2018 General Meeting
Date: Sunday 7th week, Hilary 2018 (2018-02-25)Agenda
1. Matters arising
2. Amendments to the Governing Documents
- i) Vacation Powers of the JCR Committee - LM
3. Motions relating to financial matters
- i) UCU Strike Fund - SU & EJ
- ii) Oxford Climate Journal: Anthroposphere - FH
- iii) Common Ground Publication - ML
- iv) Punting Motion - HA
- v) Airbeds - AK
4. Any other motions
5. Appendices
a) Matters arising
b) Amendments to the Governing Documents
(i) Vacation Powers of the JCR Committee - LM passesThis JCR notes:
(a) The Constitution currently states, with regard to Committee operation outside of term, that ‘1.3 All committees described herein may only convene between 0th week and 9th week, inclusive, of Oxford University Academic terms.’ (Part IV, section 1)
(b) That some items of business must be completed outside of term, for example the determination of dates for Bops and other events run by Pantry or in the Bar, and the organisation of Freshers’ Week.
(c) The Constitution and Standing Orders do not clearly define what it means to ‘convene’, e.g. whether discussions on the Facebook Committee page fall within this definition.
(d) That at the end of Michaelmas 2017, the then JCR President brought a motion to clarify interpretation of ‘convene’, as defined in Part IV, section 1.3 of the Constitution, as not including discussions on the Facebook Committee page, or other means of communication between Committee members, if the discussion is for the regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR.
(e) That this motion passed, and was effective for the vacation between MT17 and HT18.
(f) That Constitutional changes require the motion to be passed at two GMs.
This JCR believes:
(a) That the lack of clear definition of ‘convene’ in the Constitution should be rectified.
(b) That interpreting the Constitution as it stands currently, we may, on either extreme, (i) halt all proceedings during vacation, (ii) assume that Facebook discussions/other communication during vacation are acceptable and are not included in the definition of ‘convene’.
(c) In the opinion of the current President and her predecessor, it would be very ill-advised to halt all proceedings during vacation.
(d) In the opinion of the current President and her predecessor, it would also be ill-advised to continue as we have, since the inability to physically convene to discuss matters beyond regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR often causes problems (e.g. construction of new policy regarding the Balliol Freshers’ Fair), and can cause undue stress on Committee members.
This JCR resolves:
(a) To add Appendix A to Part IV section 1.3 of the Constitution.
c) Motions relating to financial matters (i) UCU Strike Fund - SU & EJ passesThis JCR notes:
At the last GM this JCR voted in support of the UCU pension strike.
Several JCRs, following advice from the student organisers of solidarity with striking lecturers, are passing or have passed money towards the strike hardship fund.
The policy of Oxford SU is to support the industrial action of the UCU.
The changes to the proposed pension scheme by the Universities UK could lead to university staff losing up to 40% of their pensions.
Many graduate students, which may include members of Balliol MCR, who are employed by the university will be taking strike action, and they will be hardest hit by the loss of earnings during the strike.
We have approximately £500 in the JCR’s Political Campaigning Fund
This JCR believes:
Solidarity with workers during an industrial dispute is an important principle.
We all benefit from university staff having secure pay and working conditions.
Winning this industrial dispute is crucial to the future of students and workers uniting to defend our higher education.
We should make sure that the most precariously employed, who will be financially worst hit by strike action, are adequately supported.
This JCR resolves:
To donate £200 from the political campaigning fund to the Oxford UCU branch’s hardship fund, which will go towards limiting the impact of losing pay for workers hardest hit, which will include graduate students.
Amendment 1 does not pass
Change the donated amount to £100
(ii) Oxford Climate Journal: Anthroposphere - FH passesThis JCR notes
1. That the Oxford Climate Society (OCS) is an entirely student-run society;
2. That OCS is currently producing the first fully student-run climate journal from Oxford, with articles having been submitted by students from across the University (including from Balliol), as well as others;
3. That printing and launching an extensive and carefully designed Journal is expensive;
4. That it is very difficult to attain sponsorships or other means of accessing money for Societies with strong ethical principles;
5. That OCS members have made all possible efforts to access externalise funding, such as private funding from donors, but there is still a funding gap;
6. That similar motions are brought to other JCRs.
This JCR believes:
1. That climate change is a major threat and that all possible action should be taken to resolve this issue;
2. That the work done by various societies around Oxford on this issue is a valuable contribution to the wider struggle;
3. That student-run journals are a great opportunity for students to engage with relevant topics and to voice their views;
4. That a Climate Journal will be a great addition to what’s currently being offered in Oxford;
5. That such a Journal would have a reach beyond Oxford;
6. That having some copies of the Journal in the JCR would be a valuable contribution to the JCR.
This JCR resolves
1. To donate £150 towards the Oxford Climate Society to be used for the Journal, on condition that copies of the Journal will be placed in the JCR.
