2018 Finance Subcommittee

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2018 Finance Subcommittee

    Date: Friday 1st week, Michaelmas 2018 (2018-10-12)

    Present: Leah Mitchell (President), Charlotte Lee (Vice-President (Administrative)), Michael O'Connor (Secretary), Henrique Aguiar (Treasurer), Gregory Brinkworth (Lindsay), Joseph Al-Khalili (Foody), Thomas Laver (Foody)


    1. Matters Arising
    • JCR Renovation
    • Laundry Costs
    • Reach scholarship
    • Pantry
    • Entz
    • Bar
  • AOB
  • Minutes

    1. Matters Arising

    JCR Renovation

    The Master intends to chastise the Development Office for its failure to hold a fundraiser for the JCR and the Library renovations.

    Laundry Costs

    Henrique noted that laundry costs will increase. Keeley didn’t realize that there was an extra cost for gas and electricity. Amanda charged us the gas for the entire staircase (£1800). Amanda is refusing to back down on this because she says that she has been charging us less than inflation.

    Reach Scholarship

    Leah noted that the Reach scholarship, which the JCR funds via a compulsory levy, contained an opt-out clause when negotiated in 2010 but this opt-out clause seems to have been lost over time. The problem is that Vicky Holt knows about this but she is on maternity leave. There is a Reach scholar in second year currently. We had no debate over this, but there was a debate in 2014 regarding renewal. We ought to have a debate relating to this in the future in order to re-affirm our support for the scholarship given that it is funded by compulsory levy.


    Greg noted that there had been lower takings in TT18 than in TT17. Only one staff member on most days, except Fridays, Saturdays and Tuesdays. Lower takings are due to lack of Pimms on Sunday and Greg's history coursework.

    Greg further noted that fresher week had resulted in about £400 more than in MT17. The bar’s sales exceeded those of Cameron, totaling about £4,450. This was largely due to boptail revenue (c.£750). Greg has suggested that he will be hosting barties every other week as well as an open mic night. Cameron was opposed to barties, partly due to staff friction and opposition to barties from RQ. Greg intends to start holdig them again.

    Greg further noted that fresher week had resulted in about £400 more than in MT17. The bar’s sales exceeded those of Cameron, totaling about £4,450. This was largely due to boptail revenue (c.£750). Greg has suggested that he will be hosting barties every other week as well as an open mic night. Cameron was opposed to barties, partly due to staff friction and opposition to barties from RQ. Greg intends to start holdig them again.


    Jack said that Sex on the Beach will be less alcoholic in future in order to maximize takings. The profit margin on each boptail is usually roughly 30p, with only sex on the beach being below this. Hopefully, the trend of freshers purchasing cheap boptails from 9 to 10 will continue. Henrique suggested increasing prices of boptails, but Jack and Greg agreed that freshers need to be incentivized to purchased boptails given the easy availability of alcohol.

    Jack said that, should the speakers be broken at matriculash, they will be repaired by JCR levy (implemented by GM motion). Any break-downs will be repaired by payment on the part of the house where the party is to be hosted. He noted that entz had recently spent £38 on a mixer and £12 on cables for the speakers. Entz are also now paid for role in mixing cocktails. All profits go to the bar. He also noted that Lydia was used to see Wadstock tickets and Hertford freshers tickets. Given the monetary incentives offered by Lydia - £2 for each sign-up - he thought that it would make sense to use them for club tickets .


    Pantry has produced a report on its financial situation. It made an £820 loss in Trinity. The loss in freshers week of £893.83 loss due to staff costs. It lost a large number of trained chefs, including Zah, Ste, Elle etc. Leah suggested pushing GM pizza. Ellen, Martha and Josh have been filling slots. Jamie and Isis are prepared to do vegan meals as members of the. Chevonne and Aaron are also willing to do shifts, although charlotte wanted that Chevonne was a clinical method and hence not around much. Safia and Avnish are doing an EM take-over. House of Improv plan on doing an improv night. Friday 16th is formal pantry to avoid boat club dinner; there will be 30 tickets at £18 and then 30 at £20. Charlotte suggested producing a menu for every week; Thomas is working on this but this has yet to produce such a menu.

    2. AOB

    It was noted that some staff members have begun to charge extra for salad. Leah noted that this should not happen: there is a charge of £1.75 for people who only get salad but otherwise there is no charge.