Minutes of Balliol JCR’s General Meeting 3rd Week Hilary Term 2022
1. IT Policy Motion
The Website & Computing Officer presented a motion to mandate the JCR to have an IT policy in its standing orders.
The motion was passed.
2. Motion to Support “Balliol Community for Safety” Demands
Fionn presented this motion. The motion would entail publishing a “report around sexual assault in Balliol in the past four years”, including statistics of how many cases were reported. The motion also called for key staff to receive training and for a “statement of responsibility” from the college.
The point that a publication of a report/statistics might not be very anonymous was made. To this, it was replied that it would be merely numerical data and an anonymised report of how college has dealt with this.
The Treasurer stated that college might not be legally allowed to disclose full findings due to data protection laws.
Fionn mentioned that the main concern was that the QC Review would not be covered up, and that that there should be a balance with concerns about the people involved (and so the data should be anonymised).
A friendly amendment was suggested to alter the motion, so that the data will only be published if it is possible for it to be anonymised.
Question: Would this motion compel college to do the things listed in the motion?
It was replied that the motion would just entail the demands being backed by the JCR and not just Balliol Community for Safety itself.
Question: Why does it say that the counsellor should be female?
Madeleine said that she did not understand why this should be the case, as we would be limiting ourselves, perhaps creating longer waiting times, and that any trained counsellor could do the job.
It was replied that we at the moment only have male counsellors.
Question: Will we see a copy of the letter before it is sent out?
It was replied that this would be the case.
The motion was passed.
3.Motion to Support a Student Film Journal
Charley and Kaly presented a motion to support their student-run film journal, financially. Their film journal is the only one that focuses on visual arts, and it has quite a few writers from Balliol. It is getting traction online.
The financial support is needed to fund a Squarespace subscription, which so far, Kaly has been funding. A lot of Balliol students are involved, justifying the need for funding from the JCR.
The film journal has also already used 8 pounds on posters and money for a Domain name.
Question: Could you put a donation button on the website?
It was replied that this had not been thought about, but that they could look into it.
They also would like to organise more events for people to watch films.
Question: Will you need money every year?
It will only be until the start of next year, and then they will find another option.
Charles mentioned that it might good to mention more often that it is Balliol-affiliated.
Question: Is the money a reimbursement?
It was replied that this was the case as well as covering future costs.
The motion was passed.
4. Motion to Support Training Costs
The motion was proposed by Megan, but she was unable to be present, so it was instead presented by Kitty.
The motion would entail having the JCR financially support training of peer supporters. This would cost 975 pounds for 20 peer supporters to be trained. The motion itself is to get the JCR to donate 150 pounds to this cause. It is a motion that has been sent to many JCRs.
Question: Why should the burden be placed on Balliol?
It was replied that it would be a statement of our priorities.
The Treasurer stated that there is a 1000 pounds cap for charity donations per term. This would take 150 pounds from the 1000 that we can use every term. However, we have only given 200 pounds so far (to pink week).
Question: Where does it go directly? It goes straight to ‘It Happens Here’.
Question: how is there going to be a process for peer supporters to be recruited? Peer supporting should be as easy to sign up to.
It was replied that this was not known.
Madeleine stated that the welfare support burden should not be placed on other students, and that we need systemic change.
The motion was passed.
5.Motion to Financially Support the Garden Party
The Treasurer read out the motion in its entirety. Question: What was the original price of ticket?
It was replied that it has not been totally decided yet. This motion would, however, knock down the price of the ticket quite a bit.
Question: It is quite disappointing to hear that the ball will not be going ahead and only a garden party. Could students who are finalists now get priority to get tickets for the ball next year?
It was replied that this could be looked into.
Fionn stated that the ball could not take place because of a wedding, summer schools, and exams (noise levels in college). It is very time-limited when balls can happen due to many events happening in college. The hope, however, is that it will be a bit like a ball. The hope is also that alumni can get priority ticket for the ball next year.
The President stated that priority tickets for alumni will be the responsibility of the next Ball Committee.
Question: What is the overall budget of the Ball Committee?
It was replied that it is roughly 25,000 pounds. This will decrease by 6,600, and the rest of the 15,000 allocated through this motion will go towards decreasing ticket prices.
Question: Could an outline of the overall budget be provided?
The 15,000 is roughly a bit less than 10% of total JCR finances. We had a 11,000 surplus last term. Over the last two years, finances have recovered from being in a dire place to being a good place, currently. The termly income is very roughly 20,000 pounds. 15,000 pounds would be the majority of this term’s income. Amanda, the Bursar, says that we can afford it.
Question: Finances used to be very bad. Pantry and Bar have not reopened, but they were running losses when they were open. Has this been factored in?
It was replied that although short-term they might make a loss, based on the way it will be long- term (and the fact that we no longer employ people), we do not expect it to be in the same financial situation as in the past. No longer employing people means that we do not expect to make a loss after an initial period. Usual spending has been factored in.
Madeleine stated that it would be good to have a look at the accounts further back. The Treasurer replied that he had done so.
The Treasurer stated that the motion requires the support of 75% of those present. The motion was passed.