2013 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2013 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 7th week, Trinity 2013 (2013-06-05)

    Present: Alex Bartram (President), Hannah Smith (Vice-President (Administrative)), Isaac Rose (Secretary), Emma Livingston (Treasurer), Angus Hawkins (Lindsay), Thomas Wainford (Dr. WHO), Rosie Bettle (Dr. WHO), Max Dalton (Foody), Duncan Shepherd (Foody), Jack Banner (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Samuel Atwell (Access and Admissions Officer), Jamie Mawhinney (Access and Admissions Officer), Caitlin Tickell (Affiliations Officer), Anonymous (Affiliations Officer), Alex Copestake (Charities and RAG Officer), Sam Bumby (Charities and RAG Officer), Oliver House (Design & Maintenance Officer), Harry Parkin (Design & Maintenance Officer), Anna Blum (Student Disabilities Officer), Joshua Jones (Entz Officer), Marcus Watson (Entz Officer), James Rainey (Environment & Ethics Officer), Molly Rogers (Environment & Ethics Officer), Ben Crome (John de Balliol), Paul Moroz (John de Balliol), Lukas Freund (Ethnic Minorities Officer), William Toher (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Emily Barradell (LGBTQ Officer), Richard May (LGBTQ Officer), David Janz (Website & Computing Officer), Alice Beech (Women's Officer)


    1. 0) Matters Arising
    2. Co-options [Isaac Rose]
    3. Can we please tell Dave to do his job? [Angus Hawkins]
    4. Condom Machine [Rosie Bettle]


    1. 0) Matters Arising
      • Bar Glasses: AH reported that putting a box at the top of the bar stairs had had a remarkable effect on the bar getting its glasses back.
      • International Newspapers: BC enquired as to what was happening with this - LF said that the survey was on-going, but there had been a lack of replies. He said he would promote it further, while AB tentatively suggested that this perhaps showed the JCR was disinterested.
      • Fossil Fuel Divestment: JR informed the Committee that there would be a motion at the evening’s OUSU council which would ask the University to be transparent on its finances. Noted that this was weak—it did not call for divestment—but that it was a step in the right direction. He noted that the campaign for fossil fuel divestment would begin proper in Michaelmas. AB suggested that JR informally asked the college whether they invested in fossil fuels, JR said he would do this.
    2. Co-options [Isaac Rose]
      • IR noted that AcAf was unfilled after the Trinity Term elections, and also told the Committee that he had heard someone was interested in doing the job. He also suggested that the Arts Festival Co-Ordinator should be filled, given it had been mentioned at the Comrade Shakespeare husts. He suggested that the Committee advertised these vancacies and co-opted the following week. AB asked the Committee whether they should use the system they devised at the start of Hilary to co-opt, or do it in Committee. MW said that if there was more than one candidate for a position, then the system used in Hilary would be useful; however JJ disagreed—believing it was acceptable for the Committee to clandestinely co-opt in Lecture Room 23 and adding that although he felt the exercise at the beginning of Hilary was both useful and interesting, given it was done under specific circumstances, it did not need to be repeated.
      • TW noted that it was imperative that these positions were filled quickly, and there wasn’t enough time for a GM-style co-option; while AH said that he agreed with JJ, despite being the deviser of the Hilary Term Experiment in Co-options. AC wondered if there were any other positions to be filled, asking specifically about John de Bulletin. To this question, AB and IR hung their heads in shame, and JJ could be heard to whisper a lament for “those lost Matt Barber years.” The Committee decided to advertise the vacant positions, and co-opt them at next week’s meeting.
    3. Can we please tell Dave to do his job? [Angus Hawkins]
      • AH asked the question implicit in the item, noting that DK was not sending out the emails he was supposed to. IR said that he had spoken to DK about this, and Dave had expressed great frustration at the fact he had to compile weekly bulletins; which took up time he did not have. DK, he said, had suggested that the system could be changed to make his job easier, and IR suggested that this would perhaps be a more fruitful way to approach the problem. AB agreed and said he would speak to DK, both encouraging him to do his job and sorting out an automated system.
    4. Condom Machine [Rosie Bettle]
      • RB said that her and TW wanted to replace the broken condom machine in staircase 16, and after doing some research had found one for ÂŁ130. However TW noted that this would mean condoms being sold at market price, as opposed to the current price of 2p. ET said that the machine was a necessary piece of equipment, but only served its purpose if the condoms were cheap. HS wondered why there could not be condoms left in the tampax box, ET said that this was due to the possibility that somebody could pierce them. RB wondered which account the money could come from, AB suggested the general welfare fund; while ET suggested using the tampax fund, releasing the funds at a General Meeting. HS objected to this, noting that there were moral questions surrounding contraception that did not apply to sexual health—given people had optionally paid into the tampax fund on the proviso it would be spent on sexual health, it would be dubious of the JCR to spend that money on contraception.
    5. AOB
      • IR said he had been contacted by Peter May from the MCR, advertising paid labour at the MCR Garden Party. He would forward these messages onto the wider JCR.
      • TW wondered about the vac res for Committee Officers in Freshers’ week; noting that the deadline for applications was today. HS said that she had spoken to Brook Hewitt, who had said that last year Committee Officers had been able to get vac res for free from the Sunday of 0th week. HS asked the Committee to email her and let her know if they needed vac res. TW said he would get in touch with the relevant College officers.
      • HP wondered why his hyperlink in his report had not worked. He blamed IR.
      • CW said that there was a potentially exciting OUSU council this evening—the Scrutiny Committee had published its report, which was critical of the domineering style of David Townsend.
      • AYB said she was going to resign, due to her year abroad. AH said that this meant, according to David Bagg’s constitutional amendment, it was the prerogative of ET to ask the Committee to co-opt a replacement. ET thus asked the committee to co-opt the vacant position, noting that Krista Haltunnen was interested. SA anticipated her triumphant return to Committee.
      • HS said she wanted to delegate more for Freshers’ Week—the Welfare Officers would be running their events, while she wanted all Committee Officers to reply to her with a brief job description for Balliol for Beginners.
      • The meeting ended.

    Isaac Rose, Secretary