2015 Committee Lunch

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2015 Committee Lunch

    Date: Wednesday 3rd week, Trinity 2015 (2015-05-13)


    Present: Duncan Shepherd (President), Aisha Simon (Vice-President (Administrative)), Richard May (Secretary), John Clark-Maxwell (Treasurer), Richard Ware (Lindsay), Thomas Posa (Dr. WHO), Ryan Diamond (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Jess Poole (Academic Affairs and Careers Officer), Alice Farrell (Access and Admissions Officer), Xavier Greenwood (Access and Admissions Officer), Emily Webb (Charities and RAG Officer), Florence Hardy (Design & Maintenance Officer), Molly Rogers (Student Disabilities Officer), Laura Wills (Student Disabilities Officer), Daisy Pearson (Environment & Ethics Officer), Anne Williamson (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Cameron Kigonya (Ethnic Minorities Officer), Alex McKenzie (Website & Computing Officer), Charlotte Suttle (Women's Officer), Kathryn Pritchard (Women's Officer)

    Absent with apologies: Gaetano Iannetta (Foody), Michael Wrathall (Foody), Emily Barradell (Affiliations Officer), Jack Wheatley (Design & Maintenance Officer), Matthew Lynch (Entz Officer), Calum Jacobs (Environment & Ethics Officer)

    Absent without explanation: Amy Ford (Dr. WHO), James Kavanagh (Affiliations Officer), George Badger (Charities and RAG Officer), Benjamin Atueyi (Entz Officer), Colm Britchfield (John de Balliol), Oliver Johnson-Munday (John de Balliol), Indigo Wilde (LGBTQ Officer), Samuel Gibb (LGBTQ Officer)



    1. Affiliations Officer

    Main Agenda

    1. GM Attendance [Duncan]
    2. Ribbons [Duncan]
    3. Craft Keys [Molly]
    4. Buffet Dinner [Duncan]
    5. Exam Busy-ness [Duncan]




    1. Cealach McKeating was co-opted as Affiliations Officer.

    Main Agenda

    1. Duncan asked that people turn up to GMs and Committee, and that they pester their partners to do so.
    2. Duncan said that the porters normally had a supply of ribbons for exams but did not want to pay for them. We passed up to £50 to restock their supplies.
    3. Molly said that she had three keys for the craft cupboard, and wanted to give one of them to the porters and one to Duncan, and to keep one for welfare teas. We agreed this was a good idea.
    4. Rachel Quarrell wants to provide a buffet dinner this term, and wanted to know when worked. We decided to aim for towards the end of 5th week, probably Friday. Duncan will investigate this further.
    5. Duncan reminded people on Committee with exams that they could share their work with others or with the Junior Deans if necessary.


    • Jess said she's holding a talk tonight, and asked that people could turn up if they're free.
    • Emily said that OxHoli was going to be hosted at Brasenose but this seemed to be falling through, and asked if it would be possible to host it on the Jowett field. Duncan said he thought it was unlikely College would agree, but suggested she talk to Jo Roadknight.
    • Aisha asked for input and assistance with Freshers' Week, and said that they were looking at reworking the general / subject parents system. She said that the week after Freshers' Week she hoped to do tea every day in the JCR, and that she'd be looking at setting up a rota.
    • Al suggested that we get Ellie Fox a present. We passed up to £50 to Al to buy a bunch of flowers for her, and cards for the rest of the Ball Committee.
    • John said that people were getting crap at putting crockery away in Pantry, and asked that we nag people to do so.