2019 General Meeting
Date: 19th January 2020 (2020-01-19)Agenda
- Matters Arising
Amendments to Governing Documents
a.) Splitting the role of VP (TL) PassesÂ
Motions Relating to Financial Matters
a.) Reducing the number of Newspapers purchased by the JCR (CC) Passes
Any Other Motions
a.) Re-opening discussions with college on back door closure (CB) Passes
b.) Extending JCR reimbursements to Thrush and UTI treatments (ER) PassesÂ
2. Amendments to Governing Documentsa.) Splitting the role of VP (TL)
This JCR notes:
- The high rate of turnover in JCR Vice-Presidents – since MT17 there have been 6 different Vice-Presidents, for a variety of reasons.
- That the role of Vice-President in Balliol JCR is integral to the running of the committee, with a variety of disparate responsibilities, ranging from deputising for the President, running a number of JCR committees, and single-handedly leading the organisation of Freshers’ Week.
- That the Vice-President has also usually fulfilled other miscellaneous roles such as the bike cull, or assisting rent negotiations.
- That a number of other JCRs have multiple Vice-Presidents fulfilling different functions.
- That the Freshers’ Week Subcommittee is largely an informal body, which while extant in the standing orders has exhibited very little activity in the last few years.
- That the June Jamboree is an event currently under the aegis of the Treasurer.
- That this motion will not be passed at its second reading until after Vice-Presidential nominations have opened.
This JCR believes:
- That the role of the Vice-President should be split into two separate positions.
- That the simplest split is to have one fulfilling the administrative functions of deputising for the President and running the JCR, while the other organises Freshers’ Week, bop cleanup, and other JCR events.
- That splitting the Vice-Presidency in such a manner will reduce burnout amongst Vice-Presidents, and ensure that they are able to serve the JCR to the best of their abilities by focusing on particularly pertinent task.
- That splitting the Vice-Presidency in such a manner will ensure that candidates for Vice-President don’t need to be able to fulfil the two very different skill-sets currently required for the role, so encouraging greater contestation and a wider variety of candidates.
- That the Fresher’s Week Sub-committee should be reinvigorated, and better reflect current practice.
- That doing this will ensure that a wider pool of people are encouraged to assist the Vice-President in the running of Fresher’s Week, and have a formal venue with which to do it.
- That the June Jamboree as a JCR event should move from the Treasurer’s responsibility to the Vice-President (Organisational)’s.
This JCR resolves:
- To pass the constitutional amendments within Appendix 1a
- To pass the standing order amendments within Appendix 1b
- To allow the winner of the Vice-Presidential election to select whether they wish to be Vice-President (Administrative) or Vice-President (Organisational).
- To empower the committee to decide whether the vacant Vice-Presidential position should be filled by election or co-option, and determine the time-frames for such.
a.) Reducing the number of Newspapers purchased by the JCR (CC)
This JCR notes:
-   That it spent £1652 on Newspapers last Trinity term
- Â Â That it is presently facing significant financial difficultiesÂ
- Â Â That some of the most expensive newspapers bought are provided to students by the University
This JCR believes:Â
- Â Â That its most significant priority is to ensure its financial stability, without adequate funds it cannot spend money on welfare, events or anything else
- Â Â That some of the more expensive newspapers are read by very few people
This JCR resolves:
- Â Â To reduce the newspapers purchased to two copies of the Guardian and two copies of the Times a week until it is in a more stable financial position.
a.) Re-opening discussions with college on back door closure (CB)
This JCR notes
- The back gate serves as a second point of entry/exit for members of College.
- The back gate is officially closed between the hours of midnight on Friday and 5am on Monday, although often for even longer.
This JCR believes
- The back gate is incredibly useful for members of the JCR, particularly those with rooms around the Back Quad.
- An entrance to College on the Magdalen Street side increases accessibility for all students, including those with mobility issues.
- The gate is closed at a fairly arbitrary time, which coincides with when students would find it useful to enter from that side, for example, when running weekend errands.
- There is little evidence that tailgating is a much bigger problem during these hours, and this risk should not outweigh accessibility for the JCR.
This JCR resolves
- To instruct our JCR President to reopen this issue with senior College staff, and negotiate an end to the back gate closure at the weekend.
b.) Extending JCR reimbursements to Thrush and UTI prescriptions (ER)
This JCR notes:Â
- Thrush is a common problem for those with vaginas, can also affect the penis.Â
- 75% of people with vaginas have thrush in their lifetime.Â
- UTI’s are also a common problem for people with vaginas.
