2017 General Meeting
Date: Sunday 3rd week, Trinity 2017 (2017-05-07)Agenda

Trinity Term 3rd  Week AgendaÂ
Matters Arising
Amendments to Governing Documents
Motions Relating to Financial Matters
Tingewick Donation
Save the Bees
Half- Moon Brass
The nook
Yarl’s Wood
Any Other Motions
Mastership (postponed from last week)
- Tingewick Donation- Darryl Braier-Lorimer and Ellouise Bishop passes
This JCR notes that:
The Tingewick Society consists of all of the clinical medics at Oxford University and aims to raise money for two chosen charities over the course of a year by running social events, live music nights, sketch shows and the annual Tingewick Pantomime
The Tingewick Pantomime has been running for over 75 years, is a 4 night production attended by over 1500 people, written and performed by the 4th and 5th year students and has historically raised in excess of £20,000
Throughout the year, Tingewick raises money to cover the ~£5,000 production costs of the Tingewick Pantomime and any raised above the production costs and all money from the pantomime goes directly to Tingewick's chosen charities at the end of the year.
This year, Tingewick's chosen charities are: The Against Malaria Foundation & The International Rescue Committee.
The Against Malaria Foundation is widely recognised as the most effective charity in the world. It distributes long lasting insecticide treated bed nets in Sub-Saharan Africa to those most in need.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) offers both emergency aid and long-term assistance to refugees and those displaced by humanitarian crises, supporting the health, safety, education, economic empowerment and rights of displaced people.
That Balliol JCR has historically supported the Tingewick Pantomime, donating £500 in 2016.
This JCR believes that:
Donating £500 to The Tingewick Society would make a significant contribution towards the £5 000 total required for the production
A donation to the Tingewick Society is an extremely effective and impactful way of donating because the pantomime effectively acts as a multiplier, because donations to enable it to happen result in 3x the donation value from on the night donations.
This is a worthwhile cause because it is supporting the medical students of our college in performance arts whilst also raising huge sums of money for charity.
This JCR resolves to:
Donate £500 to the Tingewick Society to support the putting on of their annual production in aid of the Against Malaria Foundation and The International Rescue Committee.
- Save the Bees- Ellen Cropley passes
This JCR notes that:
You can buy 2kg of smooth scottish river stones on amazon for like £8
You can probably also obtain gravel etc. cheaper by going via the groundskeepers
You can buy shallow bowls for as little as like £10 depending on how big and/or attractive you want them to be
Bees, like most things, require water in order to live
Bees have trouble finding water sources in built up areas and those they can find are often deep ponds, puddles, rivers etc. which mean a high chance of drowning
Bowls full of water with stones in mean bees can perch on the stones and drink with significantly less risk of drowning
This JCR believes that:
Bees are super important for the survival of many things
The JCR is made up of humans, which are one of these many things
The JCR will most likely be happiest if we all survive
Looking after bees is a good thing for both us and the bees
Bowls full of water and stones don't look that bad and could actually look quite pretty
Humans don't like having to travel long distances under dangerous circumstances just for water; bees are likely the same
This JCR resolves to:
Buy or otherwise obtain two or three shallow bowls to be placed amongst flowerbeds around the college
Buy or otherwise obtain stones of various sizes to go in these bowls
Allocate the responsibility of keeping these bowls full of clean water to someone
- Half-Moon Brass- Alex Toal passes
This JCR Notes that:
Half-Moon Brass is a recently-formed group, aiming to rehabilitate brass chamber music in Oxford, consisting in several high-profile players within the Oxford music scene.
It is difficult to fund ensembles initially.
Half-Moon Brass has expressed an interest in playing at the planned jazz night next term, and also at Nepotists.
The JCR music fund currently contains c.£1400
A precedent exists in JCRs funding musical projects, as Worcester College JCR gave the Walton Street Orchestra £150 in Michaelmas 2016.
This JCR passed £200 for the purchase of Panoptica magazines last term, continuing its support for the arts.
This JCR Believes that:
Promoting the expansion of Oxford’s music scene is important.
Half Moon Brass is not only a high-quality ensemble but also expands the diversity and scope of the Oxford music scene.
