2018 General Meeting
Date: Sunday 5th week, Hilary 2018 (2018-02-11)Agenda
Note: The Pension Strike motion d(i) will be discussed first.
a) Matters Arising
b) Amendments to the Governing Documents
- i) Vacation Powers of the JCR Committee - LM
- ii) Boptails motion - SR & CW
- iii) Compulsory Levy motion - SR & HA
- iv) Menstrual underwear reimbursement - FB & LT
c) Motions relating to financial matters
- i) Welfare week - EC & HW
d) Any other motions
- i) Pension strike - HA
- ii) JCR Renovation - CL
e) Appendices
a) Matters arising
b) Amendments to the Governing Documents
(i) Vacation Powers of the JCR Committee - LM passesThis JCR notes:
- (a) The Constitution currently states, with regard to Committee operation outside of term, that ‘1.3 All committees described herein may only convene between 0th week and 9th week, inclusive, of Oxford University Academic terms.’ (Part IV, section 1)
- (b) That some items of business must be completed outside of term, for example the determination of dates for Bops and other events run by Pantry or in the Bar, and the organisation of Freshers’ Week.
- (c) The Constitution and Standing Orders do not clearly define what it means to ‘convene’, e.g. whether discussions on the Facebook Committee page fall within this definition.
- (d) That at the end of Michaelmas 2017, the then JCR President brought a motion to clarify interpretation of ‘convene’, as defined in Part IV, section 1.3 of the Constitution, as not including discussions on the Facebook Committee page, or other means of communication between Committee members, if the discussion is for the regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR.
- (e) That this motion passed, and was effective for the vacation between MT17 and HT18.
- (f) That Constitutional changes require the motion to be passed at two GMs.
This JCR believes:
- (a) That the lack of clear definition of ‘convene’ in the Constitution should be rectified.
- (b) That interpreting the Constitution as it stands currently, we may, on either extreme, (i) halt all proceedings during vacation, (ii) assume that Facebook discussions/other communication during vacation are acceptable and are not included in the definition of ‘convene’.
- (c) In the opinion of the current President and her predecessor, it would be very ill-advised to halt all proceedings during vacation.
- (d) In the opinion of the current President and her predecessor, it would also be ill-advised to continue as we have, since the inability to physically convene to discuss matters beyond regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR often causes problems (e.g. construction of new policy regarding the Balliol Freshers’ Fair), and can cause undue stress on Committee members.
This JCR resolves:
- (a) To add Appendix A to Part IV section 1.3 of the Constitution.
This JCR notes:
- 1. The license on which bops trade alcohol is held by the bar and the Lindsay is legally responsible for the sales, as such they are involved in the correct sale of alcohol at bops (ie no sales to underage persons) however this has not been formally recorded.
- 2. Bops have of late become profit-making for the Entz, while bop night revenues for the bar have decreased.
- 3. The purchase of stock has become convoluted as Entz stock is ordered through the bar at wholesale prices and the bar is renumerated from the Entz account only at the end of term.
This JCR believes:
- 1. Given that the Lindsay has always been responsible for the sale of alcohol at bops, this should be formally codified in the governing documents.
- 2. That given the formal responsibility of the license holder on the trade of alcohol under that licence, it is appropriate that the licence holder is properly protected by an appropriate level of overview and input into the use of the licence for bops.
- 3. That the current situation of separate revenue streams at bops produces an unhelpful competition between sources of drink during bops, to the detriment of the bop as a holistic event incorporating the bar.
- 4. That the Entz having discretion over pricing is useful for the purpose of promotional activities and other measures Entz may see fit to take for the improvement of a bop.
- 5. That consolidating the two revenue streams from bops into a single revenue stream removes the unhelpful competition that harms the quality of bops, and reaffirms the Lindsay’s legal responsibility over sales.
This JCR resolves:
- 1. To transfer to the bar from the Entz the cost of ordered stock, and the revenue generated from the sale of this stock.
- 2. To allow Entz the ability to price products as they see fit subject to the approval of the licence holder (the Lord/Lady Lindsay).
