2015 General Meeting

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2015 General Meeting

    Date: Sunday 3rd week, Trinity 2015 (2015-05-10)


    a) Matters Arising

    There are no Matters Arising from the previous GM.

    b) Passage of Motions without discussion

    The list of motions will be read out. Those motions that do not concern amendments to the Constitution or the passing of money may be passed without discussion, if there are no objections and no requests to hear more about the motion.

    c) Amendments to the Constitution

    1. Second Hearing – More Constitutional Errata [Richard May]

    This JCR notes:

    1. That “General Meeting motion” is defined at the start of the Constitution.
    2. That this term appears nowhere else in the Constitution.
    3. That “Committee Officer” is defined at the start of the Constitution.
    4. That the definition of Committee Officer is circular and unhelpful.

    This JCR believes:

    1. That unnecessary and circular definitions are unnecessary and circular.

    This JCR resolves:

    1. To strike the definition of “General Meeting motion’ from the Constitution.
    2. To strike and replace the definition of “Committee Officer’ in the Constitution with Committee Officer means a Member holding a Committee Office”.

    2. Second Hearing – Binding General Meeting Motions [Richard May]

    This JCR notes:

    1. That once we are a legally registered charity, we cannot mandate our members to do things that contradict our charitable status.
    2. That we often bring fun GM motions.
    3. That the category of ‘fun GM motions’ contains joke motions, not just amendments to governing documents.
    4. That we currently prohibit the bringing of motions that are defamatory or vexatious.

    This JCR believes:

    1. That joke motions are entertaining and important.
    2. That the fun of joke motions is spoilt by replacing all the resolves with ‘do nothing’ in order to make it Constitutional.
    3. That it would be good if we could pass joke motions in a way that was non-binding.
    4. That it should be clear whether a motion is non-binding when people are discussing and voting on it.

    This JCR resolves:

    1. To amend Part IV clause 1.5 of the Constitution, changing “Any resolution of a General Meeting […] is binding […] provided the resolution is consistent with the law, this Constitution and Standing Orders” to “Any resolution of a General Meeting […] is binding […] provided the resolution is consistent with the law, this Constitution and Standing Orders, and is not frivolous, vexatious or defamatory”.
    2. To request that, both when a motion is proposed and when voting begins, the Chair of the General Meeting makes clear whether a motion would fall under this clause and be non-binding.

    d) Amendments to Standing Orders

    There are no amendments to Standing Orders.

    e) Amendments to Standing Policy

    There are no amendments to Standing Policy.

    f) Main Agenda

    3. Edinburgh Fringe [Darcey Murphy]

    This JCR notes:

    1. That the Edinburgh Fringe is a festival where drama is performed.
    2. That attending the Fringe costs quite a bit of money.
    3. That the Drama Society has money that is to be used to promote drama which Balliol students are involved with.
    4. That Rebecca Hannon is attending the Fringe with the Production Company Peculiar Spectacles performing a show called “Somebody Out There Loves Me”
    5. That Peter Sayer is attending the Fringe with the Production Company Curious Grin Productions performing a show called “Around the World in 80 Days”.
    6. That “Around the World in 80 Days” is also being performed in Oxford and Buxton.
    7. That students have been given a £100 donation from the Drama Society to help with Fringe costs before.
    8. That the Drama Society has enough money to give £100 each to Rebecca Hannon and Peter Sayer.

    This JCR believes:

    1. That going to the Fringe is worthwhile and that it is a great place to promote drama.
    2. That £100 should help to cover some of the expenses of going.

    This JCR resolves:

    1. To give Peter Sayer £100 towards their trip to the Fringe.
    2. To give Rebecca Hannon £100 towards their trip to the Fringe.

    4. Fish [Calum Jacobs]

    This JCR notes:

    1. That there is a general need to source fish sustainably.
    2. That the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) distributes certificates to sustainable suppliers, and was ranked highest in an independent study of seafood certification programs
    3. That a few Cambridge colleges have signed the Sustainable Fish Cities Pledge, which involves MSC certificates.
    4. That Bruce would like Balliol and the JCR to support more sustainable fishing, and has done the research that informed this motion.

    This JCR believes:

    1. That Balliol could source its fish more sustainably.
    2. That sourcing fish more sustainably is a worthy goal for Balliol to have.
    3. That a system could be devised similar to the one the Cambridge colleges have adopted.

    This JCR resolves:

    1. To mandate the E&E officers to look into sustainable fishing action for Balliol.
    2. To publicly support Bruce in his campaign for more sustainable fishing at Balliol.

    5. Pilch Supplies [Conor Jordan]

    This JCR notes:

    1. That the Pilch Theatre in Jowett Walk is free to use for Balliol students.
    2. That the Pilch lacks many basic supplies and facilities.
    3. That frames for lights cost £10 each (the Pilch needs 10)
    4. That sets of 10 gels are £39.99 each (the Pilch needs 2)

    This JCR believes:

    1. That there are lots of Balliol students who would be excited to use the Pilch.
    2. That with improvements, the Pilch has the potential to be a really good space for dramatic productions within Balliol
    3. That there are lots of really effective small things which can be done, including getting frames and gels for the lighting systems.

    This JCR resolves:

    1. To allow Balliol Drama Society to spend £179.98 from its funds on:
      1. 10 Frames at £10 each; and
      2. 2 sets of gels at £39.99.


    Motions 1, 2 and 3 were summarised by their authors, and passed without discussion.

    4. Fish

    Tushar asked whether this would be manifested mainly through buying sustainable fish for Hall; Calum said that it was. Tushar then asked whether this would affect Pantry; Guy said that he was not sure.

    The motion passed.

    5. Pilch Supplies

    Conor said they were working with College to improve things in the Pilch, such as changing the lightning from analog to digital and repainting the walls, and that there were smaller things the JCR could do.

    John asked who owned the lights; Conor said that College did, but that we needed to demonstrate to College that it was used in order to get resources and support.

    John asked whether the lights could be used to improve zumba classes; Conor responded that because it was an analog system, we had to hire an ancient light desk from a shop every time we wanted to use the lights.

    John asked if we wanted a stage manager to oversee the Pilch; Conor responded that he saw this potentially becoming part of the role of the Drama President in subsequent years.

    The motion passed.

    The meeting ended.