2018 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2018 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 6th week, Trinity 2018 (2018-05-30)


    Present: Leah Mitchell (President), Henrique Aguiar (Treasurer), Gregory Brinkworth (Lindsay), Hannah Williams (Dr. WHO), Ellen Cropley (Dr. WHO), Thomas Laver (Foody), Joseph Al-Khalili (Foody), Rebecca Clark (Charities and RAG Officer), Jack Weatherilt (Entz Officer), Mick Yang (LGBTQ Officer), Tanja Gunther (LGBTQ Officer), Antonia Siu (Website & Computing Officer), Lauren Tavriger (Women's Officer)

    Absent with apologies: Charlotte Lee (Vice-President (Administrative)), Mia Liyanage (Access and Admissions Officer), Avnish Nijjar (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Alexander Gruen (Housing Officer), Francesca Back (Women's Officer)

    Absent without explanation: Beth Thomas (Secretary), Athravan Sett (Access and Admissions Officer), Amrita Khandpur (Design & Maintenance Officer), Eleanor Cook (Student Disabilities Officer), Pria Bourne (Student Disabilities Officer), Helena Cox-Smith (Entz Officer), Dylan Behr (Environment & Ethics Officer), Joshua Tilley (Environment & Ethics Officer), Safia Khan (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Xinyu Luo (International Students Officer)


    1. Matters Arising

    • Volleyball Cuppers
    • Drinks for Women's Formal

    2. AOB


    1. Matters Arising

    Volleyball Cuppers

    Francis has requested £50 towards the entry fee for volleyball cuppers. Henrique expressed concern at the amount of money that the JCR spends on sports competitions. Leah noted that sports are a crucial part of the JCR's activity. She said that it is the JCR's responsibility to fund sports teams playing in cuppers given that they are representing the JCR. By contrast, individuals playing university sports must usually apply for funding from college.

    No objections, motion passes. 

    Drinks for Women's Formal

    Lauren requested up to £50 to fund a drinks reception prior to the women's formal. Henrique asked why so much money was needed. Lauren said that she needs enough money to buy wine for 70 people. She further noted that the MCR has already passed £100 to pay for drinks. Given that the majority of those who have signed up are JCR members, it is reasonable for the JCR to provide at least some funding.

    No objections, motion passes. 

    2. AOB