- 3. To amend standing orders accordingly.
(iii) Compulsory Levy motion - SR & HA passes
This JCR notes:
- 1. Last term, compulsory levies were increased in order to compensate for additional cost to the JCR due to transferral of laundry room responsibility and other factors.
- 2. Neither the JCR nor the Committee were consulted nor did they offer (or refuse) consent for additional payments.
- 3. There is no reference in any of the minutes of the meetings of the Committee or its subcommittees discussing the changes to compulsory levies.
- 4. Compulsory levies are compulsory.
- 5. Neither the Governing Documents nor precedent establish clearly the procedure for increasing compulsory levies.
- 6. The precedent of requiring a GM mandate to change not only the sum of optional levies, but also how optional levies are partitioned.
This JCR believes:
- 1. Clarity in the procedure for effectively forcing money from JCR members by the JCR is in the interest of both members and the Committee.
- 2. Given that the Chancellor of the Exchequer requires the consent of Parliament to change taxation, the Committee should require the consent of a GM-attending JCR to change compulsory levies.
- 3. Affording the JCR the power to consent or refuse consent to increases in compulsory levies is consistent with a presumption that we are a sensible JCR that can make cost-benefit assessments of courses of action it wishes to pursue, so long as it is appropriately informed of the reasons for the proposed change and the consequences should consent not be given.
- 4. The increased levies of the previous term benefit the JCR.
- 5. Nevertheless, the JCR should have been consulted and asked before this decision was made, and this should happen retroactively.
This JCR resolves:
- 1. To amend the Constitution to require that all changes to compulsory levies are passed by a majority at a GM.
- 2. To mandate the JCR Treasurer to bring a motion seeking the consent of the JCR for the previous increase in compulsory levies, such that should consent be refused, the amount by which the levies were increased is deducted from the next levies (so that over the course of the two payments, the net effect is of no change).
Amendment 1 does not pass
Strike believes 2
(iv) Menstrual Underwear Reimbursement - FB & LT - passesThis JCR notes:
The current standing order allows for women’s officers to have menstrual cups reimbursed by college and these cost 20 pounds
There is no specific mention of menstrual underwear in the standing order
This JCR believes:
Menstrual cups, sanitary pads and tampons may not cover all possibilities of how people choose to deal with their menstruation cycles
Some people have contacted women’s officers asking about reimbursement of menstrual underwear
This JCR resolves:
To update the standing order under section 21 d) Women’s officer’s duties to include specifically the reimbursements of period underwear as well as that of menstrual cups to reflect the needs of the women of the JCR
Amendment 1 (friendly)
Add to notes: This is also good for people with various disabilities as well as for transmen
Amendment 2 (nope)
Change to “menstrual items” in general
Amendment 3 (friendly)
Add to resolves: Also reimburse cloth pads
Amendment 4 passes
Add to resolves: To reimburse up to £45 per person, subject to the discretion of the women’s officers in special circumstances
c) Motions relating to financial matters (i) Welfare Week - EC & HW passesThis JCR Notes:
Welfare week is generally held in 5th week
It is almost 5th week
Money is generally passed to fund fun welfare events that happen throughout the week
Many fun events have already been planned that can’t happen without this funding
This JCR Believes:
5th week blues are awful and welfare week helps to try and make 5th week less shitty
It is in the general interests of the JCR for things to happen that help to keep every member
of the JCR as happy and healthy as possible
Happy = Yes, Sad = No
The JCR Resolves:
To pass up to £200 to run welfare events throughout 5th week
To crush 5th week blues
Amendment (friendly)
Change note 2 to : It is 5th week
d) Any other motionsi) Pension Strike - HA - passes
This JCR notes:
1. There is to be a strike organised by the University and College Union, against the employer proposals for the future of the Universities Superannuation Scheme (https://www.uss.co.uk), which is the largest principal private pension schemes for universities & other higher education institutions in the UK. See https://www.ucu.org.uk/strikeforuss
2. Currently, academics contribute to their pension on a defined benefit scheme: you know what you get out.
3. Employers wish to change this to a defined contribution scheme: you only know what you’re putting in, and not what you’re getting out.