Amendment 1 withdrawn
Add to resolves 1: on the condition that we consider reducing either the physical or financial quantity of other journals in the JCR.
(iii) Common Ground Publication - ML (seconded by SL) passesThis JCR notes:
1) That the objects of the JCR are to advance education and to advance citizenship and community development.
2) That Social Responsibility is a core principle of Balliol. The website states: “Balliol generates ideas and educates people who seek to change the world for the better…Balliol is a college that is accessible to students whatever their background.”
3) That Common Ground is a student movement that examines Oxford’s colonial past in the context of its present-day inequalities – specifically, those relating to race and class – and interrogates Oxford’s imperial legacy.
4) That Oxford admits disproportionately low numbers of lower income and BME students and is still overwhelmingly middle class and white, both demographically and in terms of its curricula.
5) That Common Ground are releasing a publication to continue to discuss Oxford’s relationship with the British Empire and its ideology in the context of racism and classism in the present day.
6) That the publication will be free to all students.
7) That Balliol JCR member Mia Liyanage is a Core Team member, and acts as treasurer and press officer.
8) That other members of the JCR are involved, or have been involved, with the movement in various ways since its inception in Trinity TT17.
9) That Common Ground need funding for printing costs for the publication
10) That Common Ground are holding another symposium in Trinity, similar to the one held in TT17, and that in order to fund this, we are aiming that the publication be self-funding.
11) That college representatives of the movement are applying to their JCRs for funding.
12) That Common Ground would really appreciate funds from the JCR of £150 to buy copies of the publication for the JCR, and to support the distribution of the publication both at our upcoming symposium, and in JCRs where direct funding is not possible.
13) That this JCR passed £200 in MT16 and £200 in HT17 for Panoptica Magazine, which is focused around opening us similar spaces for discussions about racial inequality, and has regularly passed similar amounts for other similar publications.
14) That this JCR previously passed money to support Common Ground’s TT17 symposium.
This JCR believes:
1) That it is important to support this movement and contribute to helping normalise discussions of race and class within Balliol and Oxford at large.
2) That it is important to support the initiative of Common Ground in providing a mechanism of solidarity for BME students to engage in such conversations in collaboration with university staff and academics.
3) That this publication will be an open and accessible way for members of the JCR to engage with these issues.
4) That supporting the distribution of the publication beyond this JCR would be in line with the JCR’s commitment to to advance education and to advance citizenship and community development.
5) That showing solidarity and support for this movement would significantly benefit members of the JCR and be in line with Balliol’s core principles and beliefs.
This JCR resolves:
1) To support Common Ground and buy copies of the Common Ground Publication with a spending cap of £150 (50 copies=£150).
Amendment 1 withdrawn
Add to resolves: Also ask Common Ground to consider other sources of sponsorship
Amendment 2 withdrawn
Add to resolves: on the condition that we consider reducing either the physical or financial quantity of other journals in the JCR.
(iv) Punting Motion - HA (not hubert) passesThis JCR Notes:
The JCR has historically purchased a punt to be used in Trinity Term.
That all JCR members are batteled equally for this punt, and then may sign up at the lodge to use the punt (free of charge) throughout the term, with a time limit of two hours per booking.
That punts normally cost about £5.50 per person per hour.
That each JCR member would be charged roughly £3.60 to hire a punt for a term.
That early booking will allow us to use the punt from 0th to 9th week, with the 0th week for free. This is what was done last year.
This JCR Believes:
That Trinity Term is a really nice term for punting with a warm weather and sunshine.
That punting is fun.
The JCR likes things that are cheap.
That the existing system is fair and also allows JCR members to use the punt fairly often.
This JCR Resolves:
To book a punt for use by JCR members in Trinity Term from weeks 0 to 9.
To organise punt usage in the same manner as last year.
This JCR notes:
We have lost another set of airbeds (the second set in two years).
Airbeds are expensive.
There is no space in the Porter’s lodge to store airbeds.
This JCR believes:
Having JCR airbeds is a good thing and helps a lot of people when used properly.
We don’t want to have to keep buying new sets of airbeds.
We need a new system that makes it much harder for airbeds to get lost.
