2013 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2013 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 0th week, Hilary 2013 (2013-01-09)

    Present: Alex Bartram (President), Hannah Smith (Vice-President (Administrative)), Isaac Rose (Secretary), Emma Livingston (Treasurer), Angus Hawkins (Lindsay), Thomas Wainford (Dr. WHO), Rosie Bettle (Dr. WHO), Max Dalton (Foody), Duncan Shepherd (Foody), Jack Banner (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Samuel Atwell (Access and Admissions Officer), Jamie Mawhinney (Access and Admissions Officer), Caitlin Tickell (Affiliations Officer), Anonymous (Affiliations Officer), Alex Copestake (Charities and RAG Officer), Sam Bumby (Charities and RAG Officer), Oliver House (Design & Maintenance Officer), Harry Parkin (Design & Maintenance Officer), Anna Blum (Student Disabilities Officer), Joshua Jones (Entz Officer), Marcus Watson (Entz Officer), James Rainey (Environment & Ethics Officer), Molly Rogers (Environment & Ethics Officer), Ben Crome (John de Balliol), Paul Moroz (John de Balliol), Lukas Freund (Ethnic Minorities Officer), William Toher (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Emily Barradell (LGBTQ Officer), Richard May (LGBTQ Officer), David Janz (Website & Computing Officer), Alice Beech (Women's Officer)


    1. Co-option EGM [Alex Bartram]
    2. Sky Sports [Harry Parkin]
    3. GM Helpers [Alex Bartram]
    4. Bop Cleanup [Hannah Smith]
    5. Handovers [Alex Bartram]
    6. AOB


    1. Co-option EGM [Alex Bartram]
      • SA and AH respectively volunteered to present the co-option motion at the forthcoming EGM and act as Returning Officer. AB invited the Committee to discuss the specific procedure of the husts. SA noted that the Committee was taking it for granted that the motion would pass, but AB reminded that the Committee had full constitutional power over co-options, so it wasn’t really a motion you could amend. MW added that the value of this method of co-option was largely symbolic – it was the Committee providing the JCR with the opportunity to vote, in the name of openness. HS said that while questioning was good in theory, in practice, given that these were co-options the time allocated for questioning should be limited. EL suggested a maximum of ten questions be allowed. JB wanted no questioning, and wanted it to be limited to the candidate’s speeches, while HP questioned the wisdom of questioning unopposed people. AH suggested that there should be five minutes of questioning per pair of candidates; this would maintain brevity but also allow for the JCR to have the opportunity to question candidates. The Committee agreed with AH, and also voted to have RON included on the ballot paper.
    2. Sky Sports [Harry Parkin]
      • HP informed the Committee that a few years ago a motion brought to a GM to get the JCR to buy Sky Sports was rejected on the grounds of expense). He noted that now the JCR was able to buy it on the charity rate, which was substantially cheaper. He sought clarification as to where this money would come from, and informed the Committee that he would be bringing a motion to the next GM. AB added that the MCR were also looking into buying Sky Sports, but noted that the JCR would have to liaise with college, as the domestic bursar would have to do the paperwork.
    3. GM Helpers [Alex Bartram]
      • AB said he wanted to create a rota similar to that of bop cleanup whereby each GM three Committee members would assist the Secretary in both setting up and cleaning up. There was no objection from the Committee.
    4. Bop Cleanup [Hannah Smith]
      • HS said she would be organising bop cleanup for the coming bop, and noted that everyone should be excited because it was “the reason they ran to be on committee.” SA noted that bop cleanup was “fun while hammered,” while ET asked whether the work of cleaning up Pantry could be shared between her, AH, MD and DS. The Committee thought this was a good idea. AB noted the importance of getting people to leave the JCR quickly after bops, given the current situation with our kind neighbours. On the subject of our neighbours, MW gave a report of a meeting he had had with the Dean, informing the Committee that for at least the next two terms bops would be ending at midnight. He echoed AB in stressing the importance of getting revellers to swiftly “go away”.
    5. Handovers [Alex Bartram]
      • AB asked who had received a formal handover from their predecessors. The numbers were low, and a lot of people felt unprepared for their jobs. The Committee registered its formal disapproval of the previous Committee.
    6. AOB
      • AH said that of the new glasses he had bought for the Bar this term, none had yet disappeared. However, we were only two nights in.
      • HS raised her concerns with regards to the Sports email which had been sent out the previous day. She said that the language used was objectively offensive, and could be alienating to members of the JCR, given it went out on the maillist. While HP argued that since those mentioned in the email weren’t themselves offended so it was okay, AYB and ET disagreed. EL argued that it was the attitude in the email which was offensive, and was a bad start to the year. PM said that the content of the email had been only loosely sports-related, and that JdeB was really the place for gossip. AB noted that he had approved the email, as he was unsure of whether he could act as the moral arbiter of the JCR. HS said he could, as all Committee officers were mandated to make the JCR a nice place. SA also added that since it was the President’s job to approve the mail list, and AB had been elected President, he had been given the mandate to vet it as he saw fit. The Committee agreed that the Women’s Officers should have a word with the Sports Reps and tell them to change the tone of their emails.

    Isaac Rose, Secretary