2015 Finance Subcommittee

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2015 Finance Subcommittee

    Date: Friday 4th week, Trinity 2015 (2015-05-22)

    Present: Duncan Shepherd (President), Aisha Simon (Vice-President (Administrative)), John Clark-Maxwell (Treasurer), Richard Ware (Lindsay), Gaetano Iannetta (Foody)

    Absent with apologies: Richard May (Secretary), Michael Wrathall (Foody)


    Matters Arising

    Main Agenda

    1. Pantry
    2. General Finance
    3. Bar



    The Secretary, Richard May, was absent - consequently, this meeting is minuted by Aisha Simon.

    Matters Arising

    There were no matters arising.


    First week took a hit. Since then they have been doing better. They want an initiative where experienced pantry workers take the back- would stop Pantry closing at the weekend. Probably open from 12:30-2:00pm.

    Water cooler replacement; waiting to hear back from the guy. £4 for 20 litres of water. Going to buy 10 of these and see whether it’s worth it. Three services per year, and £4 a year for the machine.

    Staffing matters were discussed in camera.

    Pantry is making a lot of money. Guy thinks this is because the way in which people perceive pantry has changed.


    Quite down in comparison to this time last year. Weekly target: once we take away student wages, Bar needs to make £1000 per week. Bar parties a great success. Currently trying to do an event each week; doing something special for Eurovision. Might change happy hour to 8-9pm. Need to get more people in the bar. Next term Richard is going to try to get back a week early to sort out events for university societies in the Bar. Need a consistent image for advertising.

    Events this term need people to run them.

    Richard has the license to sell drinks to the public at Summer Eights.

    Pantry and Bar will try to get a van down with everything we’re selling.

    June Jamboree will be good. These events all will be good for the bar, but they don’t improve people coming down to the bar. There is some concern that students drink in their own rooms, in groups, in isolation. Duncan floated the idea of having group rates, which would apply to people coming down to the bar with a few of their friends.

    Possible bar deals for birthday events?

    General Finance

    John has come up with a spreadsheet that will show how much we’re spending and what it is exactly that we spend money on. At the end of each term he intends to print of this spreadsheet and hand it over to college.

    John spoke to Dick Collier about putting our reserves into college’s reserves. At the moment looks like it might not be the best idea.


    Mugs in Fresher’s week: wondering how to fund these, maybe sell some in the buttery.
    Decided: everyone gets a mug – they’ll pay the same amount as we do for each mug (through battels) if they want to.Â