- NHS does not offer Thrush products on prescription, nor does it offer non-antibiotic UTI treatments that can be bought at the chemist.
- Many people also do not have the time to see a doctor to treat these issues so have to go to the pharmacy.Â
- These issues can be extremely painful, irritating and have a big impact on wellbeing.
- Commonly used Canesten products range from £9.99-£16.
- Non antibiotic UTI treatments cost from £5-£15.Â
This JCR believes:Â
- £9.99-£16 is a lot of money on a students budget.Â
- Students who have to treat Thrush and UTIs should not have to pay this amount of money, like other prescription treatments, it is essential to their health and well being.Â
This JCR resolves to:Â
- Extend the JCR policy of prescription reimbursements to non-NHS thrush and UTI treatments at the discretion of DR WHOs and Women’s Officers.Â
- Appendices
Tom’s constitutional changes
Appendix 1a: Constitutional Amendments:
Amend Part IV, 4.2 to read:
4.2. A document is validly executed by signature if it is signed by at least three Committee Offices including either the President, Vice-President (Administrative) or Treasurer.
Amend Part V, 2.4 to read:
2.4. The following positions are Committee Offices, and may be held only by a single individual:
- a) The President;
- b) The Vice-President (Administrative);
- c) The Vice-President (Organisational);
- d) The Treasurer;
- e) The Lindsay;
Amend Part V, 4.5 (a) (i) to read:
(i) No decision shall be taken unless a quorum is present at the time when the decision is taken. The quorum is eight Committee Officers, including one of the President, Vice-President (Administrative) or Treasurer, entitled to vote under subclause 4.5a)(iv).
Amend Part V, 4.5 (a) (iii) to read:
(iii) The President, or in the absence of the President, the Vice-President (Administrative) or other Committee Officer nominated by the President, shall Chair the meeting;
Amend Part VIII, 4.3 (c) to read:
- c) Third day: The Entz Officer, the Foody, the Lindsay, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Vice-President (Administrative), and the Vice-President (Organisational).
Standing Order Changes:
Amend Part III, 3. To read:
- Duties of the Vice-President (Administrative)
3.1 In addition to other duties imposed by the Constitution and Standing Orders and by the resolutions of the Committee or of General Meetings, the Vice-President (Administrative) shall co-operate with the President in the management of the day-to-day affairs of the JCR.
3.2 Without limiting the generality of the previous clause, the Vice-President (Administrative) shall:
- a) represent the views and concerns of Members to all appropriate parties, including, but not limited to, the Committee, the President and College;
- b) ensure that the management of the JCR is at all times conducted in an open and transparent manner, and to this end ensure there is regular and comprehensive communication between the Committee and the Members;
- c) Chair all meetings of Finance Subcommittee;
- d) Chair all meetings of Executive Subcommittee;
- e) deputise for the President in all their duties, at the President’s request or in their absence.
Add a new Part III 4, and renumber accordingly, which reads:
- Duties of the Vice-President (Organisational)
4.1. In addition to other duties imposed by the Constitution and Standing Orders and by the resolutions of the Committee or of General Meetings, the Vice-President (Organisational) shall be responsible for the efficient organisation of Freshers Week and other miscellaneous events within college the JCR.
4.2. Without limiting the generality of the previous clause, the Vice-President (Organisational) shall:
- a) Chair the Freshers’ Week Subcommittee
- b) Represent the JCR to the College on all matters relating to Freshers’ Week
- c) Be responsible for oversight of bops and the entz officers’ activities.
- d) organise and manage the ‘June Jamboree’, the JCR’s garden party to be held annually in Trinity Term
Delete Part III 5.3 (d), which currently reads:
- d) organise and manage the ‘June Jamboree’, the JCR’s garden party to be held annually in Trinity Term
Amend Part IV 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 to read:
1.3. Executive Subcommittee comprises five Committee Offices, consisting of:
- a) the President;
- b) the Vice-President (Administrative);
- c) the Vice-President (Organisational);
- d) the Treasurer;
- e) the Drs WHO
- f) the Secretary
- g) the Lindsay
1.4. Executive Subcommittee shall meet at least four times each term at times to be determined by the Vice-President (Administrative).
