2015 Finance Subcommittee

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2015 Finance Subcommittee

    Date: Friday 3rd week, Hilary 2015 (2015-02-06)


    Present: Duncan Shepherd (President), Richard May (Secretary), John Clark-Maxwell (Treasurer), Richard Ware (Lindsay), Gaetano Iannetta (Foody)

    Absent with apologies: Aisha Simon (Vice-President (Administrative))

    Absent without explanation: Michael Wrathall (Foody)


    1. Matters Arising
    2. Pantry
    3. Bar


    Matters Arising

    • The Superbowl event went very well, although the bathtub has gone missing. The bar made around £150 from selling old stock. Pantry figures are forthcoming.
    • Bop finances – we're still waiting for reports on this front. The boptail-selling wage has been reduced from £7 down to minimum wage plus a free drink.
    • The entz accounts are doing very well but have huge fluctuations due to ~£4000 loans given to College to cover freshers’ week club tickets before they come in.
    • Sky is a large drain on entz finances but is sustainable, particularly given that other colleges are beginning to sign up. John would like to do more subscription-style stuff for JCR members.
    • Refurbishments are slowly moving along.
    • Uncollected wages – individual emails are being sent out by Richard, and Denise is sending group emails. People are being chased up in person. Wages not taken in over a year will be liquidated, though they can claim them later (as a backdated payment). An email will be sent out once the wage sheets for each week will be sent out.


    • Mike is going to Zambia in 7th Week, which will cause problems for Pantry. Burgers are a low-margin item and sell poorly, and will be phased out.
    • Late-night Pantry didn’t happen this week – in recent weeks it has been a loss. It will be re-introduced next week with a new menu.
    • A breakdown of sales by time of day is not currently possible.
    • Pantry staffing will be problematic, since Guy and Mike are on Oxford Jailbreak soon. Alex Bartram has been contacted regarding doing a shift, since he’s still around in Oxford.
    • Pantry is in the red by about £180, potentially due to initial stocking expenses for the new menu.
    • Duncan suggested that a cost analysis be conducted to see which items are more popular.
    • Pantry software will be investigated over the vacation by Richard May and Alex McKenzie (the JCR Website & Computing Officer).
    • Emails advertising pantry will be sent round three times a week.
    • The involuntary staff are proving a great asset for filling slots.


    • Quieter nights are slightly busier, but busy nights are much quieter, and we’re not sure why.
    • Bar turnover is down, but profits are still good due to a large stockpile left over from previous years.
    • Despite the organisational difficulties, the bar did well financially off the ball launch night (unlike the ball committee).
    • The new bench for the pool room is being worked on. A new till will arrive soon at a cost of ~£900. It will be more sturdy than the old one, and should be expected to last the better part of a decade.
    • Emails advertising the bar will be sent round three times a week.
    • Bar accessibility: Duncan has run our ideas past Jo Roadknight and received an extremely positive response. Buildings Committee is next Wednesday, and Jo is bringing a request to have College completely finance the renovations (including the platform lift)! Unisex toilets will also be installed, funded by a donor.
    • Internal bar renovations will be carried out over Easter, probably out of the bar reserve accounts. 

    The meeting ended.