2018 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 3rd week, Hilary 2018 (2018-01-31)Attendance
Present: Leah Mitchell (President), Charlotte Lee (Vice-President (Administrative)), Beth Thomas (Secretary), Henrique Aguiar (Treasurer), Gregory Brinkworth (Lindsay), Hannah Williams (Dr. WHO), Ellen Cropley (Dr. WHO), Thomas Laver (Foody), Athravan Sett (Access and Admissions Officer), Mia Liyanage (Access and Admissions Officer), Rebecca Clark (Charities and RAG Officer), Amrita Khandpur (Design & Maintenance Officer), Eleanor Cook (Student Disabilities Officer), Pria Bourne (Student Disabilities Officer), Jamie Barnes (Entz Officer), Mick Yang (LGBTQ Officer), Tanja Gunther (LGBTQ Officer), Antonia Siu (Website & Computing Officer), Lauren Tavriger (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Joseph Al-Khalili (Foody), Francesca Back (Women's Officer)
Absent without explanation: Rachel Wong (Entz Officer), Dylan Behr (Environment & Ethics Officer), Joshua Tilley (Environment & Ethics Officer), Alexander Gruen (Housing Officer)
1. Matters Arising
- Consitution tidying up - Thomas
- Sleep Workshop - Hannah
- Projector remote & HDMI cable - AntoniaÂ
- Drunk poetry - Amrita
- Airbed update
- World cancer day research bracelets
- Cards for scouts - Leah
2. AOB
1. Matters Arising
Constitution tidying up - ThomasÂ
Thomas suggested that the current layout of the constitution could be improved to make it more accessible to readers. This could include a both a change of formatting (such as inserting paragraph breaks) and also modifying some of the content - for instance making some of the references to other documentation within the constitution clearer.Â
Leah brought up the fact that this would require quite a lot of work and hence it may be good to get a group together to carry out the task.
Leah also said she will check with other colleges how they have gone about changing the constitution - for instance it may require having to go through a GM.Â
Oxford Student Life Sleep Workshop - Hannah
Hannah requested up to 50 pounds for a Wellbeing and Sleep workshop next week. The cost is for covering food for lunch at around one pound per person - so may need under 50 pounds depending on how many people attend.Â
Motion passes.Â
Projector Remote and HDMI cable - Antonia
Antonia requested 38 pounds for a new projector remote - the current one is missing, and 7 pounds for a new HDMI cable as the current one doesn’t work.Â
Motion passes for 45 pounds in total.Â
Drunk poetry - Amrita
Amrita requested up to 40 pounds for drunk poetry to fund both wine (that will be bought from the bar) and art materials.Â
Hannah said it would be a good idea for it to be part of welfare week - and so the funding could therefore come from the welfare week fund instead.Â
Airbed update
There was further discussion this week on the airbed situation and how, if we got new airbeds to replace the missing one, we could prevent them from going missing again. Suggestions included money deposits, having a dedicated person to check up on the status of the airbeds and changing the website booking system to make it clearer who had the last airbed.Â
It was decided the best option was to include it as part of the role of the D&M officers and to investigate whether we could lock the airbeds in the JCR office so you would have to get a key from the porters lodge to get them.Â
World Cancer Day research bracelets
50 pounds worth of world cancer day research bracelets were requested to purchase world cancer day research bracelets (at the cost of 2 pounds each) in order to sell around college.Â
Motion passes.Â
Cards for scoutsÂ
Leah brought up how the JCR is charged every time a scout has to clean up vomit in staircases. Leah requested up to 17.50 pounds to buy a card for each scout who has been involved in such situations as an apology.Â
Motion passes.
2. AOB