Ben was until this day a quiche virgin. But having been told enough times that he looks like a man who would enjoy a good quiche he thought that must change. Two weeks ago he had marked in his calendar that today would be the day he buys a quiche. So promptly at 9:15am he descended from the lofty heights of dicey into our mortal realm.
Strapping on the JCR Rollerblades he launched off in the direction of Tescos. Once inside he was like a heroin addict getting a whiff of crack each tmie he spotted the distinctive yellow and blue of a club card price label. So when the Tesco Vegetable & Sundried Tomato Quiche 400G had a reduction he couldn't stop his trembling fingers from reaching forth and putting the Tesco Vegetable & Sundried Tomato Quiche 400G into his basket.Β
A swift visit to ST 21 kitchen - horrendously vile - Β and 20 minutes later the steaming quiche was coming out of the oven.Β
It was an instant love affair. As the first crumbs of the Tesco Vegetable & Sundried Tomato Quiche 400G touched his tongue and the sweet vapours of the Tesco Vegetable & Sundried Tomato Quiche 400G flitted up his nostrils he could feel the intoxication taking over his brain. He needed more. The Roman empire was driven from his mind, and suddenly all he could think about was quiche. He had to try it all!
This would be his very first quiche. Subsequent trips down to the mortal plane would let Ben venture further and further into the seductive culinary depths of quichedom. It could almost be enough to heal the damage done all those years ago...
