2017 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 1st week, Hilary 2017 (2017-01-18)Present: Hubert Au (President), Frederick Potts (Vice-President (Administrative)), Thomas Gater (Secretary), Zachary Leather (Treasurer), John Watson (Lindsay), Ele Saltmarsh (Dr. WHO), Alexander Fuller (Dr. WHO), Leah Mitchell (Foody), Alexander Toal (Foody), Kathryn Husband (Sports Rep), Alastair Nicklin (Sports Rep), Luke Chester (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Finn Conway (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Calum Holt (Access and Admissions Officer), Isobel Howden (Access and Admissions Officer), Leon Kidd (Charities and RAG Officer), Rishem Khattar (Charities and RAG Officer), Richard Ware (Design & Maintenance Officer), Juliet Flamank (Student Disabilities Officer), Marianne Cain (Student Disabilities Officer), Steven Rose (Entz Officer), Ellen Cropley (Entz Officer), Felix Heilmann (Environment & Ethics Officer), Simran Uppal (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Suwanja Srikantha (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Amrita Khandpur (International Students Officer), Julia Davis (Housing Officer), Cole Horton (LGBTQ Officer), Antonia Siu (Website & Computing Officer), Laura McMillen (Women's Officer), Monique Keane (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Joshua Jones (Environment & Ethics Officer), Stephen Hawes (John de Balliol), John Maier (John de Balliol), Alexander Gruen (International Students Officer), Pallavi Ojha (LGBTQ Officer)
Committee Lunch Agenda Wednesday 1st Week Hilary 2017
Pilch President
Comrade Shakespeare
Zach (Treasurer) -Arts Reps
Felix (E and E) βUpdate on the E and E campaign
Ele (Dr WHO) βNotice Boards
Welfare Week
TV room Sofa
Izzy (access) -Humans of Balliol β asking committee to take part
Petitioning for funding to send out the prospectuses
Alastair (Sports rep) βSpray and Paper Towels
Matt Fuller -Christmas dinner tickets (refunds)
Cameron (Lord Lindsey) βSundayβs Pub Quiz
Rish and Leon (Charities and rag) βHalfway Hall dates
Hubert (President) βElecting welfare sub admin for fb page
Present and card for Jane Irons
Co-options β
Pilch President
Juliet Is the only person running, Freddie welcomed the committee and asked her to give a short speech. She gave a speech outlining her experience (which was extensive) and then opened up for questions. Juliet left the room, the committee voted. Juliet was duly co-opted pilch prez.
No one is running
Comrade Shakespeare
Olivia Retter was the only person running. She gave a speech on why she loves poetry, how she's written things before, how much she loves Scrawl generally. She's very enthusiastic about the role. Freddie opened the floor to questions β yes she can make a crossword. She left the room, voting ensued, she was duly co-opted as comrade Shakespeare
Entz subcommittee
Vidy is the only person put forward, he really likes better entz, would enjoy bettering entz with better entz that were better. He wants to make drunk people do manual labour. He left the room and was voted in, Vidy is duly co-opted as entz sub committee.
Zach (Treasurer) -Arts Reps
Zach noted that he is currently chairing the arts subcommittee despite not being elected as anything to do with art. He wants to propose either a new role as chair of the committee or cycle through the current members as temporary chair. He's in favour of the former option. Arguments against this is that it bloats committee and there are already too many people on arts subcommittee. Simran suggested Scrawl be expanded, Zach thought this would be an issue because writing would be over represented. Ste thought that important people don't have to be committee people. Richard thought working with the mcr could be good. Cameron echoed Ste's question of why they should be on committee. Zach goes back and forth but thinks turning up every week encourages people to work harder at their role. Ele suggested an analogue with the ball subcommittee, who are non committee but give reports and have a treasurer present to legitimize spending money. Linking welfare and arts was decided to be beneficial β maybe mandate that one welfare person is at each arts meeting.
Zach will take to a GM the motion to:
Create position of arts sub committee leader which arts subcommittee elects. Treasurer will be there. At least one member of welfare subcommitte will be there. The leader is mandated to organise arts week. Make arts subcommittee 'hust' in the JCR so that ordinary members can input.
Felix (E and E) βUpdate on the E and E campaign
They had a great talk raised Β£200 odd, they're having an auction. Lots of other things are also happening. Felix wants to organise an informal subcommittee to organise events and stuff. It was agreed this would be just getting individuals involved in specific events.
They're reviewing the College's environmental policy which is filled with gumf and ideas that never came to anything. They're meeting with the mcr environmental rep. See the appendix for Felix's list of demands for college.
Richard pointed out how difficult it is to get anything done and suggested that these goals get focused.
Ele (Dr WHO) βNotice Boards
expensive covers or cheap covers, cheap covers would break within about a term. Expensive covers are expensive. If we renovated the JCR, which Freddie wants to, then we could have fewer boards with bigger protection. Maybe replace some boards with blackboard paint? Freddie will start work on general jcr renovations and keep ele informed β if we keep the current board we'll use cheap covers, if we reduce them then we will re consider a more durable solution.
Welfare Week
A brief mention for Freshers to know what this is, more updates coming soon.
TV room Sofa
A new sofa is needed after one magically disappeared. Richard will (reluctantly) look into it.
Izzy (access) -Humans of Balliol β asking committee to take part
Alastair (Sports rep) βSpray and Paper Towels
To clean down gym equipment. This is gross. Packs of wipes vs spray and paper towel. Wipes cost more. Spray costs Β£3 and paper towel can be obtained from the head of housekeeper if they are asked nicely. Β£15 was passed to 'make the gym slightly less hideous'
Matt Fuller -Christmas dinner tickets (refunds)
Asking for Β£42 to cover the cost of tickets temporarily, this passed. The money will come back with battels next term.
Cameron (Lord Lindsey) βSundayβs Pub Quiz
It's for charity! Is it bad having it after a GM? Social secs are organising it. Alex wants to sort extra pantry chips going down there. No one objects to it being after a GM
Rish and Leon (Charities and rag) βHalfway Hall dates
No one knows how fixed hall is, Juliet suggested a Matinee instead. If that didn't happen halfway hall could maybe be moved to Monday, Ste says it could be moved to the same date as the bop. The matinee plan was most widely supported.
Hubert (President) βElecting welfare sub admin for fb page
Simran put himself forward, is approachable, can use social media. Is duly co opted as welfare sub admin for the fb page.
Present and card for Jane Irons
This is to thank her for the mess clear up that she did on our behalf over the vac. Ele wants to know if we can stop this happening again β Zach asked if it's interviewees or mess from 8th week. Richard thinks it's both interviewees and vac res people β which is a fairly intractable problem for now. An easily shared present would be good as we don't know exactly who helped. Hubert asked to pass Β£20 and there were no objections
The mid term lgbt/ wadham joint baop / club bop vs jcr bop
Losing out on a jcr bop would be sad, but dates are very tight, and everything is difficult to change at the moment. Joint bop with Worcester 5th week Thursday in a club. Which may or may not be lgbtq. Ste wants to make free.
Affiliations needs filling
We want to fill it but in the meantime we will send committee people, we will advertise the role heavily.
Ball account has not got enough money in it. Turns out we do with the loan, that will be paid back in two weeks.
Women's march needs to be funded, so they will ask at a GM