4. This strike will span various days in 6th-9th week HT18.
5. The Oxford SU Sabbatical Officers have expressed support: ‘Oxford SU stands in solidarity with the University and Colleges Union (UCU) in their strike, as we believe those working in higher education should be treated and remunerated fairly.’ https://www.oxfordsu.org/education/ucustrike/
6. The Oxford SU Council is (at the time of writing) about to consider a motion to support the strikers (see attached)
7. ‘Teaching in colleges will not be affected but it is possible that some departmental teaching may be. Students should attend all teaching as normal, unless advised of alternative arrangements.’ (source as in 5.)
8. Many graduate students are part of the UCU as well as the Oxford SU.
This JCR believes:
1. That we like our tutors, and wish for them to have a fair pension scheme.
2. That aspiring academics (including some in the JCR), should not be put off an academic career for the lack of security in their pensions.
3. That we want to support our fellow (graduate) students as well.
This JCR resolves:
1. To support the strike (intentionally left vague, this is up for discussion).
Amendment 1 does not pass
Add to resolves: To support the alternative provisions by the university and college (such as classes) despite picket lines and OSU’s stance
Amendment 2 passes
Change resolves 1: To support the strike by the UCU
Amendment 3 does not pass
Add to resolves: To support the existence of picket lines and encourage members of the JCR to respect and not cross them
Amendment to amendment 3 withheld
Remove “and not cross them”
(possible amendment) kept as possible
Have a temporary appointed officer who will help organise strike action
(ii) JCR Renovation - CL - passesThis JCR Notes:
1) That the JCR room is a communal space for students
2) That the JCR room is currently in a state of disrepair and some aspects, such as faulty electrics, endangers the safety of users
3) The JCR aims to be an inclusive community, thus the JCR space should reflect this
4) The last time the JCR was renovated was over 10 years ago
This JCR believes:
1) The JCR space is in need of renovation/refurbishment (appendix 2)
2) That renovating the JCR space would increase day to day use and improve welfare of the JCR
3) That access to JCR rooms (such as the TV room) must be available to all
This JCR resolves:
1) To approve the renovation plans (appendix 1)
2) To support the renovation of the JCR and the consequences such as
a) Potential closure of the JCR for up to ~2 weeks at the start of HT 2019: integral electrical works/floors/paint fumes
Amendment (friendly)
To add to 2a) that closure may happen during Easter 2019
Amendment (friendly)
Add to resolves: Have 2 (1 more) pinboards in the main area.
Amendment (friendly)
Mandate the VP/Charlotte to have another discussion/survey closer to the time
e) Appendices
(a) ‘Convene’ does not include discussions on the JCR Committee Facebook page, emails, or other means of communication between Committee members, if the discussion is for the regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR.
(b) If the topic of discussion is beyond the regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR, no action is to be taken until 0th week of the next term, where Committee may convene in person.
(c) The decision as to whether a topic of discussion is extra-ordinary to regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR rests, in the first instance, with the President.
(d) If the President decides a topic of discussion to be extra-ordinary, it may be a time-sensitive issue. In this case:
a. The decision to designate the issue as time-sensitive rests, in the first instance, with the President. This is the only exception to (b).
b. The nature and execution of a subsequent course of action rests, in the first instance, with the President.
(e) Any member of the Committee who believes it to be appropriate may challenge the President’s decision in (c), or either part of (d), by calling a vote on the matter (a vote via Facebook poll is acceptable), and the President’s decision may be overruled by a Committee majority of 2/3.
(f) In all cases where a decision is made by the President as detailed in (c) and (d), a rationale is to be supplied.
