2016 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2016 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 6th week, Michaelmas 2016 (2016-11-16)


    Present: Anne Williamson (President), Cealach McKeating (Vice-President (Administrative)), Steven Rose (Secretary), Hugo Monnery (Lindsay), Meg Peyton-Jones (Dr. WHO), James Letten (Dr. WHO), Joseph Lee (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Emily Webb (Access and Admissions Officer), Elliot Jones (Affiliations Officer), Rivka Shaw (Charities and RAG Officer), Sophie Conquest (Charities and RAG Officer), Samuel Gibb (Student Disabilities Officer), Matthew Fuller (Entz Officer), Hubert Au (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Thitapa Haritaworn (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Richard Ware (Housing Officer), Ele Saltmarsh (LGBTQ Officer), Andrew Truong (Website & Computing Officer), Daisy Cockrean (Women's Officer)

    Absent with apologies: Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Treasurer), Saad Hamid (Affiliations Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Nicholas Halterman (International Students Officer)

    Absent without explanation: Frederick Potts (Foody), Zachary Leather (Foody), Helen Davies (Sports Rep), Xavier Greenwood (Sports Rep), Alberto Andrade (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Daisy Cutts (Access and Admissions Officer), Peter Sayer (Design & Maintenance Officer), Gaetano Iannetta (Design & Maintenance Officer), Indigo Wilde (Entz Officer), Chilla Knight (Environment & Ethics Officer), Aidan Balfe (Environment & Ethics Officer), Lewis Scott (John de Balliol), Simon Kelly (John de Balliol), Laura Bossino (International Students Officer), Rory Meryon (LGBTQ Officer), Rachael Ince-Kitson (Women's Officer)


    1. Matters arising

    2. International food night money [Ploy & Hubert]

    3. AOB


    Hubert and Ploy asked for the Committee to pass up to £50 for an international food night at which vegan and meat curries will be serves, with proceeds going to charity, anticipating spending around £40.

    Committee passed up to £50 for international food night.


    Daisy asked for money for PS4 chargers and batteries. £6 a charger and whatever for remotes.

    Committee passed up to £25 for chargers and batteries.


    Cealach reminded Committee to encourage people to chat to them about their positions, and to run for Committee. She also encourages husts attendance.


    Cealach told the Committee that she wanted to think about creating some kind of measure which will encourage people to behave with more respect at bops, noting that there were bad vibes from the term before and the past three terms haven’t been grand. She had no current ideas, but encouraged the Committee to think about how this could be improved.

    Sophie asked what specifically made bops so unenjoyable. Cealach responded direct interactions such as swearing, shouting, pushing, reluctance to accept the end of bops.

    James noted it’s a cultural issue from which Cealach had suffered particularly which was negative. He asked if she would hope for a group to think about this, or for individuals to come back with ideas. Cealach suggested the latters.

    Sam asked if it would be possible to shift the responsibility from being the sole responsibility of bops, and instead making it on a rota. Cealach responded that she had thought about this before, however she believed there was no position she could think of that would be appropriate.

    Meg asked if there had been an impact when these issues had been brought to the JCR. Cealach responded that there was a notable backlash in Hilary.

    Matt suggested some problems would always be quite likely, however a lot of the problem comes from a lack of understanding as to what work is involved and why decisions are made. He therefore suggested informing people as to why people had to do what they do – so that people are aware decisions aren’t being made out of pettiness – may be helpful.

    Annie noted Cealach thought about D&M for bop cleanup. She noted with elections coming up, this could be incorporated into their mandate before elections.

    Meg responded that this wouldn’t resolve the issue, rather shift it to another Officer.

    Annie noted that other Colleges have Junior Deans removing people from a bop, which is useful as they hold some higher position of authority. James agreed this would be a good idea. Cealach responded that it may be helpful, however noted that the Junior Deans are disciplinary figures. Annie understood, but suggested that they wouldn’t necessarily be disciplinary.

    Hugo added that the Junior Deans deal with situations in the bar should bad behaviour arise, and it is something that they are quite good at.

    Rivka noted to Meg someone apologised to Iggy after her post last week.

    Cealach anticipated sending an email before the Christmas bop, noting the new Committee will be responsible for the next bop.

    Matt suggested that a lot of people don’t realise what’s involved in ending a bop, but this normally happens at the end of a bop when few people are around, and individual conversations in his experience have proved productive.

    Ele noted that people cluster around after bops while deciding what to do before going out, and suggested that if there was a single club night encouraged after each night to encourage people to leave. Richard noted this used to happen. Matt noted that it used to happen but it lapsed recently. He told the Committee that Iggy had told him that it was a strange layer to add on to bop work, however he believes that informal after-bops are a good idea, however arranging wristbands and deals would be negative.


    Annie told the Committee to update their handovers from their predecessors, and those who hadn’t received them should acutely understand why having one isn’t a nightmare, and hence encouraged them to run.


    The meeting was adjourned.