2016 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2016 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 7th week, Trinity 2016 (2016-06-08)


    Present: Anne Williamson (President), Cealach McKeating (Vice-President (Administrative)), Steven Rose (Secretary), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Treasurer), Hugo Monnery (Lindsay), Meg Peyton-Jones (Dr. WHO), James Letten (Dr. WHO), Joseph Lee (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Daisy Cutts (Access and Admissions Officer), Saad Hamid (Affiliations Officer), Rivka Shaw (Charities and RAG Officer), Sophie Conquest (Charities and RAG Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Samuel Gibb (Student Disabilities Officer), Matthew Fuller (Entz Officer), Hubert Au (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Thitapa Haritaworn (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Laura Bossino (International Students Officer), Nicholas Halterman (International Students Officer), Ele Saltmarsh (LGBTQ Officer), Andrew Truong (Website & Computing Officer), Daisy Cockrean (Women's Officer)

    Absent with apologies: Frederick Potts (Foody), Zachary Leather (Foody), Helen Davies (Sports Rep), Xavier Greenwood (Sports Rep), Alberto Andrade (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Lewis Scott (John de Balliol)

    Absent without explanation: Emily Webb (Access and Admissions Officer), Elliot Jones (Affiliations Officer), Ruby Breward (Design & Maintenance Officer), Peter Sayer (Design & Maintenance Officer), Indigo Wilde (Entz Officer), Chilla Knight (Environment & Ethics Officer), Aidan Balfe (Environment & Ethics Officer), Simon Kelly (John de Balliol), Rory Meryon (LGBTQ Officer), Rachael Ince-Kitson (Women's Officer)


    1. Matters Arising

    2. Airbeds [Richard]

    3. Boardgames [Ele]

    4. AOB


    Frances husted for the position of PESC member.

    Frances told the Committee that she thinks the Foodys need help.

    Richard asked Frances what her favourite thing was to make in Pantry. Frances responded that she approves of the recent trend of putting bacon in everything.

    Frances was duly co-opted onto PESC.


    Richard noted that the JCR airbeds have all popped. He told the Committee that he has found online what he said was named a “Bedina bed comfort” thing, which he described as a “foldy foam bed.” He said that there were two annoying things about these beds in that they are quite big (and hence he was concerned about storage), and that they cost £33 each (noting that only £50 can be passed at a time), and hence the Committee could only pass one bed at a Committee lunch.

    Ste asked what the colours of the beds are. Richard said that there were three colours: black, red and black. Ste questioned Richard's definition of 'three.'

    Darryl suggested this could be called normal expenditure under the Housing Officer position, given that these are to replace the airbeds that the JCR already passed money for; Annie agreed. Richard asked if these could be paid for on the credit card. They can.

    Molly asked where they'd be kept, and also noted how comfy they are, but also massive. Annie responded that they would be unable to keep them in the Porters' lodge, but they could be put in the international storage space during term time – though noting that this space would require cleaning if it were to be used for this purpose – noting that the airbeds were not stored there to avoid accidental puncture of the airbeds, which would not be a concern. She also suggested they be kept in the office over vacs.

    Nicky agreed that it was important that they be stored in a space that was not the international storage space over the vac.

    Molly asked if the area that has been cleared out could be used over the vacs as it is locked.


    Ele told the Committee that her and Zack had decided on six games that had proven to be frequent suggestions from the JCR, but that all told they come to around £71. She offered the opinion that it would nice for the games to be in the JCR in Freshers week. She therefore suggested that the Committee could purchase four for £50.

    Molly asked what the games were; Ele told her that they were Dixit (I don't know either), Risk, Monopoly, Banangram, Flux (no idea), and Uno. Meg told the Committee that she had at her house an edition of Flux that was never used that she could donate to the JCR. Ele thus suggested not buying Flux or Bananagram; Ste was devastated. Nicky suggested we get rid of Risk as this is likely to be the most expensive; it was noted also that Risk only makes enemies.

    The Committee passed up to £50.