1.5. Executive Subcommittee shall be chaired by the Vice-President (Administrative), or in their absence the President. The Chair shall have the responsibility to:
- a) give notice to members when and where the next meeting shall be held;
- b) circulate an agenda, specifying particulars of the business to be transacted at that meeting of the Executive Subcommittee and the order in which that business is to be transacted.
Amend Part IV 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6 to read:
2.3 Finance Subcommittee comprises five Committee Offices, consisting of:
- a) the President;
- b) the Vice-President (Administrative);
- c) the Treasurer;
- d) the Lindsay;
- e) the Foody.
2.4 Finance Subcommittee shall meet at least four times each term at times to be determined by the Vice-President (Administrative).
2.5 Finance Subcommittee shall be chaired by the Vice-President (Administrative), or in their absence the President. The Chair shall have the responsibility to:
- a) give notice to members when and where the next meeting shall be held;
- b) circulate an agenda, specifying particulars of the business to be transacted at that meeting of the Finance Subcommittee and the order in which that business is to be transacted.
2.6 Quorum shall consist of the Treasurer, the Lindsay, The Foody and one of either the President or Vice President (Administrative).
Amend Part IV 4. To read:
4.Freshers’ Week Subcommittee
4.1 Freshers’ Week Subcommittee is an advisory body which exists to:
- a) aid the Vice-President (Organisational) in organising Freshers’ Week;
- b) review the preceding Freshers’ Week, and seek improvements, and
- c) ensure that there is adequate provision for Freshers’ during the week, paying particular attention to their social welfare and entertainment.
4.2 Freshers’ Week Subcommittee shall consist of:
- a) the Vice-President (Organisational);
- b) the Entz Officers;
- c) the DRs WHO;
- d) the Women’s Officers;
- e) the Class and First-Generation Officers;
- f) the LGBTQ+ Officers;
- g) the Ethnic Minorities Officers;
- h) the Head Peer Supporter (should such a position exist amongst the peer supporters within the JCR);
- i) the Junior Deans
- j) two Ordinary Members with an interest in organising Freshers’ Week.
4.3 Freshers’ Week Subcommittee shall operate under the following procedure:
- a) The committee shall be chaired and convened by the Vice-President (Organisational), the dates and times of which shall be at their discretion;
- b) Meetings of the committee shall be minuted by a secretary to be designated by the Chair;
- c) All members of the committee shall work under the direction of the Vice-President (Organisational);
- d) The Vice-President (Organisational) shall present reports to the JCR Committee as and when required by the JCR Committee.
4.4 The following Officers shall be responsible for the provision of events during Freshers Week:
- a) The Vice-President (Organisational) shall be responsible for all administrative and information events during Freshers’ Week.
- b) The DRs WHO and the Entz Officers shall be responsible for the provision of daytime and non-alcoholic entertainment during Freshers' Week.
- i) The Head Peer Supporter shall assist.
- ii) The Junior Deans shall assist, should they be willing.
- c) The Entz Officers shall be responsible for the provision of club nights, as well as entertainment not falling under 4.3b.
- d) Reasonable provision shall be made by the Freshers’ Week Subcommittee for freshers who do not drink alcohol.
4.5 The following Officers shall be responsible for Workshops for Freshers:
- a) The DRs WHO and Women’s Officers shall be responsible for the provision of a Consent Workshop at the start of Freshers’ Week, and the training of facilitators for said workshop.
- b) The Ethnic Minorities Officers shall be responsible for the provision of a Race Workshop during Freshers’ Week, and the training of facilitators for said workshop.
- c) The LGBTQ+ Officers shall be responsible for the provision of a LGBTQ+ Workshop during Freshers’ Week, and the training of facilitators for said workshop.
- e) The Class and First-Generation Officers shall be responsible for the provision of a Difference Education Workshop during Freshers’ Week, and the training of facilitators for said workshop.
