2020 Committee Lunch
Date: 1st March 2020 (2020-03-01)Present: Cerian Richmondjones (President), Rory Dangelo (Vice-President (Administrative)), Emily Passmore (Secretary), Conor Callaghan (Treasurer), Geheris Gidlow (Lindsay), Leyla Manthorperizatepe (Dr. WHO), Leoni Loughlin (Dr. WHO), Madeleine Ross (Foody), Szymon Musial (Foody), Molly Green (Sports Rep), Alexander Baxter (Sports Rep), Rocco Huesch (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Keren Kassanda (Access and Admissions Officer), Andi Marsh (Access and Admissions Officer), Dhruv Sengupta (Affiliations Officer), Nathalie Spiller (Charities and RAG Officer), Tryfonia Mitsopoulou (Charities and RAG Officer), Leah Fahy (Entz Officer), Shreya Kirpalani (Entz Officer), Megan Snaith (Environment & Ethics Officer), Michael Beattie (Environment & Ethics Officer), Hannah Raja (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Hamzah Mahmood (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Anna Brainin (International Students Officer), Mhairi Cadenazzi (International Students Officer), Amelia Wood (Housing Officer), Naa Ntodi (Housing Officer), Samuel Myers (LGBTQ Officer), Lauren Shirreff (LGBTQ Officer), Thomas Falezan (Website & Computing Officer), Emily Reed (Women's Officer), Melisande Prince-Hodges (Women's Officer)
- Reimbursing MaddyÂ
- Electing Thomas Laver’s new VP
- Tuesday lunchtime hall
- Breakfast trialÂ
- Sustainability workshops revisitedÂ
- Supporting St John’s divestmentÂ
- Tampon avalanches and women’s budgetÂ
Reimbursing MaddyÂ
We’ll give Maddy £3.99 for the card she bought for the breakfast ladies
Electing Thomas Laver’s new VPÂ
Rory says we’re going to try to elect the new VP before the end of 8th week - there can be a proper handover before the vac, and a meeting with the dean.Â
There’ll be a big hustings in hall/somewhere in college that committee has to be at, but is open to everyone.Â
We need to decide the election process used - either an in person blind ballot or electronic ballot. Electronic does not cost anything, but is more complicated.Â
Rory likes the in-person option - it’s expedient, and the VP role is specialised.Â
Cerian thinks liking an option because it’s less democratic is a bit dodgy. Rory doesn’t really have an argument against this.Â
The notice will be put out calling for candidates in the next few days.Â
Tuesday lunchtime hallÂ
Nobody’s turning up to it. We think it’s probably because there’s a lot of lectures on a Tuesday?? It’s definitely not the veggie food thoÂ
Breakfast trialÂ
Millie will email about doing gluten-free options, Cerian thinks they’ll be able to do this.Â
Sustainability workshopsÂ
At the first committee lunch, Michael tried to get some sustainability workshops for the jcr funded. It….did not pass. Everyone remembers.Â
He’s talked to the MCR environment officers, who have a budget they control. They’ve agreed to give the £50 needed, so the workshops have now been funded.Â
Motion on supporting St John’s divestment campaignÂ
At the last GM, Michael and Bea passed a motion to send a letter to St John’s president and principal bursar supporting the divestment occupation. This has been done, and responses have been received from both. They were positive, and a working group is being set up to explore the possibility of divesting.Â
Women’s budgetÂ
It probably won’t cover the next two tampon avalanches. The best option is probably to do some sort of order system for the next one, and reevaluate to see if this helped before the second. If it didn’t help, Millie and Conor will talk about reallocating the women’s budget.Â