2017 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 2nd week, Hilary 2017 (2017-01-25)Present: Hubert Au (President), Frederick Potts (Vice-President (Administrative)), Thomas Gater (Secretary), Zachary Leather (Treasurer), John Watson (Lindsay), Ele Saltmarsh (Dr. WHO), Alexander Fuller (Dr. WHO), Alastair Nicklin (Sports Rep), Kathryn Husband (Sports Rep), Luke Chester (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Finn Conway (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Calum Holt (Access and Admissions Officer), Isobel Howden (Access and Admissions Officer), Leon Kidd (Charities and RAG Officer), Rishem Khattar (Charities and RAG Officer), Richard Ware (Design & Maintenance Officer), Marianne Cain (Student Disabilities Officer), Steven Rose (Entz Officer), Ellen Cropley (Entz Officer), Felix Heilmann (Environment & Ethics Officer), Joshua Jones (Environment & Ethics Officer), Stephen Hawes (John de Balliol), John Maier (John de Balliol), Simran Uppal (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Julia Davis (Housing Officer), Cole Horton (LGBTQ Officer), Pallavi Ojha (LGBTQ Officer), Antonia Siu (Website & Computing Officer), Monique Keane (Women's Officer), Laura McMillen (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Alexander Toal (Foody), Leah Mitchell (Foody), Juliet Flamank (Student Disabilities Officer), Suwanja Srikantha (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Amrita Khandpur (International Students Officer), Alexander Gruen (International Students Officer)

- Targeted Ad Money (Izzy and Calum)
- Piano Tuning (Richard Ware)
- NHS March (Zach Leather)
- Financial Etiquette on Committee
- Codebar workshops (Monique and Laura)
- Matters Arising

Hannah for entz sub committee
Hubert welcomed committee and invited Hannah to speak on why she wanted to be on entz subcommittee
She already helped and doesn't drink so she feels like she can help. Hubert asked Hannah to leave, there were no objections. Hannah is duly co opted
Izzy calum - targeted ad money
Izzy explained that facebook allows targeted ads for a fee, they would begin by trying it out in the regional area for Balliol. The cost can vary so they wanted £20 to test out which method is most cost effective. Keep it in Hertfordshire until the outreach office approves advertising more widely. Hertfordshire was noted as being in the typical demographic for Oxford applicants.
They would spread the money to take advantage of the specific targeting facebook offers. The aim of this is to get people considering to apply to Oxford go for Balliol and to make people who never considered rethink. It's the second tact which this is particularly suited to. The £20 can be split to head for those two different aims.
How many will £20 hit (ish)? 10,000 people hopefully. 4000 people saw their last most successful post.
Marriane suggested that you can make facebook find 'look a like audiences'. Calum noted that this is counterproductive to their aim of finding new people. In the future more money might be sourced to expand this program, but with £20 just for a test it's a smaller commitment in the first place.
Hubert asked for opposition. There was none. £20 passed.
Richard ware - piano tuning
Meastro music should be in charge and use the fund they have to tune them. Zack will work on making sure they have access to the fund without a GM motion passing.
Zack - NHS march
An Oxford contingent is being organised to go and march, and Zack would like to use the campaign fund to help people get there. He has a contact who is organising a bus and he wanted to touch base and make sure committee was on board with the march. He wants opinions on endorsing this, and how committee should liaise with his contact, and whether or not we wanted to work with her at all or do it individually. He was encouraged to find out more about the specifics of the plan and bring it to a GM.
Zack - financial etiquette on committee
Felix wanted to know how how the funding works in the JCR more widely. Zack gave an overview of the JCRs finances:
Money comes in;
college grant
There are central accounts ie unrestricted reserves where most money comes from. More specific requests for money would come from the specific funds set up for them. Ie picture fund or campaigning fund etc.
The reserves are from surpluses in previous years and charitable donations.
Zack asked the committee to add this primer to handover packs and to ask if there are any specific questions. Zack was asked to write up a small summary to circulate.
Monique and Laura - codebar workshops
A Balliol alumnus is involved in codebar, a program to teach minorities to code. They have sponsorship but they need a venue. They wanted to know if Balliol would be amenable. Antonia asked if they had asked the women's computer science group for help. It was pointed out that this would definitely have to go through college, and that this was just a first step before Laura and Monique asked college and the computer people.
Zack AOB – Zack asked Hubert to check that the college bike rack could be left open for an extra 15 minutes on tuesday evenings. Climbing club need to get back later. Speak to Matt (bikes rep) to sort it.
Hubert AOB – the washing machines in Jowett could become our responsibility as the contract is nearly up. It's not currently paid for and no one saw the need to change the situation but the Jowett wardens will be consulted.