This JCR Resolves to:
Award Half-Moon Brass £75 out of the current music fund as a one-off investment.
- The Nook- Ele Saltmarsh passes
This JCR notes:
That there is a nook-type space next to pantry.
This area is slightly separated from the rest of the JCR, and hence is quieter.
It also holds the craft cupboard and bookcase.
Because of this, and because it has a very comfy sofa, it is often used by students to relax, read, or quietly chat.
It has an incredibly annoying pipe skirting the edge, which prevents anything being pushed up against the walls.
That the nook is currently quite full of odds n ends and tends to be messy.
This JCR believes:
That it is nice to have a space a little separate from the openness of the rest of the JCR.
That it is especially nice to have a comfortable area with books and craft stuff, if only to create the illusion that we have time to relax.
That the nook could be much nicer.
This JCR resolves;
To pass up to £150 to be spent on refurbishment of the nook, including:
2 beanbag chairs, which are amazing and also will be able to go over the pipe without discomfort (tested using the TVCR beanbag).
An engraved plaque (as in the JCR) reading ‘The Nook’ (open to alternatives).
Either skirting to cover the pipes, or something to stand the craft cupboard and bookshelf on, enabling them to go against the wall (stops them falling over and stuff getting lost down the back).
Re-carpeting or buying rugs to cover the unidentifiable but suspicious stains in the current carpet.
Any other small items that help make the whole place more homely (replacement drawing boards on the walls, maybe art, etc).
Amendment Zack (friendly)
Change resolves to: pass up to £450 to be spent etc.
- Prospectuses- Izzy Howden
This JCR notes:
There are members of the JCR who come from schools from underrepresented geographical regions.
There are members of the JCR who come from schools from underrepresented demographics.
Balliol’s Regional Link area is Hertfordshire, which is where the Outreach Office primarily work.
Many schools do not have designated resources and people to create formal links with Oxford.
The Access and Admissions Committee Role has a limited capacity within which they can act and must often work alongside the College Outreach Office.
The Access and Admissions role does not have a budget to work with. Â
This JCR believes:
It is important and beneficial to reach out to underrepresented demographics.
It makes sense to utilise the contacts JCR members have with their old schools to create links with schools across the country.
When at all possible, it is beneficial to use resources in areas other than the Regional Link area of Hertfordshire.
It is important to use the Access and Admissions role to make schools aware of the function of the Balliol Outreach Office.
This JCR resolves to:
Pass up to £200 for the materials and postage of up to 80 prospectuses to the former schools and sixth forms of current JCR students, along with a letter explaining why they have received it and further ways to contact Balliol and Oxford University.
- Yarl’s Wood- Laura and Monique
This JCR Notes that:
Yarl’s Wood, in Bedfordshire, is one of 11 detention centres in UK which detains refugees for indefinite periods of time, without them having committed any crimes
Yarl's Wood has come under particular media scrutiny because it is the only detention centre in the UK to detain women, and its population is almost entirely made up of women. Abuse of the women inside by guards is common, whether verbal, emotional, physical or sexual, adding further cruelty to an already horrific system.
Oxford Migrant Solidarity are organizing a demonstration called ‘Oxford goes to Yarl’s Wood’ on May 13th
That this demonstration is running under the slogan ‘Surround Yarl’s Wood’, and aims to show the detainees that the protesters care about them, that there are people in the UK who disagree with racist government policy, and who want a society which will keep them safe
That this protest is also a chance to hear from those inside, Â detainees can be spoken to over the phone, and the protests are led by former detainees who often share their stories
That coaches from Oxford to Yarl’s Wood are being arranged by the Oxford Migrant Society, and that the normal price per ticket is £10
That the JCR political campaigning fund currently had £136
This JCR believes that:
The need to shut down Yarl’s Wood is urgent, engaging in the struggle of women and refugees at a direct level
The student movement is gaining momentum in the UK, and now more than ever needs to create and build links with campaigners who have been fighting for many years against the unjust treatment of asylum seekers – the most vulnerable of whom are women.
