2018 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 7th week, Hilary 2018 (2018-02-28)Attendance
Present: Charlotte Lee (Vice-President (Administrative)), Beth Thomas (Secretary), Henrique Aguiar (Treasurer), Thomas Laver (Foody), Athravan Sett (Access and Admissions Officer), Mia Liyanage (Access and Admissions Officer), Rebecca Clark (Charities and RAG Officer), Eleanor Cook (Student Disabilities Officer), Helena Cox-Smith (Entz Officer), Jack Weatherilt (Entz Officer), Xinyu Luo (International Students Officer), Alexander Gruen (Housing Officer), Mick Yang (LGBTQ Officer), Tanja Gunther (LGBTQ Officer), Antonia Siu (Website & Computing Officer), Francesca Back (Women's Officer), Lauren Tavriger (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Leah Mitchell (President), Hannah Williams (Dr. WHO), Joseph Al-Khalili (Foody)
Absent without explanation: Gregory Brinkworth (Lindsay), Ellen Cropley (Dr. WHO), Amrita Khandpur (Design & Maintenance Officer), Pria Bourne (Student Disabilities Officer), Dylan Behr (Environment & Ethics Officer), Joshua Tilley (Environment & Ethics Officer), Safia Khan (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Avnish Nijjar (Ethnic Minorities Officer)
1. Matters Arising
- Teddy Hall relays
2. AOB
- Bike Culls
1. Matters Arising
Teddy Hall relays
32 pounds were requested for Balliol to enter the Teddy Hall relays. It was questioned whether the funding could come from college instead of the JCR - motion postponed until next week so college can be asked first.Â
2. AOB
Bike Culls
Charlotte asked the committee to remind people about the bike cull and tell people if they have bikes in Jowett to move them before Friday.Â