2014 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2014 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 1st week, Michaelmas 2014 (2014-10-15)

    Present: Dan Turner (President), Krista Halttunen (Vice-President (Administrative)), Georgina Wilson (Secretary), Max Dalton (Treasurer), Alex Mullan (Lindsay), Anna Hufton (Dr. WHO), Joe Mansour (Dr. WHO), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Foody), Matthew Lynch (Foody), Caitlin Tickell (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Ross Cathcart (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Sam Bumby (Access and Admissions Officer), Anonymous (Access and Admissions Officer), Robert Walmsley (Affiliations Officer), Nina Plowfields (Affiliations Officer), Henry Wisbey-Broom (Charities and RAG Officer), Aisha Simon (Charities and RAG Officer), Colm Britchfield (Design & Maintenance Officer), James Kavanagh (Design & Maintenance Officer), Elizabeth Tulloch (Student Disabilities Officer), Alex Cheng (Entz Officer), Kelly Brotherhood (Entz Officer), Xavier Cohen (Environment & Ethics Officer), Rivka Micklethwaite (Environment & Ethics Officer), Holly Marriott-Webb (John de Balliol), Harry Rimmer (John de Balliol), Thomas Posa (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Eniola Oyesanya (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Ian McFarlane (LGBTQ Officer), Alastair Bassett (LGBTQ Officer), Richard May (Website & Computing Officer), Izzy Williams (Women's Officer), Claudia Freemantle (Women's Officer)


    Matters Arising


    1. Krista [Anna] 
    2. Noticeboards [Anna] 
    3. Freshers Week dissection [Krista] 
    4. Suspended students receiving the JCR franchise [Ross] 
    5. OUSU council vote on divestment proposals [Rivka]  
    6. Dental dams [Ian and Alistair] 
    7. Wine for the trans talk [Ian and Alistair] 
    8. Junior Deans [Ian]
    9. CL timing vote [Georgina]  
    10. Handover Packs [Georgina] 
    11. TV Room - The Saga Continues [Krista for Dan] 
    12. Updating the Calendar [Krista for Dan] 
    13. MCR-JCR dinner [Krista for Dan] 
    14. Bop cleanup [Richard] 
    15. JCR cleanup [Richard] 
    16. Electronic Voting [Richard] 
    17. Bike Rep [Krista] 
    18. Matriculation Help [Krista]



    We began with an introduction to Rachel, the new Dean. Richard Ware asked Rachel about the ramp going into the JCR which needs improvement at the moment. The Dean recommended that RW goand talk to the new Clerk of Works.

    1. Krista [Anna] 

    Anna thanked Krista for her amazing job at Freshers Week.

    2. Noticeboards [Anna] 

    Anna asked that everyone do their noticeboards.

    3. Freshers Week dissection [Krista] 

    We postponed this to another time – Krista is going to do a poll online.

    4. Suspended students receiving the JCR franchise [Ross] 

    RC and CT have been speaking to the Dean about opening up the JCR to people on medical leave. RC said that people on suspended leave cannot vote in JCR elections, the committee seemed to want them to be able to take part. CF pointed out that some people on medical leave might need time away from College life. RC confirmed that people would vote by proxy, so would not see husts but would see manifestos that went online. 

    5. OUSU council vote on divestment proposals [Rivka] 

    The divestment campaign is in motion, the University need OUSU to specifically support everything, rather than just an affirmative motion. Rivka would like to know that the JCR are happy for all three votes to be for the divestment motion. XC said that the new more specific motion is the same, but if anything slightly less radical. ML said that the report is online and people should have a look. 

    6. Dental dams [Ian and Alistair] 

    Ian and Alistair have dental dams and can hand them out to people. They will let the JCR know this. 

    7. Wine for the trans talk [Ian and Alistair] 

    Ian and Alistair don’t know how much money or wine they need. MD suggested passing up to £50, which CF pointed out would buy five bottles. KH suggested gaging interest, eg with a facebook event. 

