2017 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2017 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 4th week, Trinity 2017 (2017-05-17)


    Present: Hubert Au (President), Frederick Potts (Vice-President (Administrative)), Hannah Williams (Secretary), Zachary Leather (Treasurer), John Watson (Lindsay), Leah Mitchell (Foody), Alastair Nicklin (Sports Rep), Luke Chester (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Calum Holt (Access and Admissions Officer), Isobel Howden (Access and Admissions Officer), Juliet Flamank (Student Disabilities Officer), Ellen Cropley (Entz Officer), Felix Heilmann (Environment & Ethics Officer), Antonia Siu (Website & Computing Officer), Laura McMillen (Women's Officer), Monique Keane (Women's Officer)

    Absent with apologies: Ele Saltmarsh (Dr. WHO), Alexander Fuller (Dr. WHO), Alexander Toal (Foody), Rishem Khattar (Charities and RAG Officer), Marianne Cain (Student Disabilities Officer), Steven Rose (Entz Officer), Stephen Hawes (John de Balliol), John Maier (John de Balliol), Joshua Jones (Environment & Ethics Officer), Amrita Khandpur (International Students Officer), Alexander Gruen (International Students Officer), Julia Davis (Housing Officer), Cole Horton (LGBTQ Officer), Pallavi Ojha (LGBTQ Officer)

    Absent without explanation: Kathryn Husband (Sports Rep), Finn Conway (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Leon Kidd (Charities and RAG Officer), Richard Ware (Design & Maintenance Officer), Simran Uppal (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Suwanja Srikantha (Ethnic Minorities Officer)



    1. Matters Arising
    2. AOB



    1. Matters Arising

    2. AOB


    Zach said that the June Jamboree is on the Friday of 8th week and normally this relies on Committee participation, since volunteers are needed for stewarding, face-painting, manning the bouncy castle and running sports day. Also, if anyone wants to do it, decorating college would be nice. Volunteers are to message Zach with any preferences as to what they would like to get involved with. 

    Juliet said that over the last week, she and Marianne have spoken to members of the JCR about how people struggle with physical disability access within college. For example, people especially struggle with getting laundry done. She said that she will let the Committee know over the next few weeks after they have collected more information about which aspects are affecting people the most. They are planning to collect the information and find solutions that college would be happy with. Hubert said that Nicky Trott is especially keen on disability access and welfare. There is a plan to build a disabled library access at some point but it is a slow process. Also, Bruce is happy to reimburse people who come in and do laundry for people with limited mobility. 

    Juliet said that it is important that students are aware of this and she will make an effort to let people know. Also, at the moment, only staircase 12 is accessible for wheelchairs and there is only one room that is suitable for wheelchair users, which we should look at improving. 

    There was then a discussion from a Jowett resident about the ongoing construction work in Jowett. Today the work started before 8am and there has been a serious lack of communication with Jowett residents by college, so that the general community have no idea what is going on. This is especially since this is inconsistent with what was said at the start of term about no loud work before 9am before 8th week. He asks if it would be possible to send updates to the Jowett mailing list. Although this is a specific question about housing, it does concern the Committee because it is about how college is communicating with the students. 

    Hubert agreed that college does need to contact the students better. Julia is currently trying to get a full timetable of updates and is trying to push back noisy work until 9th week. 

    Juliet said that regarding the stuff left over from the Ball, we are keeping the marquee and the plastic glasses, which can be used for formal pantry. 
