2018 Committee Lunch
Date: Tuesday 7th week, Michaelmas 2018 (2018-11-20)Present: Leah Mitchell (President), Charlotte Lee (Vice-President (Administrative)), Michael O'Connor (Secretary), Henrique Aguiar (Treasurer), Gregory Brinkworth (Lindsay), Amrita Khandpur (Dr. WHO), Ellen Cropley (Dr. WHO), Joseph Al-Khalili (Foody), Thomas Laver (Foody), Francis Barnett (Sports Rep), Francis Barnett (Sports Rep), Vidyasagar Reddy (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Stephanie McAnally (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Mia Liyanage (Access and Admissions Officer), Athravan Sett (Access and Admissions Officer), Cole Horton (Affiliations Officer), Rebecca Clark (Charities and RAG Officer), Rebecca Clark (Charities and RAG Officer), Amrita Khandpur (Design & Maintenance Officer), Eliza McHugh (Student Disabilities Officer), Eliza McHugh (Student Disabilities Officer), Helena Cox-Smith (Entz Officer), Jack Weatherilt (Entz Officer), Dylan Behr (Environment & Ethics Officer), Joshua Tilley (Environment & Ethics Officer), Safia Khan (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Avnish Nijjar (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Xinyu Luo (International Students Officer), Xinyu Luo (International Students Officer), Thomas Laver (Housing Officer), Tanja Gunther (LGBTQ Officer), Mick Yang (LGBTQ Officer), Antonia Siu (Website & Computing Officer), Francesca Back (Women's Officer), Lauren Tavriger (Women's Officer)
1. Matters Arising
- Housing officer co-option
- Ethnic Minorities officer co-option
- Academic affairs officer co-option
- Foodie co-option
2. AOB
- Maggie's birthday
- Sports Committee
- Matters Arising
Housing officer co-option
Thomas feels that he has the organizational ability needed to act as housing officers as well as ideas regarding rent negotiations. These include more vacation res an, possibly, changes to the catering charges. Thomas confirmed that he would make sure that any changes were democratically approved.
Ethnic Minorities officer co-option
Ayesha and Naa emphasized the importance of ethnic minorities officers. They planned on setting up a group prior to the beginning of term as well as a Sunday church visit or a buddy system of some sort, by which older years can accompany those in lower years to religious events. Ayesha also favoured closer co-operation with the ISOs. Safia noted that ISoc already has a buddy system, and asked how they would avoid too much overlap. They did not know about this system, but said that they would try to learn from it.
Academic careers officer cooption
Ben said that he wants to ensure that there’s support for those who are academically stressed. Amrita asked about this – e.g. distributing keys for lockers in the TV room, board games, careers advice and events, Acaff also sit on library committee. Ben noted that he’d read Michael’s manifesto. Michael approves.
Foodie Cooption
Anna noted that she had initially been reluctant to stand because she has mods in Hilary. Tabitha will cover the workload. Safia did not know who the two Foodies had been... Francis asked how Anna will improve pantry food. Anna supported more variety. Amrita asked what
Maggie's Birthday
Maggie’s birthday is the 24th. We passed £25 for Maggie’s birthday. This should eb enough to cake, flowers and a card.
Sports Committee
Francis noted that at sports committee, it was suggested that we should pair up with another college for women’s sports. St Catz was mooted as a possibility. The timing of the sports budget is being moved to Trinity; Lisa wants it to be 7th week. There will also be a meeting in Michaelmas, at which updated budgets will be considered. It was unclear how this would benefit students, but the next officers will be required to deal with this.