2019 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2019 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 2nd week, Hilary 2019 (2019-01-23)

    Present: Michael O'Connor (President), Francis Barnett (Vice-President (Administrative)), Ethan Stewart (Secretary), Daniel Gonsalezpavesio (Treasurer), Frederick Lynam (Lindsay), Calvin Runnels (Dr. WHO), Joe Stephen (Foody), Anna Brainin (Foody), Jack Briggs (Sports Rep), Francesca Back (Sports Rep), Benjamin Elliott (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Jamie Barnes (Access and Admissions Officer), Jai Thakrar-Curtis (Access and Admissions Officer), Donghyun Kang (Affiliations Officer), Arun Gharial (Charities and RAG Officer), Conor Callaghan (Charities and RAG Officer), Jake Dealtry (Student Disabilities Officer), Rory Dangelo (Entz Officer), Bruno Atkinson (Entz Officer), Michael Beattie (Environment & Ethics Officer), Beatrice Boileau (Environment & Ethics Officer), Naa Ntodi (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Tanya Wijesekera (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Xinyu Luo (International Students Officer), Jane Ngarmnil (International Students Officer), Thomas Laver (Housing Officer), Josh Willetts (LGBTQ Officer), Leoni Loughlin (LGBTQ Officer), Daniel Rastelli (Website & Computing Officer), Natasha Fisher-Pearson (Women's Officer), Imogen Rivers (Women's Officer)


    1) Co-option for Academic Affairs and Careers Officer

    2) Money for Drunk Poetry



    The committee consider whether or not to co-opt Leyla into the role of Academic affairs and Careers Officer.

    Benjamin, the other Academic Affairs and Careers Officer, supports Leyla in her endeavour.

    Giving back to the community, was a prefect at school which was a similar role.

    Leyla tells the committee that she wants to give back to the Balliol committee which she says has given a lot to her, and notes that she was a prefect at school and performed a similar role then.

    A vote is held and Leyla is unanimously co-opted.


    Money for Drunk Poetry (Luke Chester)

    Luke believes people have enjoyed Drunk Poetry in the past, and says it is a different way to get people into poetry.

    He needs £50 for the wine/spirits this Saturday, and will give money back that isn’t spent.

    Luke is asked why the alcohol that is consumed can’t just be battled for like in the Arnold and Brackenbury society. He says that people dip in and out of it, and it is less formal than A&B, making it difficult to know how much it is fair to battle people.

    Luke is also asked if the alcohol can be bought from the bar, as this keeps money in the JCR. There are doubts that the assumptions that this question is based on have any economic coherence, but Luke says he will talk to Fred (the Lord Lyndsey) about it.

    The motion is passed.


    The committee is dismissed.