    8. Junior Deans [Ian] 

    Ian pointed out that we now have two male Junior Deans, which is slightly at odds with the JCR voting to have people of different genders as Drs WHO. AH said that the Junior Deans definitely won’t change till next year, so it might be a good idea to assess this over the year. AH said that College might be open to the idea of different although the practicalities might be more difficult for College than it is for us. CF pointed out that the College will have to adhere to equal opportunity laws which might stop them doing this with the present roles. TP asked how many applicants/how much choice College has over these things, which people didn’t really know. JM said that people should plug the Junior Deans to the JCR to raise their profile. 

    9. CL timing vote [Georgina] 

    Lots of people still have lectures that finish at one, so we will continue to start at 1.10. 

    10. Handover Packs [Georgina] 

    I asked people to start their handover packs. 

    11. TV Room - The Saga Continues [Krista for Dan] 

    ML said that now there is a pingpong table, it has moved to the JCR so there is more room. KH said that ML should find out what people would like to have done with it. MD said that the pingpong table is a fire hazard in the TV room, so had to be moved to the JCR, even though some people find the noise annoying. RC said that the lockers aren’t well used, so people put sports stuff on the floor. ML is going to form a working group with AH and others. 

    12. Updating the Calendar [Krista for Dan] 

    Anyone on Committee can add an event to the website – so please do! 

    13. MCR-JCR dinner [Krista for Dan] 

    We had this dinner last year, and KH asked if there was interest in doing this again. FW said that we should wait till the next group come in. AH said that it is their first term so it might be good for new MCR members to meet old JCR members. CF said she liked the current Womens Officers and “would like to hang out with them”. ML said that we could meet them without eating dinner. 

    14. Bop cleanup [Richard] 

    RM said that he had an idea to make bop clean ups quicker. People could be rewarded for bringing bac plastic cups to reuse. AS said that in Germany this happens: RM also said that people could make the recycling bin more complicated. KB said that dealing in small change would be unfeasible in the bop, but maybe if we could give people a free drink for bringing back ten plastic cups that would work. 

    15. JCR cleanup [Richard] 

    RM said that there are lots of items of electrical junk by the computers in the JCR. KB said that a lot of stuff is entz stuff that doesn’t work. Someone will have to go through and throw it out – this will be led by Richard and the Entz officers. 

    16. Electronic Voting [Richard] 

    RM asked if people want online voting for the elections this term. MD said that when he brought it last term, there was lots of opposition, mainly from certain members of the JCR who are no longer here. TP said that it would be useful for second years who live out. SB said that it is disproportionately second years who vote. SB said that disengaged first and third years might be more likely to vote if they stumbled across a physical process. MD said that the process would be free. CF said that computers in the JCR with a sign would serve the same purpose. AS said that voting as a first year makes you feel involved in the JCR, and that this is a more productive as a physical process. MD said that someone should bring this to a GM. 

    17. Bike Rep [Krista] 

    We need to Co-opt a bike rep. We’ll do this next week. I’ll send out some emails. KH said thank you to CB and others who helped out with the bike racks. 

    18. Matriculation Help [Krista] 

    Matriculation is this help. Freshers have to be in Hall by 8am, and we need help with getting them out of bed on time. HMW suggested Tom Davidson playing the trumpet. AH said that she had been asked to do a welfare tea in the day to stop people getting too drunk. TP said that lots of Freshers don’t drink and might not feel connected to College that day. AH asked if they could have money – we passed £50 for buying food. Me, Claudia, Anna, Joe, Ross and Dan have volunteered to help get people up. 


    MD has only just been asked for money from Exeter to support the hall boycott, that we passed last term. MD thinks they accounted for it, but never received it because MD was never told who to make out the cheque to. I argued for good feeling and budget that we should give the money. We voted to give the money retrospectively. AS asked if someone had an accident and for example needed to get the bus in the morning, would College pay for it. AH said that in the past taxi money has been refunded, and that all of this came from Doug. AH said that in this case the line between Chaplain and Dean is a difficult one to draw.