2014 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 2nd week, Hilary 2014 (2014-01-29)Present: Dan Turner (President), Krista Halttunen (Vice-President (Administrative)), Georgina Wilson (Secretary), Max Dalton (Treasurer), Alex Mullan (Lindsay), Anna Hufton (Dr. WHO), Joe Mansour (Dr. WHO), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Foody), Matthew Lynch (Foody), Caitlin Tickell (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Isaac Rose (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Sam Bumby (Access and Admissions Officer), Anonymous (Access and Admissions Officer), Robert Walmsley (Affiliations Officer), Nina Plowfields (Affiliations Officer), Henry Wisbey-Broom (Charities and RAG Officer), Aisha Simon (Charities and RAG Officer), Colm Britchfield (Design & Maintenance Officer), James Kavanagh (Design & Maintenance Officer), Elizabeth Tulloch (Student Disabilities Officer), Alex Cheng (Entz Officer), Kelly Brotherhood (Entz Officer), Xavier Cohen (Environment & Ethics Officer), Rivka Micklethwaite (Environment & Ethics Officer), Holly Marriott-Webb (John de Balliol), Harry Rimmer (John de Balliol), Thomas Posa (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Eniola Oyesanya (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Ian McFarlane (LGBTQ Officer), Alastair Bassett (LGBTQ Officer), Richard May (Website & Computing Officer), Claudia Freemantle (Women's Officer)
- Matters Arising
- Rustication, OUSU developments. (Isaac and Caitlin)
- Subject Parent Network (Isaac and Caitlin)
- Academic Review (Isaac and Caitlin)
- Handover (Isaac)
- Noticeboards (Anna Hufton)
- Welfare Craft (Molly Rogers)
- Uploading J de B (Holly)
- 0) Matters Arising
- Bop cleaning equipment: KH reported that Maureen did not think we need to buy much more cleaning equipment as we don't have much storage space. But KH has spent about £20 on some extras.
- Investments in Fossil Fuels: DT reported that the Master has scheduled a talk with him and the E&E officers.
- JCR office keys: JK reported that there is now a JCR office key in the lodge for committee members to use.
- Taxi Fund: CT said that at the moment students pay for their own late-night taxis and can be reimbursed by Denise. CT pointed out that this did not solve the problem of being stranded on a night out. CT suggested that a possible solution would be that College pay for the taxi, put the amount on battles, and then College set up a tab with a particular taxi company. CT noted that the College will pay for taxis for medical reasons. DT asked CT to talk to Doug about the issue.
- Rustication, OUSU developments. (Isaac and Caitlin)
- CT reported a meeting yesterday with Rachel Pickering (OUSO Acaf). The term "suspended status" is anyone who has left for medical or academic reasons, as well as those who are being disciplined. Students would be able to access SOLO, Nexus, University Libraries and use University welfare servives. OUSU can't insist that Colleges allow suspended students on site.
- Subject Parent Network (Isaac and Caitlin)
- IR raised the idea that subject parents roles should be formalized and be much stronger so that subject families became a reliable network of academic support. IR would like this to be in place by the time we appoint the new subject parents. CT suggested that we might have subject tea parties every term which would be at least partially funded by College. KH supported this idea. CF suggested that subject tea parties might be good social events, but are not necessarily ideal forums for raising academic concerns.
- Academic Review (Isaac and Caitlin)
- CT reported that Rachel Pickering raised "reviewing subject" groups, that are already used in many other colleges. The groups would discuss how they feel their subject is taught in college. The ACAF officers would do an anonymous formalised report following on from the discussion, which would be reported back to Nicky Trott. About three subject would be reviewed each year. IW suggested that this would be particularly helpful for minority subject students. CW pointed out that larger subject groups might lead to slightly unfocused meetings. CF pointed out that many historians are taught out of college. DT pointed out that these review groups would be a lot of work for the ACAF officers and suggested that IR and CT might delegate, or trial it with a short amount of time. CT suggested that the employment of Kate Kettle minimised Access and Admissions role, so that the two roles might share some responsibilities.
- Handover (Isaac)
- IR asked if anyone had not received a handover pack and promised to chase up the predecessors who hadn't delivered.
- Noticeboards (Anna Hufton)
- AH encouraged everyone to decorate their noticeboards. £10 each passed for Access, Affiliations, Charities,(none of whom had budgets to decorate their noticeboards). SB pointed out that bop decoration could wreak havoc on their noticeboards. CW said that it was "not cool" that someone stole the OUSO photos last year. Affiliations are going to look into printing some more off.
- Welfare Craft (Molly Rogers)
- MR said that crafts could be theraputic. Exmaples she had in mind were finger-painting, clay modelling, making felt animals. MR asked whether she should provide felt. NP said that MR should purchase felt beforehand. MR pointed out the dilemma of not knowing beforehand what animals people wanted to make. DT clarified that this would be done by welfare officers, and then suggested that the welfare budget could always be increased if necessary.
- Uploading J de B (Holly)
- HMW said that the J de B is often not seen by people. HMW suggested that it went on facebook, but IR was against this idea. AH said that it was dangerous to have J de B permanently anywhere. CW suggested that something online, even in a private area, is much harder to control. CW suggested that the J de B would become less racy if it were online. KH suggested that this go to a GM. Committee voted against having it online. HMW then suggested it went up in the JCR office, which CT clarified that it did already though no one knew.
- Illias Thoms was co-opted onto Entz Committee.
- CB said that he needed a tape measure, hammer and spirit level, and a longer ethernet cable. He was not sure how much money would be needed. £50 was passed for him to buy these things.
- AH asked everyone to come to the mental health talk today.
- IR said that James Elliot has been elected as Disabled Students Officer in OUSU, and promoted his workshop next week.
- AS asked that everyone took part in Balliol's got talent.
- RM reported that Eduroam had been a bit dodgy recently. MR was clearly hoarding all of out internet as she revealed she had been using it on three separate devices. RM asked that people emailed him as soon as they noticed Eduroam had gone down rather than afterwards.
- The meeting ended.