2013 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2013 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 3rd week, Trinity 2013 (2013-05-08)

    Present: Alex Bartram (President), Hannah Smith (Vice-President (Administrative)), Isaac Rose (Secretary), Emma Livingston (Treasurer), Angus Hawkins (Lindsay), Thomas Wainford (Dr. WHO), Rosie Bettle (Dr. WHO), Max Dalton (Foody), Duncan Shepherd (Foody), Jack Banner (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Samuel Atwell (Access and Admissions Officer), Jamie Mawhinney (Access and Admissions Officer), Caitlin Tickell (Affiliations Officer), Anonymous (Affiliations Officer), Alex Copestake (Charities and RAG Officer), Sam Bumby (Charities and RAG Officer), Oliver House (Design & Maintenance Officer), Harry Parkin (Design & Maintenance Officer), Anna Blum (Student Disabilities Officer), Joshua Jones (Entz Officer), Marcus Watson (Entz Officer), James Rainey (Environment & Ethics Officer), Molly Rogers (Environment & Ethics Officer), Ben Crome (John de Balliol), Paul Moroz (John de Balliol), Lukas Freund (Ethnic Minorities Officer), William Toher (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Emily Barradell (LGBTQ Officer), Richard May (LGBTQ Officer), David Janz (Website & Computing Officer), Alice Beech (Women's Officer)


    1. Matters Arising
    2. JCR Elections [Alex Bartram]
    3. Rugby Fun(ding) [Duncan Shepherd]
    4. Absence [Alex Bartram]
    5. Fresher’s Week [Hannah Smith] 
    6. Reports [Alex Bartram]
    7. Changing EM&O to EMIS [Lukas Freund]
    8. Clocks [Emma Livingston]
    9. AOB


    1. Matters Arising
      • JAB enquired about whether HP had researched into buying a new JCR office laptop. HP said he hadn’t, and was awaiting a budget from EL.
      • AB informed the committee that the Cherwell editors had apologised profusely for almost running a story concerning the masonry work which would have looked bad on the both the JCR and the college. He also added that the whole episode had been a perfect example of what happens when the institutional memory of the JCR is not preserved. To this end, he stressed that all committee members ensured they wrote their handover packs.
    2. JCR Elections [Alex Bartram]
      • AB informed the committee that the Trinity Term elections would be happening in sixth week, and noted that preparations would have to begin in fourth week. He noted that there was one committee position up for election – AcAf, and also informed the Committee that they would have to help invigilate the elections.
      • AYB noted that she was away next term, due to her year abroad. She asked AB what she should do regarding this. AB informed her that the year previously it had been decided that in the event of one half of an officer-team resigning, being no-conned or going away, it was the prerogative of the other half to decide what to do. In this case, he informed ET that she had the right to request co-option if she felt she needed more help. AYB informed the committee that she would be around for Fresher’s Week.
      • TW inquired as to whether the Ball Committee would be elected in sixth week. AB informed him that it would.
    3. Rugby Fun(ding) [Duncan Shepherd]
      • DS informed the committee that in his capacity as Rugby Captain he had initiated weekly beginners touch rugby sessions. Those who attended these sessions had been promised a free shirt. Given this, he asked the committee for £51 to fund these events.
      • MW (ex-Rugby Captain) added that the idea behind these beginner sessions was to encourage people to get into sport because of the social and entertainment opportunities it provided, as opposed to being explicitly a ‘rugby thing’.
      • ET added that it had almost been entirely women taking part, and given that women in sport at Balliol was underrepresented, she felt that these sessions were a good thing.
      • EL asked whether DS had approached college for the funding, given that there was a £4000 sports fund available, and AB expressed his worry that if the JCR funded these sports shirts, they would become gradually sucked into wider sports funding. MW said that there was a problem with obtaining funding from college because the budget was fixed, and the meeting of the sports committee was too infrequent to be able to help in this particular case. HP acknowledged that this hadn’t been done previously, and said that if this was to become a permanent thing then it would be good to get college to fund it in future. He was reluctant for the JCR to fund it, given that the shirts were essentially stash, something that normally individuals were expected to pay for. The committee decided that they would pay for the shirts if it transpired that DS was unable to secure funding from college.
    4. Absence [Alex Bartram]
      • AB informed the committee that he would be away next week, Tuesday-Friday inclusive. HS would take over all his duties, and DK would be responsible for the maillist.
    5. Fresher’s Week [Hannah Smith]
      • HS updated the committee on her preparations for Fresher’s Week, and explained to them the changes on previous years she would like to see enacted. She noted that welfare officers had a day each during Fresher’s Week to do something and that in the past they had done lunches, however this year wanted them to be more imaginative. She opened the possibility of joint MCR-JCR events and said she wanted more active and wide ranging events, such as trips to the Pitt Rivers and games of rounders; noting that more events would require more committee supervision. She informed the committee that in sixth week she’d be setting the budgets and timetable with college, and said that the budgets weren’t set and officers should contact her if they wanted more money. Finally on the issue of Parents, she informed the committee that she was planning on creating a separate committee to organise the subject and general parenting system.
    6. Reports [Alex Bartram]
      • AB asked the committee to start thinking about their termly reports, noting that if they didn’t yet have anything to put in their reports, then they should create something to put in. The term previously every officer had done a report, and he would like to see a repeat of this.
    7. Changing EM&O to EMIS [Lukas Freund]
      • LF informed the committee that he’d like to see EM&O changed to EMIS for three reasons – (1) that for continental European’s ‘overseas’ denoted North America; (2) ‘overseas’ is an example of the British fortress mentality, which he felt was archaic, and; (3) Scottish and Irish people, who come under the jurisdiction of EM&O are not considered ‘overseas’. AB noted it would have to go through a GM, given it was a constitutional change. LF said he and WT would bring it to the next GM.
    8. Clocks [Emma Livingston]
      • EL said that she found the fact that there was no clock in the JCR annoying, she felt that the Committee should buy one and put one up in the JCR. BC expressed incredulity that in this day and age someone would be lacking in either phone or watch, while JJ expressed serious reservations about where the clock would be located. HS said that she had both a watch and a phone and said that if the committee were to buy a clock then it should be a decorative installation as opposed to a purely practical object. The committee decided to buy a clock and put it up.
    9. AOB
      • IR said that the lock for the back gate was broken and it was extremely inconvenient for everyone. He asked AB to pressure the college into swiftly replacing it, in the interests of everyone in the JCR.
      • AB said he would be bringing two motions to the GM, one about JCR reserves and another about Standing Policy. He also informed the committee that the bar and pantry had been inspected and that we had four-star environmental health.
      • The meeting ended.

    Isaac Rose, Secretary