2019 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2019 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 3rd week, Hilary 2019 (2019-01-30)

    Present: Michael O'Connor (President), Francis Barnett (Vice-President (Administrative)), Ethan Stewart (Secretary), Daniel Gonsalezpavesio (Treasurer), Frederick Lynam (Lindsay), Calvin Runnels (Dr. WHO), Joe Stephen (Foody), Anna Brainin (Foody), Jack Briggs (Sports Rep), Francesca Back (Sports Rep), Benjamin Elliott (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Jamie Barnes (Access and Admissions Officer), Jai Thakrar-Curtis (Access and Admissions Officer), Donghyun Kang (Affiliations Officer), Arun Gharial (Charities and RAG Officer), Conor Callaghan (Charities and RAG Officer), Jake Dealtry (Student Disabilities Officer), Rory Dangelo (Entz Officer), Bruno Atkinson (Entz Officer), Michael Beattie (Environment & Ethics Officer), Beatrice Boileau (Environment & Ethics Officer), Naa Ntodi (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Tanya Wijesekera (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Xinyu Luo (International Students Officer), Jane Ngarmnil (International Students Officer), Thomas Laver (Housing Officer), Josh Willetts (LGBTQ Officer), Leoni Loughlin (LGBTQ Officer), Daniel Rastelli (Website & Computing Officer), Natasha Fisher-Pearson (Women's Officer), Imogen Rivers (Women's Officer)


    1) JCR Renovation Plans

    2) Purchasing Rugby Ball

    3) Environment and Ethics Activities and Plans

    4) Jay on access efforts

    5) Minutes at week 4 GM

    6) Self-defence Workshops


    JCR Renovation Plans

    Michael O’Connor explains that the final details of the JCR renovation have more or less been decided on and that following a meeting of him and Francis with the domestic bursar there will be a motion brought to the GM this Sunday. He also invites everyone who’s interested to come to a meeting ahead of the GM on Friday to discuss this. Assuming the motion passes at the GM, the plans will be brought to the executive committee in 6th week and the work will be done in the next vacation. Michael stresses that if everything is not dealt with quickly then the next possible time at which the renovation could be done will not be for two years.

    Purchasing Rugby Ball

    Jack Briggs explains that usually new sports equipment is purchased in 7th week, but Balliol Rugby has four games and six training sessions until then and so need a new rugby ball as they lack a good ball at present. Jack asks for £40 for the ball.

    Tom asks if college could be asked for extra money for this, but Jack explains that there is a great deal of uncertainty as to whether college would give them this money.

    Jack also states that there isn’t adequate storage space in college for their sporting equipment and that this is why balls frequently go missing.  Francis notes that when the Master’s Field project is finished there will be more space there for storage.

    The motion passes.


    Environment and Ethics Activities and Plans

    Michael Beattie and Bee Boileau tell the committee they have met with Felix (3rd year) and the MCR environment rep to understand the proper way to go about making changes with regards to environmental issues. Their plans include a meat free day in hall which they will meet with head chef to discuss. They are also concerned about food waste, more accessible veg and disposable cups in pantry and bar.


    Jack expresses his view that we should have an additional role separate from the environment and ethics reps that liaises with hall on behalf of students.

    Jay on access efforts

    Jay notes we have the alternative prospectus that is more honest than what college might tell you for offer holders and prospective applicants. Jay is trying to get people to contribute, targeting specific people first but will open to general JCR.


    Josh is getting paid £8/hour to pay him to design this. Motion will be brought to JCR to fund a 3rd of printing, college will hopefully pay for rest. He explains that the prospectus will be short and to the point but also with fun things like obscure Balliol trivia.


    Minutes at week 4 GM

    Ethan (the secretary) will be away as there wasn’t meant to be a GM this weekend and someone needs to replace him in writing the minutes. Tom agrees to do minutes at gm this Sunday ((Editor’s note: Thanks Tom))

    Self-defence Workshops

    The women’s officers note that other colleges have discussed putting on self-defence workshops in college. Other colleges have it just for women, but they wonder if it might be better if everyone could attend?

    Conor notes that women’s self defence classes can be quite specific to women, i.e dealing with something more physically strong than you.

    No decision is arrived at.


    The committee is dismissed.