(For clarity: the situation runs as follows: an issue arises, and discussion occurs. The President may halt the discussion by deeming it extra-ordinary. The President may also deem it time-sensitive and determine a course of action. Any of the decisions may be overruled by a Committee majority of 2/3)
Appendix B (Relevant Governing Documents for boptails motion)16. Duties of the Entz Officer
16.1.In addition to other duties imposed by the Constitution and Standing Orders and by the resolutions of the Committee or of General Meetings, the Entz Officer shall:
a) plan, organise and promote the social and entertainment activities of the JCR;
b) at their discretion convene and Chair meetings of the Entz Subcommittee;
c) maintain and manage the Entz cupboard;
d) organise regular quizzes in the Lindsay Bar;
e) organise regular bops in the Norway Room with a termly budget of £300 multiplied by the number of bops in that term, treating repairs and maintenance of already owned Entz equipment as ordinary expenditure but requiring the express permission of the Treasurer; and
f) represent the JCR to the College on matters of entertainment.
16.2. The Entz Officer must liaise with the Treasurer before purchasing any club night tickets for Freshers Week.
16.3. The Entz Officer must treat other prospective expenditure, such as purchase of new equipment, as non-ordinary, meaning it must be passed through either a GM or Committee Lunch before it can be purchased, except where this expenditure is of a time-sensitive nature.
6. Duties of the Lindsay
6.1.In addition to other duties imposed by the Constitution and Standing Orders and by the resolutions of the Committee or of General Meetings,
the Lindsay shall:
a) manage the finances and utilisation of the Lindsay Bar, for which they are solely responsible;
b) ensure the efficient day-to-day running of the Lindsay Bar and its services such as bops and other events in accordance with the Club Rules;
c) be responsible for the welfare and provision of the bar staff;
d) represent the JCR to the College on matters relating to alcohol and the use of the Lindsay Bar;
e) give the Ball Subcommittee any assistance required in alcohol sales at the Ball.
RENOVATION APPENDICES:Appendix 1 – Details of the renovation
JCR Main Body
- New floor – vinyl
- Paint walls
- Disabled access to the TV room
There are two options dependent on the infrastructure: there’s a supporting beam under the dividing wall which may be obstructive to digging out the ramp. The second idea is a ramp similar to the entry to the JCR (semi permanent):
- Remove most pins boards (figure 2)
- Benches
Remove the benches dividing from the columns to the church side wall. The existing benches running along the church side wall and TV room wall will be replaced (£replacements<sanding, varnishing etc)
- Window seating
Add in window seats/benches for the ultimate reading/coffee/snack perch
- Stage
Unnegotiable - H&S issue
- Electrics
Fix sockets, add more around the room
- Pantry façade
Remove the 70s slats, paint chalkboard paint on the door, plaster over façade and paint
- Remove wooden shutters
Remove wooden shutters, enable privacy via reflective film and built in roller-blinds/fitted foldable screens. Security remains as there is metal caging on the other side
TV Room
- Gut cupboard a) tuck in vending machine b) fit a sink and single tap (drinking water)
Black mould, dependant on the pipe status
- Remount TV onto wall (figure 2)
- Remove radiator/remnants of the radiator
Appendix 2 – Furnishings
JCR Main Body
- All furniture to be donated to charity (cost effectiveness of reupholstering) – BHF or Sue Ryder being explored currently (few charities accept furniture)
- All furniture is looking to be durable but comfortable to last the next 10 years+
- Keep pantry tables
Sand down and varnish new
- Whiteboard tables for work area
- Sofas>club chairs
TV Room
- All furniture to be donated to charity (cost effectiveness of reupholstering) – BHF or Sue Ryder being explored currently (few charities accept furniture)
- Vending machine will remain
- New sofas, beanbags + 2 comfy chairs
Pension strike motion
It was explained to the JCR that there will be pension strike 6th to 9th week in Hilary term.
The JCR heard from a tutor who explained how currently, academics contribute to their pension on a defined benefit scheme but now employers are seeking to change this to a defined contribution scheme where it’s not clear what you’re getting out. It was noted that this will have a greater impact on younger academics.
The effects of the strike on students was questioned - the JCR heard that anything that is compulsory will not be affected, however departments are currently unsure on how the strike will develop.