Providing transport to this demonstration will show the commitment of students to supporting this cause
This JCR Resolves to:
Donate the value of coach tickets of Balliol students who attend up to £120 from the political campaigning fund to provide for coaches for transport.
Support the Shut Down Yarls Wood campaign before and after this demonstration.
 a) Mastership - Hubert (postponed from last week)
This JCR Notes:
That a Mastership Election is upcoming this term.
That the President will meet some of the candidates, and give feedback to the Election Committee.
This JCR Believes:
That, as far as is possible, the best candidate should be chosen for students.
This JCR Resolves:
To discuss what key qualities we wish to see in a Master
To mandate the President, or delegates should the President not be able to make meetings, to recommend the candidate that best fits the criteria in Resolves 1. to the Election Committee.
To be discussed In Camera.
5. AppendicesMinutes

GM Minutes 3rd WeekÂ
Hubert explains that there is no no-confidence motion to be brought today because Stephen and John are stepping down as JdeBs, although they have yet to release a formal statement.
Motion 1: Tingewick Society
Darryl explains that the Tingewick society is a society for all medics at Oxford in years 4,5 and 6. Every year they put on a pantomime, which raises lots of money. Last year £25000 was raised but the production costs need to be covered and last year the costs were £5000. Most of this money comes from donations, often from JCRs from different colleges. Â
Last year Balliol donated £500 and today they are asking for the same amount.
Richard asked what charities the money is being put towards this year. Â
Darryl says the first charity is an anti- malaria charity which buys nets for £2 each and does lots of other work to help save lives.This also improves the GDP of the countries in which it acts.Â
Ellouise says the second charity is an International Refugee Charity and they have choses two international charities for a wider outreach.Â
Zach asks about the pantomime’s other sources of funding.Â
Darryl explains that they carry out other events, such as an open mic night, a ceilidh and a number of bops. There will be another event in September, some members have done the three peaks challenge, and also they receive a lot of sponsorship for names of companies in the programme.Â
Richard adds a point of information that considering the statistics from the against malaria foundation, the money the Tingewick Society are able to donate will save 4 peoples’ lives and this is a good thing.Â
There is no opposition and this motion passes. Â
Hubert then brings a procedural motion to bring mastership motion to the next motion since last week it was postponed.Â
This motion is discussed in camera.
Motion 2: Save the Bees
Ellen says that she would like some bowls with stones in so that bees can drink from them. Bees cannot drink in deep water and often have to go long distances without water in built-up areas. This is one reason behind the disappearance of bees and providing a shorter distance between water sources is good. The cost she is asking for depends on what the JCR is looking for. For example, she is happy with simple bowls but if people want more aesthetically-pleasing bowls then this will cost more.Â
Richard asks if Ellen has talked to the gardeners about this.Â
Ellen says that she hasn’t because she wasn’t sure if that was the done thing. She will email/ try to speak to them, especially the head gardener. She assures Alex that this won’t conflict with her role as Comrade Tortoise. Â
Ele explains that a few years ago the JCR got an insect house and asks if we could look at getting one of these again. Ellen says she doesn’t see why not.Â
Richard says that the best thing to do is to talk to the gardeners/ fellows first to see if this is allowed and will they fund it.Â
Zach asks who the ‘someone’ is that would have to look after the bowls/bees.Â
Ellen says it could be anyone and she would be happy to do it.Â
It is also suggested by Richard that it could be given to Environment and Ethics.Â
Meg asks what is the source for bees drowning in deep water and Ellen replies that she has a bowl at home and sees that the bees use it.Â
No opposition to mandate Ellen to go and talk to gardeners.Â
Motion passes.Â
Motion 3: Half-Moon Brass
Alex says that this term, very good players from across the University have joined together to make a new small brass group. He explains that it is difficult to get funding for new groups, especially smaller groups and since they are not an orchestra, they struggle to get centralised funding form the university. Getting money from college JCRs is therefore the best way to fundraise and could be useful for the diversity of music. It especially could help Balliol since we are a very musical college and encouraging music is good.Â
Richard asks why brass chamber music needs rehabilitating and Alex replies that chamber music is doing poorly in general. Â
Richard asks if the chamber group performs classical chamber music and Alex says yes, although they are also looking to perform some jazz stuff.Â
Julia asks what the money is needed for. Alex replies that it is for scores (since copyright is very expensive) and booking venues, which then means they can perform concerts and generate revenue to put back into the group.Â
No opposition, so the motion passes.Â
Motion 4: The nook
Ele explains that she would like to pass money for the refurbishment for the ‘nook’, which she calls the area of the JCR next to pantry. She would like a plaque, and some other bit and pieces, like beanbag chairs which can go over the side bit and pipes. She thinks this will make it into a quieter reading space, as there is lots of relaxing and sleeping here. The bookshelf could also be used more if people could read there casually. Also, the floor needs cleaning and re-carpeting and things get stuck behind the bookcase and craft cupboard. Ele says that she is good at handicrafts and so would be happy to do it all and believes she can get maintenance to help out if it’s needed.
