2014 Finance Subcommittee

By admin, 30 March, 2022
Date of Meeting

    2014 Finance Subcommittee

    Date: Friday 1st week, Trinity 2014 (2014-05-02)

    Present: Dan Turner (President), Krista Halttunen (Vice-President (Administrative)), Georgina Wilson (Secretary), Max Dalton (Treasurer), Alex Mullan (Lindsay), Darryl Braier-Lorimer (Foody)

    Absent with apologies: Matthew Lynch (Foody)


    Matters Arising





    Matters Arising

    Staffing issues



    Pantry Report:

    Pantry takings were slightly down relative to Hilary last year, mostly down to a really bad 0th week. There was also no formal pantry this term. Overall there was a loss of £1,300. This seems to be down to lower takings compared to Hilary 2013. DBL said that he had heard vague mutterings that Pantry was expensive, so he is reluctant to increase prices.

    DT raised the possibility of the new till that could itemise exactly what had been bought and sold. DBL said that this had been postponed until over the long vac because a new system was needed. Formal Pantry has sold 52 tickets so far out of a possible 60. 


    Bar Report:

    AM said that the bar was “a bit of a fiasco”. The till has broken, the soft drinks tap needs a new nozzle, and the floor is broken in the pool room (though that will be sorted out by the Thames Insurance). AM said that they had a few nights this week when wage costs had been higher than takings. He hopes that this Friday will be good. At the end of 0th week this term they are down £2500 compared to this time last year. AM mentioned that when freshers are behind the bar, this might bring their friends down. We also discussed the fact that there might need to be more advertising. AM also said that the lack of pool table meant that no one came down here for the pool table. MD raised the possibility of lowering the number of people on shift. 


