2016 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2016 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 6th week, Trinity 2016 (2016-06-01)


    Present: Anne Williamson (President), Cealach McKeating (Vice-President (Administrative)), Steven Rose (Secretary), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Treasurer), Meg Peyton-Jones (Dr. WHO), James Letten (Dr. WHO), Frederick Potts (Foody), Zachary Leather (Foody), Joseph Lee (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alberto Andrade (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Emily Webb (Access and Admissions Officer), Daisy Cutts (Access and Admissions Officer), Elliot Jones (Affiliations Officer), Saad Hamid (Affiliations Officer), Rivka Shaw (Charities and RAG Officer), Sophie Conquest (Charities and RAG Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Samuel Gibb (Student Disabilities Officer), Indigo Wilde (Entz Officer), Matthew Fuller (Entz Officer), Aidan Balfe (Environment & Ethics Officer), Hubert Au (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Thitapa Haritaworn (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Andrew Truong (Website & Computing Officer), Rachael Ince-Kitson (Women's Officer)

    Absent with apologies: Helen Davies (Sports Rep), Lewis Scott (John de Balliol), Laura Bossino (International Students Officer), Nicholas Halterman (International Students Officer), Ele Saltmarsh (LGBTQ Officer), Rory Meryon (LGBTQ Officer)

    Absent without explanation: Hugo Monnery (Lindsay), Xavier Greenwood (Sports Rep), Ruby Breward (Design & Maintenance Officer), Peter Sayer (Design & Maintenance Officer), Chilla Knight (Environment & Ethics Officer), Simon Kelly (John de Balliol), Daisy Cockrean (Women's Officer)


    1. Matters Arising
    2. JCR Committee Lunch [Annie]
    3. Interpreting the amendment to motion 9 of the last GM [Ploy]
    4. Co-option of non-committee Offices
    5. AOB


    Annie welcomed the meeting.


    Annie noted that the termly lunch organised by the Dean – with the new Junior Dean (noting that Achas would be remaining as Junior Dean) and Jowett Wardens – would be on Friday at 12:45 til 2pm with food served until 1:30pm in the Massey Room. She reminded the Committee to let her know if they would be able to attend. She particularly encouraged Welfare subcommittee to chat to the new Junior Deans.


    Ploy told the Committee that the GM had recently mandated EM officers to sign the open letter and asked for interpretation.

    Ste noted that this was cool since the Committee has the power to interpret ambiguous motions or amendments, and that the amendment did not specify with any clarity whether it referred to the Office or to the Officers.

    Annie asked the Committee if they would like to interpret the amendment as applying to the Office rather than the Officers. Daisy Cutts suggested this be the case.

    The Committee conducted a straw poll; the majority agreed.


    Cealach made a point about the craft cupboard. She spent Saturday sorting it out and tidying it up, and was struck by the waste of all the good things in the cupboard that goes unused (such as card and pens and stuff), and suggested opening the resources up for non-craft based purposes, such as revision. She noted that she was uncertain how the resources would be replenished, but would suggest that communication would be key in the use of this.

    Meg agreed that revision is a nice idea. She noted that at Lincoln, there are Wednesday craft afternoons, and hence suggested a similar scheme in Balliol. Cealach responded that the usual craft events aren't particularly well attended, and that she thinks it would be nice to make the resources more communal, particularly given the communal placing of the cupboard.

    Annie suggested this be done as a 'semi-trial.'

    Committee were happy with this.


    Iggy thought she was on PESC. She's not. She thinks she's good on it and she should be on it.

    Iggy was duly co-opted onto PESC.


    Annie noted that Ball hustings would be happening tonight at 6:15pm (having been moved). She ecnouraged 'grilling' questions to ensure a solid ball.

    Zack noted that Juliet had raised the concern that the hustings clashed with Hall.

    Ste noted that students can take Hall food into the JCR.


    Emily suggested that more people on Ball committee is better and asked about people who lose elections; Annie responded that people would be able to co-opt onto the Committee, which she would recommend. She also noted traditionally Freshers co-opt into shadowing roles.


