Minutes of Balliol JCR's General Meeting Week 1 Michaelmas

By Klemens, 23 October, 2022
Date of Meeting

Motion 1

The motion proposes to donate 200 pounds to Oxford Pink Week.

Qn: What do the events involve?

There will be a bar in third week of Hilary. We have various events this term, and there will be some events during Pink Week as well.

The motion was passed.

2. Second Motion

The motion seeks to support an international organisation that seeks to do a new type of economics education. It was noted that there are flaws in the way economics is currently taught and that the traditional way of teaching is systemically biased and not fit to solve the issues we face today.

It was further noted that the Oxford way of teaching economics is the neoclassical way. Sustainability is not included and even the sustainability module does not include a lot of ecological topics.

It used to exist as a group in Oxford, and now we want to bring it back (and feature speakers who are not featured in the curriculum) in order to pressure the economics department to feature a wider array of voices in the curriculum.

Qn: How are you spending the money? By trying to get people more interested and raise awareness.

Qn: Are any plans for transmitting this to the faculty? Some lecturers said that the way taught is not the only way of thinking about it, so we maybe approach them. Many professors agree with us.

Point of support: There is definitely a lot that can be done.

The motion was passed.

3. Third motion

The motion requested 150 pounds for a play, Midsummer Night’s Dream, which will be put on in the Pilch Studio. The 150 will be for props and costumes.

Qn: How much of the group is from Balliol? Just me and one or two others. There is also another person doing costumes who is from Balliol. And it is in the Pilch Studio.

Qn: Do you anticipate getting the full budget quite easily? Yes, the showing is on in six days, so we will sell a lot of tickets.

The Treasurer stated that if more than 150 pounds would be very helpful, then you can up it to that.

An amendment was proposed to increase the amount to 200 pounds, and this was approved by a vote.

The motion was passed.