    Annie noted that two campaigns happen at the end of each term: the clearout to donate food to the community emergency food bank run by OUSU; and the BHF drive that accept donated items. She noted that the Charities Officers have prelims, and hence asked the Committee for a volunteer. Daisy Cutts volunteered, suggesting that it would be easy to coordinate this with the collection of people's paintings which she is mandated to do as picture fund rep.


    Darryl asked for £25 for a gift and card for Denise's birthday.

    Richard asked what Darryl would get; Darryl has forgotten, for he is forgetful (this humble Secretary would like to note that this man is going to become a doctor).

    The Committee passed up to £50.


    Molly suggested that the JCR should build an insect hotel as a welfare/relaxation activity; she had met with the gardener who is approving. She therefore asked for £30 to be passed for materials.

    Ste asked what an insect hotel was. Ste still has no idea. Molly said that it was a space for insects to live; it was a hotel for insects. Ste was confused, noting that insects do not in fact pay rent, and can live wherever. Molly responded that the hotels are designed to increase heterogeneity in the environment.

    Molly suggested this be constructed a little bit each day over eighth week as a relaxing thing to do. It was asked what the nature of the work would be. Molly responded that it would be made out of crates so there'll be crates and hammering and drilling and stuff.

    Daisy Cutts noted the gardeners can often provide materials for free.

    Meg asked if Molly would like to import insects. Molly replied that this would not be necessary; apparently, “If you build it they will come.” Molly told the Committee how she had went on a bug hunt, and discovered that Balliol is apparently home to loads of really great insects and mining bees. I don't know what they are either.

    She recalled a conversation she had with Chris the Gardener in which she told him about the mining bees who buried into the walls of her old house; Chris suggested that an insect hotel in Balliol would be a sensible way to ensure they don't bury into the walls of Balliol.

    Nicky asked if the insects could kill us. They can't. It perhaps makes more sense to consider this question in the context of Nicky's role as International Students' Officer.

    The Committee passed up to £30.


    Darryl told the Committee that he has managed to do the June Jamboree rota without exam-takers being on it. He therefore needs everyone else to be there; even Lewis Scott.

    Molly asked if people had a say on when people do stuff, noting that she intended to trash a friend on the day of the June Jamboree. Darryl said he could incorporate this into his schedule.

    Darryl asked if Freshers wanted to do it. Nope.

    Daisy Cutts noted it was also handshaking day, and hence this should be taken into account, and the schedule should be published as early as possible.

    Annie asked if he had communicated the event to the MCR; Darryl that he had had a chat with some MCR officer. Annie suggested chatting to the previous and current president of the MCR to promote the event.

    Darryl asked if people had preferences for jobs. The Committee apparently has literally no opinions about anything but insect hotels.


    Annie told the Committee that College had suggested the JCR buy magnetic pans as College are wary about students bringing their own magnetic pans, but are reluctant to purchase the pans themselves. Annie therefore suggested purchasing a magnetic pan for each kitchen with induction hobs. It was noted this would be a positive thing for freshers, who might otherwise purchase branded magnetic pans, rather than a bog standard pan that happens to be magnetic and works just as well.

    Annie therefore asked the Committee £50 for pans for the two kitchens that would see induction hobs installed (noting that another two kitchens would be keeping conventional hobs). She noted that the magnetic pans were also valuable for health and safety purposes.

    Richard asked how the induction hobs actually work. Annie responded that the induction hobs create an electromagnetic field that heats up the metal of the pan without itself becoming hot.

    The Committee passed up to £50.


    Darryl asked the Committee to pass up to £10 for snacks to encourage attendance to the Arts Subcommittee meeting that he is mandated to organise. He also encouraged the Committee to come, accepting that he may be doing so in vain.

    The Committee passed up to £10.


    Daisy noted that OUSU would be running training workshops for the consent workshop sessions, and that she had emailed the JCR about these. Ste asked if it was necessary or required that people who have already been to such a training session go to another if they were to host a consent workshop (noting that this would not be ideal given exams). Daisy responded that while it would be ideal for a refresher session to be done, it was not necessary.


    Cealach noted from Health and Safety Committee that frying pans are bad, and that it was important for the sustainability of the kitchens that they are not used. Richard asked if this is true of woks. It is.


    The meeting was adjourned.