Applying to Balliol

Applying to Oxford is a bit different from applying to other universities, and it can seem like quite a daunting process. However, don't let it put you off! It does require putting in more work but the application process is a rewarding experience in itself and could lead to you coming to Oxford to study. This section will explain the process of applying to Oxford, and the timescale for applications. For international students, the process and timescale for applications is the same as for domestic students. More information on interview and test arrangements can be found here.

When applying to Oxford, you have to apply through UCAS as you would for other universities. However, the crucial difference is that your application, including all your other university choices, has to be in by the 15th October. Another difference is that you have the option on UCAS to select which College you want to apply for. You can either pick a College (Balliol, for instance) or put in an open application in which you are randomly assigned a College. Neither option increases or decreases your chances of getting in so it depends on personal preference.

Once you have applied you may be required to sit an admissions test, which will be held in  November. If you are still in education it's likely that you will be able to sit the test at your school/college, if not then you can take the test at an open centre. Only certain subjects are required to sit tests, and the list of subjects can be found here. You might also be asked to submit written work which you've already written as part of your studies, which will need to be submitted by November. Again this does not apply to all subjects, and the list of subjects which require written work to be submitted can be found here.

For information about interviews, please see the Interviews page.