2015 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 4th week, Trinity 2015 (2015-05-20)Attendance
Present: Duncan Shepherd (President), Aisha Simon (Vice-President (Administrative)), Richard May (Secretary), John Clark-Maxwell (Treasurer), Richard Ware (Lindsay), Thomas Posa (Dr. WHO), Ryan Diamond (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alice Farrell (Access and Admissions Officer), Xavier Greenwood (Access and Admissions Officer), Cealach McKeating (Affiliations Officer), Emily Webb (Charities and RAG Officer), Florence Hardy (Design & Maintenance Officer), Jack Wheatley (Design & Maintenance Officer), Laura Wills (Student Disabilities Officer), Calum Jacobs (Environment & Ethics Officer), Daisy Pearson (Environment & Ethics Officer), Anne Williamson (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Cameron Kigonya (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Alex McKenzie (Website & Computing Officer), Charlotte Suttle (Women's Officer), Kathryn Pritchard (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Amy Ford (Dr. WHO), Michael Wrathall (Foody), Jess Poole (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer)
Absent without explanation: Gaetano Iannetta (Foody), James Kavanagh (Affiliations Officer), George Badger (Charities and RAG Officer), Matthew Lynch (Entz Officer), Benjamin Atueyi (Entz Officer), Colm Britchfield (John de Balliol), Oliver Johnson-Munday (John de Balliol), Indigo Wilde (LGBTQ Officer), Samuel Gibb (LGBTQ Officer)
Matters Arising
- Hi Cealach! [Richard]
- Craft cupboard [Molly]
- Welfare Tea [Duncan]
- Debate snacks [Duncan]
- JCR Website [Molly]
- Making an honest porter out of Alan [Duncan]
- Eurovision [Duncan]
- Prelims feedback [Duncan]
- Back gate [John]
- Charitable registration [Duncan]
- June Jamboree [Duncan]
Matters Arising
- The Committee welcomed Cealach to the Committee, and gave her a brief round of applause.
- Flo and Jack are going to make the craft cupboard.
Main Agenda
- Tom reminded everyone to sign up on the welfare tea rota.
- Duncan bought £13.30 of snacks for the sub fusc debate; we passed money to reimburse him.
- Molly wanted to know whether we could have a page on the JCR website for keeping welfare leaflets; Alex responded that this would be possible.
- Duncan said that Alan the porter had got engaged, and asked if we could pass £25 to get him some flowers and Turkish delight.
- Eurovision is on Friday, and we'd like to put it on in the JCR. As usual, entz aren't here so we can't ask them about it.Â
- There is no proper feedback on Prelims. Duncan plans to advertise a means by which people can get copies of their papers back, by appealing under (possibly) the Data Protection Act. It was mentioned that if people had subject reps (as there are for physics), they should encourage them to campaign on their behalf. OUSU has expressed to the University a desire for feedback on par with that at other universities, but the University has yet to implement any changes on this front.
- It was asked when the back gate was being fixed; Duncan said he was asking this afternoon.Â
- Duncan briefly outlined the aims of charitable registration, and asked whether anyone would be able to help him with research in the short term. Kat, Cealach, George and Cameron volunteered.
- Duncan asked if anyone had plans for the June Jamboree, such as face painting, candy flossing or a bar; Alex asked how one flosses a candy. John remarked that we were getting a 20-person bouncy castle, but that we weren't allowed to have adults and children on the castle at once. Richard Ware is running a bar, and John is getting a pole joust. Confusion was expressed about the nature of pole jousting; John drew a mildly helpful diagram on the whiteboard in an attempt to help. Daisy volunteered to do face-painting. Aisha asked if we could have a water fight. Tom asked what would happen if people were hit by water and did not want to be; Richard May asked why they were participating in the water fight in that case. John asked if anyone owned a gazebo; following general mockery, Flo revealed that she did in fact own a large tent that would be suitable for a bar or pantry. Cealach asked if we could have balloons, and epressed a preference for 100,000 of them, and also asked if we could have jam. John asked if anyone wanted to be in charge of decorations for the Jamboree; several people expressed a preference in assisting whoever was in charge. Emily said she would look into getting together bunting.
- Cam and Annie want to split EMIS into an Ethnic Minorities position and an International rep. Richard May asked whether they envisioned having one person or two people in each role; Cam and Annie responded that they saw it as being two people in each role. Tom said that as an ex-EMIS officer he felt it wasn't necessary, and outlined his reasoning in depth. Richard May said that it seemed like there was a substantial debate here, and consequently it should probably go to a GM.
- Xav said that Kate Kettle has asked if we can do a JCR-run and JCR-filmed admissions video. The Committee expressed a view that Suzy Shepherd was the ideal person to talk to about this, and highly recommended her skills. It was suggested that Xav or Alice talk to Suzy and see how busy she is.
- It was asked who was in charge of the JCR Instagram account; Xav and Alice are. Richard May asked who had the Twitter account and whether it could be given to someone who would actually do something with it. Duncan suggested he bring a motion to a GM.
The meeting ended.