Committee 2022

I’m here to act as a bridge between the college body and the student body, making sure your voices are heard and the JCR is able to continue smoothly with its many activities directed by our other committee officers! I’m always around to help or chat if you have queries or concerns - feel free to message or email me!
Vice-President (Administrative)
As (former) Vice-President administrative, I worked alongside the President with my main responsibilities being to attend college committees, liaising with/placating various people, and keeping everyone informed with mass emails etc, particularly with respect to housing issues. I also worked with the President/Drs WHO/Treasurer and other committee members in dealing with urgent situations when they arose.
Vice-President (Organisational)
As (former) Vice-President Organisational, I organised Freshers’ week and other college events such as the June Jamboree. I was here to help the Pres run things and am part of multiple college committees alongside (formerly) the VP administrative. I was also in charge of stash (and recently brought about the balliolxjuicy jogger cult)! Please get in touch with me here if you have any queries :)

As Secretary, it is my job to deal with the administrative side of the JCR. This includes taking minutes at general meetings and the weekly committee lunches, keeping the constitution and standing policy up to date, and organising the college’s annual photo day. Feel free to contact me if you have any enquiries about the JCR!

My main responsibility was keeping track of JCR finances. A particular emphasis at the moment was on ordering and organizing the bar and pantry accounts. These could then be used to ensure that prices make sense and that costs are reasonable etc. I also presented the JCR accounts to college twice a year – once at the end of HT, and once in MT, and played a role in the rent discussions that occur in Hilary of every year and sat on the college’s Sports committee.
I ran the Lindsay bar (one of the few surviving fully student run bars in Oxford.) We are known for having some of the best vibes, prices, games and obviously bartenders. ;)
As (former) DR WHOs, we were the heads of the welfare sub- committee and your resident signposts to all things welfare. We’re here to listen, help where we can and provide tea and comfort where we can’t. We ran welfare teas, maintained the JCRs stash of condoms, lube and other sexual health provisions, and were responsible for refunding prescriptions.

As (former) foodie, I got to run the pantry, a small student-run restaurant that makes cheap but tasty food! We put on events throughout term like pantry formals, and loads of people get involved whether it be through cooking or eating!

Sports Reps

As (former) sports reps, we were in charge of anything sports related at college, whether that be college teams, our gym or helping Balliol students with any queries or worries they might have! We helped captains run their teams and plan the big Cambridge sports day.

Academic Affairs and Careers Officer

As the academic affairs and careers officer, I am responsible for the academic welfare of members of the JCR. This includes advice and support with the academic procedures, organising events with a focus on academics, and attending library committee. Further, I keep the JCR informed about career events at Balliol and in the wider university.

Access and Admissions Officer
Affiliations Officer
Charities and RAG Officers
(Formerly) We plan and hold events such as the Charity Musical and the Promises Auction to fundraise for the JCR's chosen charities. We also advertise and volunteering opportunities.
Student Disabilities Officers
(Formerly) We're your student disability officers (SDOs). Our job is to ensure access arrangements are available to any students who require them and to help guide students throught the process of applying for grants through the DSA. We're also hoping to help improve the process of getting tested and diagnosed for disabilities.
Entz Officers
As (former) entz reps, we were in charge of all social activities in college. We organised bops (big JCR parties), sell and rep club events, collabed with the bar for social nights and generally tried to make student life a bit more fun.
Environment & Ethics Officers
Ethnic Minorities Officers
Hi! We're (formerly) the EMO's (Ethnic Minority Officers) at Balliol. We're essentially here to support and celebrate the BAME community within college, host fun events from different world holidays and spread awareness of cultural, racial, or religious issues!
International Students Officers
(Formerly) We know that being an inernational student comes with its own added challenges. As international reps, we are here to help ease the transition through hosting events celebrating other cultures, welfare teas, and by just being there to listen and give any advice. We want everyone at Balliol to be and feel safe, and work with the EMOs to combat discrimination based on ethnicity.
Housing Officers
(Formerly) We are responsible for sorting out all the mainsite and Jowett/Master’s Field room allocations as well as signposting students to help if they have any issues when living out or with college housing policy. We also sit on the College's Rents and Charges committee and advocate student voices alongside the JCR President.
Class Affiliations and First Generations Officers
(Formerly) CAFGO is a role that involves supporting and representing students from a disadvantaged/underrepresented background at Oxford (i.e. went to a state school, are first-generation, from a working class background, from a low-income household and/or from a region of the UK that’s underrepresented at Oxford).
LGBTQ Officers
(Formerly) We act as support and organisers on behalf of all the LGBTQ+ members of the college, which includes raising awareness for all areas of the community, supporting any member who needs emotional or financial help, but mainly organising fun events, gatherings and nights out.
IT Officer
Women's Officers


Bar Social Secretaries
Comrade Tortoise
The JCR’s (former) substitute for our real pet tortoise (Rosa Luxemburg, who was stolen by Trinity some years ago). Compete(d) with real tortoises to eat an entire lettuce at the Corpus Tortoise fair in Trinity term.
Comrade Bike Rep
I organised the bike repair box at the porter’s lodge and the ballot for bike racks at Jowett and mainsite.
John de Balliol

I am in charge of getting the new college newspaper off the ground! If you have any articles, ideas, poetry or artwork to pitch, I would love to hear from you!