Richard asks if there is any other furniture needed such as tables and sofas and Ele replies that the sofa is currently okay, she was thinking more about the beanbags and sorting out the craft cupboard. Ele also explains that the plaque will be similar to that saying Norway Room in the JCR.Â
Richard then asks about the JCR refurbishment group and them getting invoked and Freddy says that this has stalled a little and will more realistically be sorted over the Christmas vac.
Julia asks if having beanbags will break the pipes that are around the edge of the nook and Ele says that she doesn’t think so but may have to invest in skirting if necessary and in which case will have to come back asking for more money.Â
Zach says that he doesn't think £150 is enough and we need more money to make it nicer. All the things asked for may come to more than £150 and he thinks it will be better to get good quality things now as it is a worthwhile investment. He proposes an amendment to increase the amount of money to £450.Â
Ste points out that £450 is quite a large budget for only one officer and could it be requested that Ele consult people before buying things. Ele says that she can ask people interested in refurbishment to help and will report back regularly.Â
Zach asks about moving personal things and stuff from the corner and Ele says that this will probably be done when the TV room is cleared out.
There is no opposition to passing £450 and this motion passes.Â
Motion 5: Prospectuses
Izzy explains that many people responded to her Facebook post asking for requests for schools to send prospectuses to and in total 136 schools were suggested. She says that they can send up to 80 (and receive free prospectuses for this many from college) and so will undergo a selection process to choose the most deserving schools to send to. They have looking into the cost of postage, such as envelopes, stamps and printing cover letters and have concluded that they will need up to £200.Â
Cole asks how will they go about looking for the schools most underrepresented and Calum replies that it will be a crude process, they will look at all schools and give state schools priority.Â
Zach asks if they have approached college about funding as Outreach has a lot of interest in spending a lot of money in access and Izzy says that she has spoken to Ben (Balliol Outreach) and because they have given the prospectuses for free, this is the limit of their costs. They are happy to email again but would like to pass the money just in case.Â
Mia then asks if this is a starting-point to something or will there be a follow-up.Â
Calum says that they will put in a cover letter with the prospectuses with ways to get in touch and this is almost us putting the ball in their court. Izzy adds that they will then know that we are responsive and she will give them the officers’ email and Facebook and that of Balliol Outreach.Â
Julia asks if it would be better to send the prospectuses to schools with no pupils currently at Oxford and Calum says that there are many schools with one or two pupils at Oxford who don’t know what they are doing and about the process and having students here may incentivise them to send more pupils here.Â
No opposition and the motion passes.Â
Motion 6: Yarl’s WoodÂ
Laura explains that they are brining this motion for anyone going to the Yarl’s Wood demonstration next Saturday so that they can get reimbursed for the travel costs. Yarl’s Wood is a detention centre detaining female refugees indefinitely and it is known that there is a lot of abuse inside by the guards. The demonstration is aiming to show detainees that people do care about them and is a chance to hear from people inside and is often led by former detainees.Â
The coach cost is £10 per ticket, the JCR Campaigning Fund currently has £136 in it and they want to reimburse anyone going up to the cost of £120.
Richard asks if Laura and Monique are going and both say that they hope to. Richard suggests a group banner-making session.Â
There is no opposition and this motion passes.