2019 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2019 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 4th week, Hilary 2019 (2019-02-06)

    Present: Michael O'Connor (President), Francis Barnett (Vice-President (Administrative)), Ethan Stewart (Secretary), Daniel Gonsalezpavesio (Treasurer), Frederick Lynam (Lindsay), Calvin Runnels (Dr. WHO), Joe Stephen (Foody), Anna Brainin (Foody), Jack Briggs (Sports Rep), Francesca Back (Sports Rep), Benjamin Elliott (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Jamie Barnes (Access and Admissions Officer), Jai Thakrar-Curtis (Access and Admissions Officer), Donghyun Kang (Affiliations Officer), Arun Gharial (Charities and RAG Officer), Conor Callaghan (Charities and RAG Officer), Jake Dealtry (Student Disabilities Officer), Rory Dangelo (Entz Officer), Bruno Atkinson (Entz Officer), Michael Beattie (Environment & Ethics Officer), Beatrice Boileau (Environment & Ethics Officer), Naa Ntodi (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Tanya Wijesekera (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Xinyu Luo (International Students Officer), Jane Ngarmnil (International Students Officer), Thomas Laver (Housing Officer), Josh Willetts (LGBTQ Officer), Leoni Loughlin (LGBTQ Officer), Daniel Rastelli (Website & Computing Officer), Natasha Fisher-Pearson (Women's Officer), Imogen Rivers (Women's Officer)


    1) SU Endorsements
    2) Batteries for rowing machine
    3) Rent discussions


    SU Endorsement

    ((Editor’s note: This discussion follows on from the previous weekend’s GM in which numbers were too low for a motion on the subject to be voted on, though the GM narrowly voted that the committee should consider this instead.))

    Luke explains that three Balliol people including himself are running for positions in the union on a slate.

    Jamie is concerned that endorsing this slate sets a precedent that the JCR should endorse all future slates with Balliol members, regardless of their other merits.

    Michael notes that in the past the JCR has endorsed slates, but this did not extend to every slate with Balliol candidates. Leyla thinks we would only be setting the precedent of supporting slates we agree with.

    It is mentioned that other colleges have endorsed specific slates, but most haven’t.

    Tom thinks that there is another possible option where we could endorse individuals from Balliol but not their slates.

    Jamie wants to know what the candidates stand for before we decide whether or not we should endorse them. Luke explains that he believes in prioritising welfare and standardising policies in this area, such as suspension, across colleges. The latter will be achieved by publicising differences to affect how many people apply to these colleges. This will be done through the SU alternative prospectus and a ‘Norrington table’ for welfare.

    Katie explains that she and Joe are running to be NUS delegates. Delegates represent Oxford students and president. They are against policies they perceive as anti-Semitic in the NUS. Also, they want an increase in mental health provisions.


    Committee votes on:

    ‘Should we consider endorsing the Balliol candidates?’

    Motions passes.

    Committee votes on:

    ‘Should we endorse the Balliol candidates?’

    Motions fails.

    Batteries for rowing machine

    Committee votes on:

    ‘Should we get £20 for batteries for rowing machine?’

    Motion Passes


    Rent Discussions

    Michael explains that rent is based on oxford inflation number, but this number is flawed so we can propose a counterplan, which involves extending tenancy agreements (which are cheaper than vac res) from Tuesday of 9th week to the end of 9th week for Trinity and Hilary term each.

    In response to a proposal involving adopting a proportional system where those in cheaper rooms pay less, it is noted that the admin costs associated with this would make it unlikely that college would agree to such a proposal.

    Michael notes that most people apply for vac res in 9th week in these terms, and even many of those who don’t would like to stay, and so thinks that extending tenancy agreements into periods typically covered by vac res would be beneficial.

    The committee voted to endorse this plan.