- Matters Arising
Amendments to Governing Documents
a.) Splitting the role of VP (TL)
Tom presents motion, was discussed last time but as constitutional change, needs to go through second readingÂ
No short factual questionsÂ
Points of debateÂ
Rory says there should be more specificity in the divide between the two, also says the labels could create a problem, hierarchy between the two sidesÂ
Cerian says she and Rory have talked about this, thinks ‘executive’ could be changed to ‘administrative’Â
Tom takes this as a friendly amendment
Cerian says there’s a danger of making a vice president and an elevated entz officer, this isn’t an even split of the work
Tom says the roles are as clear as possible considering task, role is really too big and needs to be split, and this is a good, sensible way to split it, also workload will depend on who does the role, room to change over timeÂ
Moves to voteÂ
The motion passesÂ
Motions Relating to Financial Matters
a.) Reducing the number of Newspapers purchased by the JCR (CC)
Conor presents motion, says JCR finances are bad, at worst we could run out of money next Michaelmas, go bankrupt by next Hillary
Says we’re already working to make pantry and bar efficient, now looking at fixed costsÂ
We’re spending about £1600 a term on newspaper, so £4800 a year
This includes the Financial Times, which is free to students anyway, more niche newspaper like the Atlantic, LRB that probably aren’t getting read much anyway
If we keep newspapers, we have to cut something else and everything else is more important
It’s not fair to raise optional levies, most people don’t really read them so many people will be subsidising a fewÂ
If we cut to daily copies of The Guardian and The Times, we can save £1400 a term, at the rate the bar was making a loss at last trinity, this can subsidise the bar for half a year, and this rate is already falling so probably longer
Says it’s a quick, easy and obvious solutionÂ
No short factual questionsÂ
Points of debateÂ
Shreya asks if we could get two copies of each instead, she thinks the newspapers are being readÂ
Rory adds that the sudokus are always filled in, so people do use themÂ
Conor says he’s not in jcr much, so happy to take advice from people who are, Times and Guardian aren’t expensive anyway, only cuts savings to £1200
Taken as friendly amendmentÂ
Jack asks if this will affect weekly newspapers, specifically Private EyeÂ
Conor says it willÂ
Emily adds that the library do buy in papers if they’re more specialist, people could ask them if a newspaper they really like is cutÂ
Conor says we also buy foreign language newspapers, doesn’t want to cut people’s links to other countries, but thinks modern language department could be able to buy insteadÂ
Rory asks what Conor will do if the motion passes and there’s a big backlash, if he’ll consider expanding what we buy or will just stay toughÂ
Conor says he has the power to just cut the newspapers himself, but wanted to get people’s opinions, let them know before doing it
Everybody knows jcr finances are bad, so it’s all hands on deck, something needs to be done and if not this, it’ll be something else
The welfare budget is already small, and we’re currently spending three times what we spend on welfare on newspapers, thinks everybody would agree this isn’t goodÂ
Says if there is a backlash, he’ll just make this speech againÂ
Molly asks how he decided what newspapers to keep
Conor says he thinks they’re the most widely read, also they’re the typical left-wing and right-wing papers, doesn’t want to be accused of bias, Fred’s not here so we don’t need The TelegraphÂ
Moves to voteÂ
Any Other Motions
a.) Re-opening discussions with college on back door closure (CB)
Callum presents motion, says there’s no real reason to close gate at weekends, it’s annoying and is an accessibility issueÂ
No short factual questionsÂ
Points of debateÂ
Millie says it should at least close at the proper time, she’s found the gate has been locked at seven before now, others agree that this happens a lotÂ
Rory asks if college have a reason for keeping the gate lockedÂ
Cerian says she’s talked with dean about it, it’s mainly to do with safety concerns, tailgating, stopping strangers coming into collegeÂ
Says college are open to changing if there’s new researchÂ
Callum thinks it would be safer to have gate open, if you need to get out/in there’s two options, also new security policies mean scouts are locking doors now, so less danger from outsiders than ever beforeÂ
Shreya points out that the back gate is physically hard to get through, might be a good idea to talk about improving this at the same timeÂ
Also pointed out that front gate is hard to get through at night
Moves to voteÂ
Motion passesÂ
b.) Extending JCR reimbursements to Thrush treatment and UTI prescriptions (ER)
Emily presents motion, says thrush treatments used to be on NHS but were taken off because of cost concerns, now there’s no way to get prescriptions
Need to get it from the shops, and can take a big amount out of a student’s weekly budget
No short factual questionsÂ
Points of debateÂ
Cerian asks Conor what he thinksÂ
Conor says he thinks it’s a good idea, jcr doesn’t reimburse private prescriptions as a precaution against people abusing the system, but this isn’t a very big thing so it won’t make much of a difference to jcr finances but could really help individualsÂ
Emily points out that antibiotics for UTIs can be logistically hard to get from doctors, so also making people’s lives easier by giving them more options
Moves to voteÂ
Motion passesÂ