2015 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 7th week, Trinity 2015 (2015-06-10)Attendance
Present: Duncan Shepherd (President), Aisha Simon (Vice-President (Administrative)), Richard May (Secretary), John Clark-Maxwell (Treasurer), Richard Ware (Lindsay), Gaetano Iannetta (Foody), Jess Poole (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Xavier Greenwood (Access and Admissions Officer), Cealach McKeating (Affiliations Officer), Emily Webb (Charities and RAG Officer), Jack Wheatley (Design & Maintenance Officer), Laura Wills (Student Disabilities Officer), Matthew Lynch (Entz Officer), Daisy Pearson (Environment & Ethics Officer), Anne Williamson (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Alex McKenzie (Website & Computing Officer), Charlotte Suttle (Women's Officer), Kathryn Pritchard (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Thomas Posa (Dr. WHO), Amy Ford (Dr. WHO), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Calum Jacobs (Environment & Ethics Officer), Cameron Kigonya (Ethnic Minorities Officer)
Absent without explanation: Michael Wrathall (Foody), Ryan Diamond (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alice Farrell (Access and Admissions Officer), James Kavanagh (Affiliations Officer), George Badger (Charities and RAG Officer), Florence Hardy (Design & Maintenance Officer), Benjamin Atueyi (Entz Officer), Colm Britchfield (John de Balliol), Oliver Johnson-Munday (John de Balliol), Indigo Wilde (LGBTQ Officer), Samuel Gibb (LGBTQ Officer)
Matters Arising
Main Agenda
 1. June Jamboree Strikes Back! [Duncan]
 2. Next Week [Richard]
 3. Finalists Bops [Duncan]
 4. Termly Reports [Richard]
 5. The Press [Duncan]
Matters Arising
- They're trying to fix the back gate still. It's unclear when it will be fixed.
- College have increased their funding for the bar toilet reconstruction. It should go ahead.
Main Agenda
- Duncan asked who would be able to do face-painting at the June Jambore; Daisy has an exam, but she recommended we talk to Daisy Cutts and Rachel Grabiner. Ruby and Richard will be running the bar. Heidi plus one of Guy or Mike will have to be there the entire day. The event will run 12-6pm, so Ruby and Pete will set up the bar since Richard's exam finishes at 12:30. Cealach asked Richard and Guy to email her if they wanted decorations for their stalls.Â
- Richard said that Secretary co-options would be next week, and asked that people turn up.
- Duncan asked Entz to come up with a theme for the finalists bop soon. Last year lots of randomers turned up and were a problem; he reminded people to talk to the security people if that happened.
- Richard reminded everyone that termly reports needed to be in soon-ish.
- Duncan said that people didn't need to talk to the press about things, and if they wanted not to have their photos used they could say so to the photographers.
- The bar will be open through 9th week, until at least the Friday. Richard is working on getting permission for the Saturday too.
- Kat and Char asked that people sign up to attend the consent workshop training sessions.
- Duncan announced that Balliol will be part of a trial scheme to collect unwanted bed linen at the end of term to give to women's shelters around Oxford.
The meeting ended.