2014 Finance Subcommittee
Date: Tuesday 4th week, Michaelmas 2014 (2014-11-04)Present: Dan Turner (President), Krista Halttunen (Vice-President (Administrative)), Georgina Wilson (Secretary), Max Dalton (Treasurer), Alex Mullan (Lindsay), Matthew Lynch (Foody), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Foody)
Matters Arising
- Pantry
- Bar
The candidates for JCR President 2015 were present (Duncan Shepherd, Matthew Lynch, Tom Posa).
Matters Arising
Pantry failed to account for Summer 8s takings in TT14.This means that they made about £513 profit, not £14 loss, not including Formal pantry takings. This means that they’re about £1500 down over the year.
Takings strong: up 11% on TT14, and 6.6% on MT13. Fresher turnout is good. Dinners are picking up. Costs are high, but should drop throughout the term: the figure is less bad when compared to previous terms. Price increases might be needed if costs go up, especially with rises in the living wage. £650 down for the term so far, but there should be increased profits in further weeks. Advertising strongly correlated with sales – may be worth increasing advertising somewhat. DT said the MCR are also interested in finding out about Pantry. Foodies to send info on to DT, who’ll pass it on to the MCR pres. Veggie pledge: lots of meat thrown out, but more veggie/vegan options, including soya milk, quorn, vegan soup, etc.
2. Bar
Fairly standard. Due to ordering mishaps, the bar is well stocked. Probably not many more orders this term. Most money comes from sports socials, which the Dean is happy with. There are some deals that they’re taken from. There are loads more socials coming. Around £2500 down on this time last year. There is data on what has been bought. Wine tasting – around £50 profits, but people stayed in the bar, and drank more. Cost of repairing the bar last term has fallen on college (although the bar made losses due to this). If we become an independent charity, we may be liable for more expenditure like this, and will increase our insurance liabilities. Finances all passed at Executive committee, quicker than usual.
Candidates left. Some staffing issues were discussed.