2017 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 6th week, Trinity 2017 (2017-05-31)Attendance
Present: Hubert Au (President), Frederick Potts (Vice-President (Administrative)), Hannah Williams (Secretary), Zachary Leather (Treasurer), John Watson (Lindsay), Alexander Toal (Foody), Alastair Nicklin (Sports Rep), Luke Chester (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Finn Conway (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Richard Ware (Design & Maintenance Officer), Marianne Cain (Student Disabilities Officer), Ellen Cropley (Entz Officer), Felix Heilmann (Environment & Ethics Officer), Amrita Khandpur (International Students Officer), Cole Horton (LGBTQ Officer), Pallavi Ojha (LGBTQ Officer), Antonia Siu (Website & Computing Officer), Laura McMillen (Women's Officer), Monique Keane (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Ele Saltmarsh (Dr. WHO), Alexander Fuller (Dr. WHO), Leah Mitchell (Foody), Calum Holt (Access and Admissions Officer), Isobel Howden (Access and Admissions Officer), Leon Kidd (Charities and RAG Officer), Juliet Flamank (Student Disabilities Officer), Steven Rose (Entz Officer), John Maier (John de Balliol), Stephen Hawes (John de Balliol), Joshua Jones (Environment & Ethics Officer), Alexander Gruen (International Students Officer), Julia Davis (Housing Officer)
Absent without explanation: Kathryn Husband (Sports Rep), Rishem Khattar (Charities and RAG Officer), Simran Uppal (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Suwanja Srikantha (Ethnic Minorities Officer)

1. Matters arisingÂ
a) Motion for access video sound equipmentÂ
2. AOB
a) First respondentÂ
b) Counselling

1. Matters arisingÂ
Videos for Access- Izzy and CallumÂ
We want to make videos for access, but need them to be of good quality so that we can be proud to show them in the future. We have spoken to the President of Oxford Access and the advice they gave was to rent sound equipment to go with Cal’s camera. We are not sure exactly how much this would cost, however it should be around £30 for a week.Â
It was recommended that up to £50 passed to allow some wiggle room.Â
No questions or opposition to the motion.Â
Motion passes.Â
2. AOB
First respondent training- Laura and Monique
First respondent training will take place tomorrow at 3pm in the Massey room. Currently, lots of first responders are finalists and we are in need of more people, especially first years, to be trained.Â
Also, we need to sort out the timetable for consent workshops in freshers’ week, we need about 25 people. This is ideally people who trained this year, however there is likely to be some courses in -1 week.Â
Counselling - Amrita
There will be group counselling sessions taking place in and around Balliol, probably Thursday lunchtime and Friday evening. These are to be open to anyone and there will be a post on the freshers’ page today about it.Â