The current booking system allows us to lose track of who last took out the airbeds when enough time has passed in which no one else wants to use them.
There’s no real check on making sure that someone has signed out the airbeds before just getting them from the JCR Office.
There’s no real check on making sure that whoever used the airbeds has returned them.
It’s against current JCR policy to fine JCR members for disciplinary action like not returning airbeds.
This JCR resolves:
To pass up to £50 to buy 3 new inflatable airbeds [do we want pumps and if so how many];
To pass up to £20 storage box and padlock in which to store the airbeds in the JCR Office;
To keep the key to the lock with the porters, and require students to have their bod card scanned to take out the key so we can track when a student has not returned the key (and presumably therefore not the airbeds);
To put into place any extra measures necessary to ensure we don’t lose another set of airbeds.
(a) ‘Convene’ does not include discussions on the JCR Committee Facebook page, emails, or other means of communication between Committee members, if the discussion is for the regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR.
(b) If the topic of discussion is beyond the regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR, no action is to be taken until 0th week of the next term, where Committee may convene in person.
(c) The decision as to whether a topic of discussion is extra-ordinary to regular policy and continuing functions of the JCR rests, in the first instance, with the President.
(d) If the President decides a topic of discussion to be extra-ordinary, it may be a time-sensitive issue. In this case:
a. The decision to designate the issue as time-sensitive rests, in the first instance, with the President. This is the only exception to (b).
b. The nature and execution of a subsequent course of action rests, in the first instance, with the President.
(e) Any member of the Committee who believes it to be appropriate may challenge the President’s decision in (c), or either part of (d), by calling a vote on the matter (a vote via Facebook poll is acceptable), and the President’s decision may be overruled by a Committee majority of 2/3.
(f) In all cases where a decision is made by the President as detailed in (c) and (d), a rationale is to be supplied.
(For clarity: the situation runs as follows: an issue arises, and discussion occurs. The President may halt the discussion by deeming it extra-ordinary. The President may also deem it time-sensitive and determine a course of action. Any of the decisions may be overruled by a Committee majority of 2/3)
Committee Vacation Powers
Leah brought forward the motion allowing the committee to discuss committee matters over the vacation for the second consecutive GM (required for constitutional change).
No objection, motion passes.
UCU Strike Fund
Money was requested to be donated from the political campaign fund to the UCU strike fund.
It was discussed how much money was needed - it was mentioned the two other colleges have donated in the region of 100-150 pounds to the fund so maybe the requested 250 pounds is quite a lot, especially as it will take time to replenish the fund through levys.
However it was also thought by some that given Balliol is historically a progressive college, it could be a good statement to give more, especially as this is a significant cause that the majority support.
In addition the point was raised that there were probably quite a number of former JCR/MCR members who put money into the levy and for whom the strike is important.
Amendment to change the donated amount fails.
Motion passes.
Oxford Climate Journal: Anthroposphere
150 pounds was requested to support the Oxford Climate Society to help the launch of their student environmental magazine.
It was clarified that the cost will cover funding part of the launch event as well as printing copies of the magazines - in return for some copies of the magazine to be placed in the JCR.
Motion passes (with further discussion - see notes after the following motion).
Common Ground Publication
Requested money to help the Common Ground student movement release a publication.
It was asked how many copies would come to Balliol - It was thought around 20 for Balliol, 15 for other colleges, another 15 for their symposium.
Motion passes (with further discussion - see below).
There was a more general discussion in relation to this motion and the prior motion over whether it was sustainable for the JCR to continue to support student magazines in this way - especially if it was on a regular basis. It was also discussed how it would be good to reduce the overall number of magazines and newspapers in the JCR if they are not read.
It was suggested that an amendment could be added to the end of either motion to condition approval of the motion on mandating a later consideration of the number of publications in the JCR.
However it was thought by some that it was unfair to bind either of these particular motions on that.
It was also brought up that student societies like these could try and seek external sponsorship. However it was also thought by others that as a student based initiative this would be unnecessary - the JCR has a responsibility to support initiatives like this.
It was decided to postpone this discussion to a sepearte GM motion if one was brought later.
Money was requested to purchase a punt for student use during Trinity term.
No opposition, motion passes.
Up to £50 was requested to to buy 3 new inflatable airbeds along with up to £20 for a storage box and padlock.
The reason for seeking to purchase inflatable airbeds over cushion ones was questioned, as the inflatable ones may be more likely to puncture. This is due to the fact that inflatable airbeds are cheaper and also easier to store.
No opposition, motion passes.