2016 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 4th week, Trinity 2016 (2016-05-18)Attendance
Present: Anne Williamson (President), Cealach McKeating (Vice-President (Administrative)), Steven Rose (Secretary), Hugo Monnery (Lindsay), Meg Peyton-Jones (Dr. WHO), James Letten (Dr. WHO), Frederick Potts (Foody), Joseph Lee (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alberto Andrade (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Emily Webb (Access and Admissions Officer), Daisy Cutts (Access and Admissions Officer), Elliot Jones (Affiliations Officer), Rivka Shaw (Charities and RAG Officer), Sophie Conquest (Charities and RAG Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Matthew Fuller (Entz Officer), Aidan Balfe (Environment & Ethics Officer), Hubert Au (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Thitapa Haritaworn (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Laura Bossino (International Students Officer), Nicholas Halterman (International Students Officer), Ele Saltmarsh (LGBTQ Officer), Rory Meryon (LGBTQ Officer), Andrew Truong (Website & Computing Officer), Daisy Cockrean (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Treasurer), Zachary Leather (Foody), Helen Davies (Sports Rep), Xavier Greenwood (Sports Rep), Saad Hamid (Affiliations Officer), Ruby Breward (Design & Maintenance Officer), Lewis Scott (John de Balliol)
Absent without explanation: Peter Sayer (Design & Maintenance Officer), Samuel Gibb (Student Disabilities Officer), Indigo Wilde (Entz Officer), Chilla Knight (Environment & Ethics Officer), Simon Kelly (John de Balliol), Rachael Ince-Kitson (Women's Officer)
1. Matters arising
2. Committee co-options
3. Non-committee co-options
4. Painting tea dolla [Rachael & Daisy]
5. Table tennis dolla [Ste]
6. Card for Ian [Molly]
7. Nestle [Molly]
8. Whiteboards [Molly]
9. AOB
Annie welcomed the Committee. She noted that the lunch with the Dean had been organised to be on Friday of 6th week, and emphasised the importance of the event for meeting members of the College.
Ste invited nominations for Entz. Matt nominated himself. He told the Committee of his fondness of Iggy's work so far. He expressed that he enjoys organising events, and would enjoy a role that would be useful to the JCR. He suggested that were he Entz, he would aim to make the activities of Entz more open to the JCR with regards to suggestions of events; and that for Freshers' week, he would attempt to institute some sort of transition period of activities after Freshers' week.
Annie invited questions from the Committee.
Sophie asked what was Matt's favourite Entz activity thus far, and also what he would change. Matt replied that he was very fond of the little Entz showings of the Simpsons, and that there wasn't much that he would want to alter.
Cealach asked Matt what his favourite colour was; it's yellow. Ste didn't appreciate this, as “you can't write in yellow; people can't read it!”
Annie asked what non-bop events Matt would like organising. Matt responded that he'd like to build on JCR teas, or more generally events that don't feature alcohol, and perhaps would change venues to attract more people.
James asked if Matt had any bop theme ideas. Matt didn't. He suggested he would quite like a “come from 2009” bop.
Matt was co-opted by the Committee.
Non-committee co-options were delayed.
Daisy asked the Committee to pass £50 for a welfare tea event to celebrate the placing of a painting by Emily Freeman in the Hall.
Meg asked if £50 was warranted. Daisy replied that she agreed that it was a large sum, and that she doesn't intend to spend all of the money.
The Committee passed up to £50.
Ste asked for £15 to reimburse Xav G for purchasing table tennis balls.
Annie suggested mandating the Sports Officers to consider table tennis more strongly, but passing the money in this one instance.
The Committee passed up to £15.
Molly noted that Ian – the head porter – is retiring, and in fact is leaving tomorrow, and hence bought a card for Ian. She asked for up to £5 to reimburse the card.
The Committee passed up to £15.
Molly noted that our Standing Policy features a boycott of Nestle that has been around for a hella 8long time, but keeps getting forgotten. She noted in particular Smarties being sold in the bar. She told the Committee that in the Standing Policy there exists a link to a page about the boycott featuring a list of Nestle products.
Cealach noted that the boycott was reaffirmed in a GM last year.
Annie suggested the Committee read the Standing Policy.
Nicky suggested the boycott be noted on the welfare tea page.
Molly bought some whiteboards to go on the door to the JCR and asked for someone to put the whiteboards up. Daisy Cutts offered to do so. Molly told the Committee she'd be placing whiteboard pens in the JCR office.
Cealach told the Committee that she'd be calling the first meeting of Freshers week subcommittee next week and encouraged Committee members to get involved.
Sophie asked if members of the MCR are meant to be on the JCR page. Annie responded that it is complicated due to 4th years who are both in the JCR and the MCR, and other ways in which MCR members are on the JCR. She told the Committee that she'd considered going through the list to remove people, but thought this may be too much like a purge.
Meg noted that a GM had provided a mandate similar to this; Annie responded that she has a list of JCR members so this could be done.
Annie told the Committee that progress had been made regarding the JCR funded refugee scholarships, in particular she'd been in contact with a few groups that provide support for such projects. She noted that she would be bringing this to a GM, and so encouraged attendance from the Committee.
Annie told the Committee that a Ball would be held in Trinity: 124 first choice for a ball; 25 first choice for a Garden Party; 4 first choice votes for neither.