2015 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 1st week, Michaelmas 2015 (2015-10-14)Present: Duncan Shepherd (President), Aisha Simon (Vice-President (Administrative)), Daisy Cutts (Secretary), John Clark-Maxwell (Treasurer), Richard Ware (Lindsay), Thomas Posa (Dr. WHO), Amy Ford (Dr. WHO), Ryan Diamond (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Jess Poole (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alice Farrell (Access and Admissions Officer), Xavier Greenwood (Access and Admissions Officer), James Kavanagh (Affiliations Officer), Cealach McKeating (Affiliations Officer), Emily Webb (Charities and RAG Officer), George Badger (Charities and RAG Officer), Jack Wheatley (Design & Maintenance Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Laura Wills (Student Disabilities Officer), Benjamin Atueyi (Entz Officer), Daisy Pearson (Environment & Ethics Officer), Calum Jacobs (Environment & Ethics Officer), Oliver Johnson-Munday (John de Balliol), Colm Britchfield (John de Balliol), Anne Williamson (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Indigo Wilde (LGBTQ Officer), Samuel Gibb (LGBTQ Officer), Alex McKenzie (Website & Computing Officer), Kathryn Pritchard (Women's Officer), Charlotte Suttle (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Gaetano Iannetta (Foody), Michael Wrathall (Foody), Florence Hardy (Design & Maintenance Officer), Matthew Lynch (Entz Officer), Cameron Kigonya (Ethnic Minorities Officer)
Matters arising
1. Picture Fund Officers
Main Agenda
2. JCR finances [John]
3. Vacation Residence [Richard]
4. Freshers’ Week [Aisha]
5. Sports Rep [Kat and Charlotte]
6. Bruce and Rachel thanks [Duncan]
7. Let’s do things! [Duncan]
1. Three pairs ran for the position of Picture Fund Officers: Aisha and Anna, Will and Tom, and Gaetano and Daisy. Each pair gave a short introductory presentation followed by questions from the Committee. Anna and Aisha were co-opted.
2. John said that the JCR needs to spend more money.
Aisha suggested that we spend money from the music fund on instruments. John said that this would not help solve the problem, because it came from the wrong budget.
Annie suggested that we increase the bike storage opportunities in college, to which Duncan replied that college was already working on this.
Emily said we could spend money on having lunch at committee lunch.
Charlotte suggested that we make the ramp into the JCR more permanent.
Tom said we could increase the welfare tea budget. Charlotte said that Sundays might be a good day to look into expanding the food opportunities offered by the JCR.
Aisha asked if we can make pizza after the bop cleanup a permanent feature.
Kat suggested a vac res grant from the JCR. Duncan said he has spoken to Richard Norman about this a lot. There is a meeting on Monday next week where Duncan will speak to college about vac res. John said at the moment the JCR doesn’t make grants of any kind, and to start doing this would raise new questions. Should the JCR have to give grants? And also, how would the JCR assess who deserved a grant?
Richard suggested we do some structural giving to charity.
John suggested that Committee members spend more money and host more events in their day to day jobs.
Alice said that we could give thank you gifts to people who give tours – potentially a free hall lunch.
3. Richard is planning to reimburse himself £170 from the bar finances for the week he spent in college before term sorting out the bar – he just wanted to run this by the committee before doing so. Committee did not object to this.
4. Aisha thanked Committee for all of their help during Freshers’ Week. She asked if Committee would be willing to help with matriculation on Saturday. Aisha also asked to pass £20 for gifts for freshers’ week helpers. Committee passed this money.
5. Charlotte suggested bringing a motion to try and ensure that the Sports Reps are mixed gender. Kat also suggested that Sports Rep should be a committee position. Committee expressed the view that they thought these were important ideas, and suggested that the Women’s Officers bring a GM motion on the matter.
6. Duncan asked for £50 to buy Bruce and Rachel thank you gifts. Committee passed this money.
7. Over the last year we made £6000 as a JCR, mostly in Michaelmas. Duncan urged Committee to run more events.
Cealach needs to find someone to replace James as Affiliations Officer. The rest of Committee agreed to help her find a replacement.
Duncan reminded everyone that the unveiling of the Grayson Perry painting in the Buttery is happening this evening. This event is open to non-committee members.
Duncan asked for a round of applause for Aisha for organising Freshers’ Week.
Duncan asked for some money (up to £10) to send a card and a small get well soon gift to Jane, who works in hall.
Oli asked for money for colour printing for the JdeB. He also asked the Committee for their opinion on taking the position of JdeB off committee. Nobody opposed this idea.
Richard asked if we can co-opt Josh Warwick and Will McCarthy as bar social secretaries. Duncan replied that we couldn’t do this today because the position has not been advertised. We dcided to co-opt next week at Committee Lunch.