There was a discussion about how support should be expressed from the JCR. Some argued in favour of adding a resolves to encourage students to not cross picket lines and to not support any alternative form of provision provided by the university. However it was also thought by others that it should be up to each individual what stance they take on the strike, especially as attending lectures or classes may be more important to some people than others.
Amendment to add encouraging students to not cross picket lines did not pass.
Charlotte proposed adjusted amendment - to support the strike but have a neutral stance on the Student Union’s proposal. Amendment passes.
There continued to be further discussion over whether the motion should leave ‘support’ to be up to the interpretation of the individual or whether it should be clarified in some ways. It was suggested that given the unclarity anyway over how the strike is going to take shape it is perhaps best to leave the motion as taking an ideological stance as a JCR and allow each individual to decide how to act.
There was also a brief discussion over whether there should be liaison officer within the JCR body - it was decided that was probably unnecessary at the moment.
Motion passes.
Vacation Powers of the JCR Committee
This motion is the second reading to the JCR required for constitutional change.
Leah explained to the JCR that currently in the constitution committee members are not allowed to ‘convene’ in the vacation - but there is currently ambiguity as to what this means. It was explained that it is very helpful to be able to make decisions over the holidays over Facebook, so it would be good to have something in place for the upcoming vacation.
Motion passes.
Boptails motion
It was explained to the JCR that this motion proposes that the bar will bare the cost of boptails, and take their profit, but that the pricing will still be carried out by Entz.
It was clarified that the Entz cupboard would still hold the alcohol for practical stock taking reasons.
It was questioned what impact this would have on the Entz account - it was said that this proposal would remove a lot of volatility from the Entz account but it would still have a lot of money going in to it.
Compulsory levy motion
It was explained to the JCR that this motion proposes that all compulsory levies introduced should be passed through a GM.
An amendment was proposed to strike believes 2 on the grounds of it lacking formality - amendment did not pass.
Motion passes.
Menstrual underwear reimbursement
The JCR was informed that currently a lot of sanitry products can be reimbursed by the women’s officers - including products costing around 20 pounds - but that menstrual underwear cannot currently be reimbursed.
It was noted that over the course of a student’s time here it may be cheaper funding them to buy several pairs of these types of underwear compared to the total cost of items they use from the tampon avalanche.
It was also bought up that these products can be really good for people with a disability or members of the LGBTQ+ community.
It was also discussed whether it would be good to have reimbursement of ‘menstrual items’ in general as opposed to naming specific items. However it was pointed out that it could be beneficial to name the specific items to make people aware of what is available to them. An amendment for this did not pass.
There was also an amendment to add cloth pads to the items that can be reimbursed - passes.
There was a discussion over whether there should be a price cap on how much can be reimbursed or if there should be a maximum number of pairs that can be bought by one person.
Various ideas were raised including that it could be up to the discretion of the women’s officers on a case by case basis, or that there could be a list of certain brands people could buy from. However there was concern that it could cost the JCR too much money.
An amendment was proposed to reimburse up to £45 per person, subject to the discretion of the women’s officers in special circumstances. Amendment passes.
Motion passes.
Welfare week
Hannah and Ellen requested up to 200 pounds to run welfare week. They explained there were lots of events planned which they need money to run - for instance snacks for film nights and craft supplies. They said they probably won’t need all of it but it would be good to have up to that amount just in case.
Motion passes.
JCR Renovation
Charlotte explained to the JCR the current plans for the JCR renovation. The plans include getting a new vinyl floor, removing all but one of the noticeboards in half the JCR, having LED lighting, increasing the number of plug sockets, getting disabled access to the TV room and removing the stage.
An amendment was put forward to keep 2 noticeboards in that half of the JCR - taken as friendly.
Concern was raised about the noise the renovations would involve particularly for people on staircase 15. It was suggested that there could be subsidised vacation residence for people in those rooms. It was clarified that the work couldn’t be carried out over the summer because of the summer schools that go on then.
It was also requested as an amendment that the VP should consult the JCR on the details of the renovation closer to the time. Amendment taken as friendly.
Motion passes.