2014 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2014 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 4th week, Trinity 2014 (2014-05-21)


    Present: Dan Turner (President), Krista Halttunen (Vice-President (Administrative)), Georgina Wilson (Secretary), Max Dalton (Treasurer), Anna Hufton (Dr. WHO), Joe Mansour (Dr. WHO), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Foody), Matthew Lynch (Foody), Sam Bumby (Access and Admissions Officer), Robert Walmsley (Affiliations Officer), Nina Plowfields (Affiliations Officer), Henry Wisbey-Broom (Charities and RAG Officer), Aisha Simon (Charities and RAG Officer), Elizabeth Tulloch (Student Disabilities Officer), Alex Cheng (Entz Officer), Xavier Cohen (Environment & Ethics Officer), Rivka Micklethwaite (Environment & Ethics Officer), Holly Marriott-Webb (John de Balliol), Harry Rimmer (John de Balliol), Thomas Posa (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Ian McFarlane (LGBTQ Officer), Alastair Bassett (LGBTQ Officer), Richard May (Website & Computing Officer), Izzy Williams (Women's Officer), Claudia Freemantle (Women's Officer)

    Absent with apologies: Alex Mullan (Lindsay), Caitlin Tickell (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Isaac Rose (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Anonymous (Access and Admissions Officer), James Kavanagh (Design & Maintenance Officer), Kelly Brotherhood (Entz Officer), Eniola Oyesanya (Ethnic Minorities Officer)

    Absent without explanation: Colm Britchfield (Design & Maintenance Officer)


    Matters Arising

    1. Taxi Fund {Izzy W]



    1. TV Room [Dan]

    2. Further Study Support [Georgina}

    3. Elections [Dan]





    Matters Arising

    1. Taxi Fund {Izzy W]

    This is now in place. If you go to the Lodge they will order you a taxi, and battle you the cost. The porters know about this system and are happy to enforce it. The Women’s Officers have sent out an email to let Balliol know about this.



    1. TV Room [Dan]

    At the end of last term much of the international storage was put in the TV room, and now the pool table is there. We would like to look at how much it would cost to buy new furniture (which would involve a GM motion), and also put aside time to clear up the room.

    2. Further Study Support [Georgina]

    A suggestion was made last year that undergrads and grads would have meetings to discuss the process of applying for a Masters. College didn’t like the idea that grads would be paid to do this, but we think informal meetings (maybe with wine and nibbles) would be a good forum to discuss this. Dan will send emails to the head of the MCR to discuss.

    3.Elections [Dan]

    Co-options for will take place in Committee Lunch next week. Elections for Ball Committee and Comrade Shakespeare will happen in 6th week. Dan will be RO but needs some help for people to guard the Ballot Box. DT said that the reason these election happen now is that people have just been to balls, and the old ball committee will have finished work, so the new ball committee will have as long as possible. JM pointed out that there is “a grad who plays hockey” who helped with the 750 ball – and by next year he will be the only person left in Balliol who has organised a ball, so he has offered to help out this year. 



    DT confirmed that the “disappeared bike” from the gym has gone to the MCR.

    RM would like advice on choosing colours for T-shirts. HMW doesn’t want navy blue. RM thinks maybe white for the freshers so that they could tie-die. Krista clarified that the JCR usually contribute to Committee T-shirts.

    DT confirmed that College won’t give compensation for the building work. AS is going to email Jo Roadknight in lieu of a College meeting this afternoon. AS also said that last year there were works going on at 8.30am last week which made the building vibrate.

    DT has been invited to submit a paper to a College meeting to lobby for minimum wage. College currently don’t want to be minimum wage accredited because they would lose the option of paying less than the minimum wage.

    DT reminded the committee that political campaigning is banned within the JCR.Â