2014 Committee Lunch
Date: Wednesday 8th week, Hilary 2014 (2014-03-12)Attendance
Present: Dan Turner (President), Krista Halttunen (Vice-President (Administrative)), Georgina Wilson (Secretary), Max Dalton (Treasurer), Anna Hufton (Dr. WHO), Joe Mansour (Dr. WHO), Matthew Lynch (Foody), Caitlin Tickell (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Sam Bumby (Access and Admissions Officer), Anonymous (Access and Admissions Officer), Robert Walmsley (Affiliations Officer), Nina Plowfields (Affiliations Officer), Henry Wisbey-Broom (Charities and RAG Officer), James Kavanagh (Design & Maintenance Officer), Elizabeth Tulloch (Student Disabilities Officer), Alex Cheng (Entz Officer), Kelly Brotherhood (Entz Officer), Xavier Cohen (Environment & Ethics Officer), Rivka Micklethwaite (Environment & Ethics Officer), Holly Marriott-Webb (John de Balliol), Thomas Posa (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Ian McFarlane (LGBTQ Officer), Alastair Bassett (LGBTQ Officer), Richard May (Website & Computing Officer), Claudia Freemantle (Women's Officer)
Absent with apologies: Isaac Rose (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Aisha Simon (Charities and RAG Officer), Harry Rimmer (John de Balliol)
Absent without explanation: Alex Mullan (Lindsay), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Foody), Colm Britchfield (Design & Maintenance Officer), Eniola Oyesanya (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Izzy Williams (Women's Officer)
- Matters Arising
- Termcard [Dan]
- Bike bag [Dan]
- Bike loan scheme [Dan]
- Sports Items [Matt]
- Website [Richard May]
- Electronic Voting [Krista & Max]
- Consent Workshops [Anna]
- Receipts [Denise]
- Matters Arising
- Picture Fund - We have too many pictures in the picture fund, taking up too much space. Ross would like to take them to a GM and propose a motion to get rid of them from the JCR.
- Balliol Discount Card - We’d like Aisha to send an update on the discount card. Tom Posa is going to help with it. AS had a meeting with the MCR President on Friday.
- Termcard [Dan]
- DT reiterated that he would like a termcard on the website. We would create this over the vac on a google doc. MD clarified that the termcard would include things that are non-committee positions, so that (for example) sports reps could add events.
- Bike bag [Dan]
- DT would like to pass ÂŁ30 to replace items such as new oil/a pump in the JCR owned bike bag.
- Bike loan scheme [Dan]
- DT proposed college owned bikes that could be loaned for a short amount of time. It would be a similar scheme to one curently in place in the MCR. CT said that this came up last committee so we should look at the minutes of those meetings. CF pointed out that space-wise it could be a problem because we have just cleared up lots of bikes in Jowett. CW said it would be unclear how people would know if a bike was available, so would there be a booking system. XC said that he would take charge on this issue. XC said that a deposit system might work.
- SB said that when he did a bike sale at the start of Michaelmas, the porters said they couldn’t sell bikes that belonged to someone at Balliol, and that the bikes that have just been impounded from Jowett should be allowed a year’s grace for people on their year abroad to pick up.
- Sports Items [Matt]
- Apart from the croquet set there is no JCR sports equipment. ML said that it would be good to have things like a Frisbee and a football. CW advocated getting a box and putting them in the TV room. I said that it would be hard to make the equipment to come back. KH said that putting the equipment with the porters would solve this problem, but there might not be space with croquet ball. JK said that there would soon be 30 lacrosse sticks in college that would need to be stored somewhere. AH said that the TV room reform could include a storage section. ML said he would bring a matter arising next term.
- Website [Richard May]
- RM needs £12 to renew the website. MD said it was just annual expenditure and didn’t need to come through a committee lunch next time. The money passed.
- Electronic Voting [Krista & Max]
- MD explained that we could use the same software as OUSU so it would be free. People would get an email with a unique code and use that to vote on their own laptop, but there would also be people in the JCR with laptops to raise awareness. CT said that in the last OUSU elections a lot of people asked their friends for their codes and voted on their behalf.
- MD said that the current voting system takes a long time to count so it would be a time-saving device. It might also increase participation. DT said that when it was done in OUSU the participation rate fell. DT clarified that electronic voting could be used for elections and referenda but probably not GM motions. ML said this should go through a GM.
- SB said that it made it easier for people to commit fraud, but overall the committee thought that it was worth bringing to a GM. RM said that having a machine to count paper votes would help with fraud and turnout arguments, but increase reliability of counting. ML said that people coming down to the JCR could help them to reflect and make proper decisions. CF said that this would help with having to have early elections for people who are away for the weekend.
- Consent Workshops [Anna]
- AH said that some other colleges have compulsory consent workshops in freshers week. AH said that she thought that women's officer could maybe bring this to a GM next term. XC said that Sarah Pine could train people on committee and others to do these workshops.
- Receipts [Denise]
- GW said that Denise wanted people to collect money from Denise who were owed money.
- Men voting for women’s officer - AH said that she thought LGBTQ positions should only be voted for by people who identify as LGBTQ. At the same time she didn’t think you should be asked how you identify. A solution might be writing on the ballot paper something along the lines of “please don’t vote in this election if the elected candidates won’t specifically represent you”. CF said that she thought this needed to be brought alongside the issue of men voting for women’s officer. There could be a whole GM motion about enfranchisement. AH said that the roles of the overseas students could be argued to effect people that aren’t international students with regards to the storage rooms. CT said people’s mental welfare state can easily change, so it would be difficult to know who should vote for Disabled Students Officer. RM said that exactly the same principal should be applied to the LGBTQ officer. JM said that he wasn’t comfortable having voting as creating a binary of whether or not these positions are relevant to each JCR member.
- Charity Musical -Â CF said that ÂŁ150 were budgeted for props and lighting and printing. ÂŁ150 was for costume. Today someone else got in touch saying that they had spent ÂŁ70 on costumes and could it be reimbursed. CF asked for ÂŁ50 from committee. The Balliol Charity Musical made ÂŁ1448. The ÂŁ50 was passed.
- Food Safety - ML said that to handle food you legally have to do a food safety course. The course is in March, but him and Daryl can’t go. There is a £75 cancellation charge each, which they didn’t know about until after it was too late to miss the charge. CW asked if there was a problem with pantry people who weren’t food safety shift. MD said that usually people work with Stephen who is trained. DT pointed out that we could only pass £50. ML said that the original cost of the course would just come out of Pantry. We voted to give the money out of pantry money.