2018 Committee Lunch
Date: Saturday 2nd week, Hilary 2018 (2018-01-27)Attendance
Present: Leah Mitchell (President), Charlotte Lee (Vice-President (Administrative)), Beth Thomas (Secretary), Henrique Aguiar (Treasurer), Hannah Williams (Dr. WHO), Athravan Sett (Access and Admissions Officer), Mia Liyanage (Access and Admissions Officer), Rebecca Clark (Charities and RAG Officer), Amrita Khandpur (Design & Maintenance Officer), Jamie Barnes (Entz Officer), Alexander Gruen (Housing Officer), Mick Yang (LGBTQ Officer), Tanja Gunther (LGBTQ Officer), Antonia Siu (Website & Computing Officer), Francesca Back (Women's Officer), Lauren Tavriger (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Gregory Brinkworth (Lindsay), Ellen Cropley (Dr. WHO)
Absent without explanation: Rachel Wong (Entz Officer), Dylan Behr (Environment & Ethics Officer), Joshua Tilley (Environment & Ethics Officer)
1. Matters Arising
- Co-optionsÂ
- Entz Subcommittee
- Drama Racial Diversity and Equalities OfficerÂ
- Pilch Design officer
- Whiteboard for Pantry - TL
- Airbeds for JCR - TLÂ
- Life Drawing Classes in college - II
2. AOB
- Table tennis balls update
1. Matters Arising
- Entz SubcommitteeÂ
Michael - Enjoys helping with bop decorations and has lots of free time particularly on a Saturday.
Helena - Wants to be active within the JCR. Has a bit of experience helping out at similar things at school.
Thomas - Feels he would be helpful in the role due to his links with pantry.Â
No opposition to any of the three - all three are co-opted to entz subcommittee.
- Drama Racial Diversity and Equalities OfficerÂ
Rishen - has done quite a lot of drama. Last term produced a play and is keen to increase diversity within drama.Â
Josh - Involved in Cuppers last term and this term is helping direct the charity music. At his last school he directed and ran LGBT+ plays so has some experience.Â
No opposition - they are jointly elected to the position.Â
- Pilch Design officer
Isabel - has directed a few plays - both high budget and low budget so has experience in the area.
No opposition - Isabel elected to the position.Â
Whiteboard for Pantry - TL
Thomas requested 13 pounds in in order to get a whiteboard for pantry - to use as both a weekly menu and for keeping people informed of pantry events.Â
No opposition, motion passes.Â
Airbeds for JCR - TLÂ
Thomas requested a clarification of the situation of borrowing airbeds from college.Â
It was discussed that at one point there were 3, but people had been taking them to use for friends out of college so now lots are missing.Â
Hannah said that it was discussed at a previous meeting that it would be a good idea to post in the old JCR page to see if anyone still has them. This action wasn’t taken so it would still be good to carry out.Â
Hannah also suggested that if that doesn’t work it could be a good idea to put a new system in place to prevent people just taking them.Â
Life Drawing Classes in college - (II)
40 pounds were requested for a life drawing class. The committee were informed that the model costs 20 pounds for an hour and a half, and materials would cost a further 20 pounds. It was also mentioned that life drawing classes have been carried out at other colleges so it could be good idea to hold one here.Â
It was discussed whether or not it could coincide with arts week. Arts week already happened this year so it was suggested that if it is a success this time there is potential a similar event could be held in the next Arts week.Â
The venue is likely to be in the Buttery.Â
There were no objections so motion passes.Â
2) AOB
Henrique gave an update on the situation with the table tennis balls following on from the discussion last week - he said there is a store of them in the JCR office so there is no need to buy more.