    Darryl noted the NUS referendum and encouraged voting (noting the low participation typical of OUSU referenda).


    Darryl got the impression that people wanted a mega-slide, which went a bit over-budget, and hence asked for the Committee to pass £50.

    Daisy Cutts noted that recently there'd been a trend to pass money retroactively. Darryl noted that the money had not yet been spent. Ste suggested that this is largely because there is only a fixed time that money can be passed.


    Darryl encouraged volunteers for face-painting because stewarding bouncy castles and slides is crap and there's only one volunteer (currently Daisy Cutts). Rachael volunteered.

    Darryl noted people wouldn't have to do this all day; Daisy Cutts noted that the face painting does not require masssive amounts of skill. Cealach also volunteered. Darryl discouraged this as he's busy that day and would require Annie and Cealach to be available for organisational tasks. Molly volunteered. Meg volunteered. Hubert volunteered. Richard made an “around the world” pun based on Hubert's mention that he'd be doing around the world in his tennis sesh.


    Elliot noted that he had underestimated demand for the chocolate in return for proof of having registered to vote. He had secured money from OUSU and college, and hence asked for £45, which would cover the cost of the chocolate were they Freddos.

    Richard asked how many this was. Elliot replied that it was a lot. Annie knows a lot about the pricing of Freddos.

    Cealach asked if this was to continue the scheme or act retroactively. Elliot responded this was to fund retroactively funded as though the chocolate was Freddos (as this was the chocolate used in previous schemes); the rest of the funding had been secured elsewhere.

    Annie reiterated that last year there was a campaign ran with Freddos (about 30p a unit).

    Alberto asked if people would be happy with this money being spent. Annie responded that a lot of the animosity in previous discussions had been due to misinformation regarding where the funding was from. Ste responded that the success of the scheme would suggest people would be happy.

    Daisy Cutts suggested that this should have been discussed prior to its execution. Annie suggested people bear this in mind in future. Daisy Cutts also offered that the campaign could have been better executed (i.e. not rewarding people who have already signed up).

    James asked Elliot if he thinks it was something to be repeated in the future. Elliot suggested that he does but with the knowledge accrued from the scheme.

    Annie suggested the scale be noted in handover packs.

    Sam noted that this had been done previously by Aisha and with greater success. Cealach responded that she would check the expenditure incurred by the campaign when Aisha.

    The Committee passed £45 from the Political Campaigning fund. Daisy Cutts asked what this was used for.

    Darryl encouraged people to think about how to run down music fund and tampon fund and other earmarked funds. Annie explained that there are general reserves that can be used for anything, and earmarked funds that aren't accessible for general things. Daisy Cutts enquired as to why the need to run down these reserves would be urgent. Darryl noted that College would like reserves to be ran down. He also noted that more can be put into the funds, and that they were funded by optional levies. Daisy Cutts suggested the reserves be defunded; Darryl replied that the optional levies are 1p.

    Annie refocused the conversation by asking if the Committee opposed passing £45.

    The Committee passed up to £45.


    Meg asked if it would be possible to donate money from the tampon fund to charity again. Rachael noted an OUSU scheme that exists, but suggested that the JCR could do more. Meg noted that the money had been given on the assumption that this would be used in the JCR, this would be a good use of the money. It was noted this would go through a GM first.

    Annie suggested this was a push to brainstorm.

    Cealach asked about the DJ equipment. Annie asked Iggy if she had any ideas on the process; she did not, but that she believes he hadn't got round to anything. Diasy Cutts noted there had been a working group set up.

    Annie suggested Iggy and Daisy liaise with Xav C.


    Hubert encouraged attendance of International Food night, Friday at 6pm.


    Molly told the Committee that she would like to show a film in the JCR, and asked if there was a night that would suit people, and if the person running welfare tea would be cool with that.


    Darryl noted that £1500 had been passed to purchase a projector. Andrew responded that it had been ordered and was coming today.

    Annie told people to look after it.


    The meeting was adjourned.