option would be to advertise these places. Richard responded that he couldn't find anything in Oxford that provided this. It was speculated that GPs may be able to provide such kits.
Annie suggested Richard discuss this further with James and Meg to discuss with Bruce and to bring to a GM.
Molly told the Committee that she had a box to keep food in, including JCR and JCR tea food. This would be kept behind pantry. She encouraged officers to check stocks of food before further purchases.
Laura noted that people had been using the microwave to share food, and suggested tying this with that.
It was enquired whether the food was snacks or ingredients; Molly replied that the food was largely JCR tea materials.
James suggested people who host JCR teas use this box to avoid funding their own snacking through the JCR.
Meg told the Committe that she had received a message from Abi that the Garden Party had materials left over that could be donated to the JCR, such as picnic rugs, which could be left by pantry for the JCR to use, and asked for other thoughts.
Cealach noted that they would need to be washed; James agreed.
James asked about the feasibility of using the boxes for international students storage for storing picnic rugs.
James asked for up to twenty pounds to purchase a box for storage.
The Committee passed up to twenty pounds.
Nicky suggested hosting a JCR tea outside to advertise the existence of this; Meg responded that their would be a JCR ice cream sesh which would be ideal.
Daisy Cutts told the Committee that college had agreed to fund the printing of some alternative prospectuses, and thought that the JCR should fund additionally (i.e. college could print 2500; the JCR could top that up to 3000).
She anticipated that there would be issues in asking the JCR for this money as people may believe college should be funding the printing; her response would be that this would be a one off thing, and noted that the alternative prospectuses are relatively new, and college may be wary of funding two prospectuses, one of which currently has not proved it's popularity or use. She noted that the alternative prospectuses were important to give a balanced view.
Emily told the Committee that this would likely to go to a GM. She noted that in the last set of open days, the college saw 5000 visitors across 3 days. She told the Committee that 5000 copies of the college prospectus had been ordered, and noting that this number of alternative prospectuses printed with good quality would be approximately two-thousand and five-hundred pound.
It was noted that the access budget was 'tight.' She told the Committee it would be brought to a GM, and asked the Committee what they thought was reasonable to be asking for.
Daisy responded she believes that asking for two-hundred pound would be reasonable, and asked for the Committee's opinion.
Hubert asked how much printing costed per unit; Emily replied it was two-thousand and two-hundred pounds for five-thousand nice quality alternative prospectuses.
Nicky asked what the alternative prospectus was. Emily replied that there exist prospectuses from the university, from OUSU, a Balliol prospectus introduced this year, and the Balliol alternative prospectus. Daisy added that the college prospectus is relatively academic, and suggested that the alternative prospectus could offer greater perspective on Oxford life.
Annie commended the work done on the alternative prospectus.
She noted that this project was good for college and that there may exist other avenues for funding for the college, as the alternative prospectus would encourage greater applications, though she noted it may require JCR funding to get it off of the ground, but suggested that the GM motion note that the funding would be one-off, and emphasised the importance of noting this in institutional memory.
Hugo asked if the prospectuses changed year on year, specifically asking about wastage. It was responded that the officers were mandated to do a new prospectus every two years, though the current officers were producing a new copy just 'cos. Hugo clarified that it would be the same edition next year; this was confirmed.
Daisy told Hugo that the current prospectus would be out of date with respect to the current Balliol prospectus that's being introduced.
Molly reminded officers to use trigger warnings in emails and on the door of the JCR for public showings of media. She told the Committee that Sam was organising the workshop.
Cealach told the Committee that she still wants to clear out the area next to Pantry but she's quite busy, so asked for help from officers. Daisy Cutts, Meg, Molly, Sam, Hugo, Freddy, Ele, Iggy, and James offered their assistance.
Aidan told the Committee the Xav G would like to pass up to ten pounds for table tennis balls. Annie noted a lot has been spent on table tennis. Richard asked if there were balls in the JCR office.
Sam asked if it was decided to keep balls behind the bar. It was agreed that we have literally no idea.
Aidan responded that it's not that pressing and could be brought by Xav in the next Committee lunch.
Annie suggested the sports officers bring this to college for funding sports, given that they are used for cuppers.
Aidan noted that Keble has introduced meat free Mondays. Iggy offered that this existed in Hall on Fridays. It was responded that Hall is not meat free on Fridays, but veggie friendly. Aidan responded that he'd like for the college in its entirety to be meat free on Monday.
Sam replied that the vegetarian in him would like this to happen, however some people rely on meat for their health.
Nicky asked if it would be possible to structure this in a way similar to the veggie pledge, in terms of positively encouraging people to eat vegetarian. Molly replied that as far as she remembers, this was similar thinking behind changes regarding Hall food.
Alberto offered concerns about the JCR attempting to influence individual life-styles of its members.
Richard suggested this was be easy to institutionalise in Pantry. Freddy responded that it would be something Pantry could look into, though he's not touching Mondays, because removing Mexican Mondays would likely result in his murder.
Annie asked Aidan to investigate this further.
Aidan had a thought at the Garden Party about getting a paddling pool for the JCR to be used not on the Balliol grounds. Daisy Cutts asked how it could be filled up elsewhere. Aidan had no idea.
Annie suggested Aidan take it to Garden Committee to ask if it could be used on the Balliol grounds. Annie offered that the pool wouldn't have to be on the grass.
Molly told the Committee that the study skills session scheduled for tonight would clash with another event, and asked for suggestions for dates; she encouraged use of the JCR calendar.
Molly asked if something was going on Friday. There is. Daisy Cutts suggested using a Sunday; Annie noted there was no GM this Sunday.
Sam noted that last year, affiliations ran an event with JCR officers meeting MCR officers, and encouraged redoing this. Annie replied that the MCR committee was changing soon and hence this would be happening soon.
Annie formally congratulated the Garden Party subcommittee, the Committee applauded.
Annie noted that a referendum would be ran online this week for the Ball, noting that this was taking place in the context of a GM that occurred last year.
Sam asked if this would be before the new freshers. Annie replied it would be would as the subcommittee needs to be elected this term.
Hubert suggested writing a card from the JCR committee to the Garden Party subcommittee.
The Committee passed up to five quid for this to happen.
Daisy Cutts asked if the question would be ball or not, or ball/garden party/nothing. It would.
Annie told the Committee that four kitchens would be keeping hobs through induction hobs, and reminded the Committee to encourage safe use.
She told the Committee that the kitchens in staircases 3, 11, Dicey, and 20 would be keeping hobs. She explained that the kitchen in staircase 22 is tiny so can't be used; the kitchen in staircase 15 is weirdly shaped so couldn't be used. These kitchen would keep what they have but wouldn't get hobs. She noted that the kitchens with hobs had been well spread out.
The meeting was adjourned.