2017 General Meeting

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2017 General Meeting

    Date: Sunday 2nd week, Hilary 2017 (2017-01-22)


    Hilary Term 2nd Week GM Agenda


    1. Matters arising


    1. Amendments to the Governing Documents


    1. Motions relating to financial matters


    1. Any other motions




    1. Matters arising


    1. Amendments to the Governing Documents


    1. Motions relating to financial matters


    1. Women’s March Ticket reimbursement


    This JCR notes

    • That there was a march yesterday for women’s rights in America under Trump’s presidency

    • That 11 JCR members attended the march, paying £14 for bus tickets to get to London, or between £16.50 and £32 for a train ticket

    • A political campaigns fund exists


    • At the end of Hilary last term there was £472 in the political campaigning fund


    This JCR believes

    • That the political campaigns fund exists to refund people in situations like these


    This JCR resolves to

    • Refund bus/train tickets for all JCR members who attended the march with an upper limit of £20/person  -- Amendment: £14 per person (as the cheapest option)


    Motion passes


    1. Dignity Drive [Cealach McKeating and Daisy Cutts]


    This JCR notes:

    • That many homeless and vulnerably housed people in Oxfordshire have difficulty with regular access to sanitary products while menstruating.

    • That Oxford Dignity Drive, who provide sanitary products for those who need them in Oxford, are currently asking JCRs/SUs for funding.

    • The JCR Tampon Fund currently has around £3200 in it, and has had thousands of pounds in it for many years now.


    This JCR believes:

    • That sanitary products are an essential item for people who menstruate, and that homeless people should not be forced to use unsafe or unhygienic alternatives.

    • That by donating money and by raising awareness, Oxford Dignity Drive will be campaigning against this injustice against homeless and vulnerably housed people in Oxford.


    This JCR resolves:

    • To donate £100 from the Tampon Fund towards Oxford Dignity Drive.


    Motion passes


    1. Any other motions


    Hilary Term 2017 GM 1


    Tech issues, Hubert introduces the meeting, hands out overlarge agendas and then introduces Daisy.


    Daisy introduces the motion, reiterates there is a large fund that needs spending and that the dignity drive is a great cause. Ste Asked if we could do it every year, this was tabled for now but the women's officers might bring it back.


    Hubert asked for points of debate or opposition and there were none. The motion passes.


    Laura and Monique introduced their motion. Hubert opened the floor to questions, Josh asked what the campaign was for: 'a sister march for the one in Washington'.


    It was noted that there are ~£450 in the fund, which was built up over a period of time via an optional levy which no longer exists. It is used reasonably regularly to fund coaches to Yarlsworth.


    Hubert opened the floor to points of debate


    Josh asked if this was a cost effective way to oppose Trump given that he's American and we are not. Monique responded that she felt it would have a major impact when all around the world people echoed each other.


    Zach suggested the amendment that it be restricted to the cheapest method of getting there. The was taken as friendly.


    There was some continued debate on whether this was a good use of money. A few people suggested that regardless of the cost effectiveness it should be a good use of money and that the fund was designed for this.


    Tommy asked if this established a precedent that every march would be similarly funded, it does not as each instance would have to go through it's own GM, preferably before the march happened.


    Hubert called for a vote. This was objected to by Zach, and Hubert asked for a vote on whether we can vote. This passed so the vote went forward. The motion received a majority and passed.